death train

Chapter 1908

Yecha has already passed the hillside of Jianshan.

A moment later, the brake stops.

There are swords on both sides of the stone steps. There are some differences in those swords, which are full of battle traces, and even many of them are remnant swords.

The swords were inserted on both sides of the stone steps and went up along them.

Ye Cha didn't hesitate and stepped into it.

This time, ye Cha didn't close his eyes, and the dark color enveloped the world of Ye cha.

Ye Cha found that he was standing on an ancient city tower, and the sound of crying came from his ears.

Ye Cha looked sideways and found that the street below the tower was full of people, men and women, young and old, with fear, fear, panic, reluctance and despair on their faces.

All possible emotions in the face of death can be found in their faces.

Ye Cha looks puzzled and looks at the people on the street kneeling down on the ground, kowtowing to the sky, crying, and even bleeding their heads.

The leaf Cha looks toward the sky and is more puzzled.

There's no dark sky, no stars, nothing.

This night, the city lights, night does not put out.

This night, crying everywhere, filled the city.

Ye Cha didn't understand why those people were so afraid, so frightened, but he soon understood.

Because, the sun did not rise, the eternal night came.

There is a legend in this world that on the 99th day, when the night sets, the sun will no longer be bright, the world will fall into darkness, and eternal night will come here.

The legend is an apocalyptic prophecy, and it has come true.

Ye Cha was astonished. He had heard of the end of the world, from the mouth of the great sage.

When the eternal night comes, the world falls into loneliness, even if there are many people in the world, the end has come.

In the eternal night, people can light up the lights to escape, but they can never escape. The dark night will completely engulf the world, the light will not come, the cold will sweep the earth, and all things will be extinct.

People have to wait to die.

This is the end of the world, the process is not important, the important thing is to bring despair.

But when there is despair, there is hope.

Most people began to look for hope, walking in the paint night, looking for the lost light.

In this world, there are many ordinary people, but also some strong people standing at the top.

For example, Oriental jade.

Ye Cha also began to walk in the dark.

Ye Cha doesn't think that walking aimlessly can get the answer, or really can get the hope, what he feels is the cold.

When the eternal night comes, the most intuitive feeling of yecha is the cold. The dark world is getting colder and colder, and the temperature of the world is constantly getting lower. Sooner or later, there are only two possibilities for human beings.

The first may be death, unable to adapt to the harsh cold, only one way to perish.

The second possibility is evolution, just like the birth of amphibians. Some people say that in order to avoid extinction, terrestrial creatures went to the sea and became amphibians. Some people say that fish climbed onto the land and amphibians appeared in order to survive.

But anyway, evolution is always more difficult than death.

Yecha thinks that the end of this era is worse than zombies.

Even if zombies are rampant and ancient species are rampant, human beings can still try their best to survive.

In this world, there is no hope, just like the night.

However, what ye Cha didn't expect was that there was real hope!

It was a wilderness. There was a black line at the end of the wilderness. Behind the black line, yecha saw the light.

Or hope!

It's as if there's a will in it.

Ye Cha just walked aimlessly, but came to this wilderness, and then saw hope at the end of the wilderness.

Many people try to walk through the wilderness, trying to go to the light.

Then, those people died.

Yecha stood just before the light and saw many people come here. These people are the strong men in the world. They once dominated one side, then came here, and then died.

Finally, ye Cha saw dongfangyu.

Single sword, dusty, but still can not cover up the eternal arrogance and rampancy of Oriental jade face.

There is a tree in front of the light. There is a pool under the tree. There are white bones on the edge of the pool.

Dongfang Yu broke the bones, drank the pool water, and then made a sword.

Sword out, the world surprised!

It's not a sword in the world, it's a sword in the sky.

Dongfang Yu walked forward, crossed the black line, entered the light, and then

Ye Cha saw the sky fall down!

The dark sky collapsed directly, just like a wave, covering the sky below, like smoke, water, fog, pouring down.Dongfang Yu sneered and then raised her sword to the night.

Yecha felt as if his body had been pulled, and the scenery around him was distorted and changed. When yecha came back, he came to the cloud and was in the dark.

The next moment, a sword light appeared, bright and cold, it seemed to cut the dark night, lit up the earth, and then the sword light came to yecha.

That's the sword light of Oriental jade.

The leaf Cha peeps out the surprised color, then all around of the night toward front close, will that sword light to hit of smash.

Ye Cha looked at the Oriental jade that was coming towards him, and seemed to understand something.

It seems that he wants to fight with dongfangyu instead of this dark night?

It doesn't matter that ye Cha grins. The process is not important, and the reason is not important, because ye Cha knows that what comes here is only his own consciousness, and he is still on Jianshan.

After winning Dongfang Yu, ye Cha can continue to go up Jianshan.

The next moment, the second sword light came, and ye Cha didn't hesitate. A lot of electric current poured out around his body, constantly running around, and then gathered in front of Ye Cha's body, forming a thunder sword to chop down.


The thunder sword collided with the flying sword light and made a loud noise.

All around the night like clouds in general crazy turnover, leaf brake feel chest a shock, it was constantly pushed away.

Ye Cha reached out and wiped the corners of his mouth. There was blood.

Oriental jade, so strong.

Better than ever!

Ye Cha stood at the far end and looked down at Dongfang Yu. They looked up and down at each other. In a moment, Dongfang Yu shot again.

A sword from the sky.

It was a big virtual sword. It was so huge that it fell from the air. Even, it was so terrible that the sword was above the lacquer night.

The leaf Cha lightly drinks a, have no choice, looking at that Sky Sword Pierced lacquer night, then again welcomed up.

The sword light is cold!

The leaf brake hand holds this is a sword, a sword toward the sky dint of dint.

When a sword comes out, the light of the sword turns into twenty-four.

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge!

The light of the sword from this sword quickly met the sky sword.

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