death train

Chapter 1909

The light of the sword flew away and hit the sky sword quickly. The sound of impact kept ringing, and then the sky sword became pitted and small holes were pierced.

However, in the next moment, the sword suddenly burst, and the strength of Qi was swinging around.

Ye Cha's chest was hit, and he felt a burst of stuffy. His body was like a sea of mountains and rivers, and his mouth could not help lying down with blood.


The leaf Cha low roars a, the shadow behind suddenly elongates, crazily spreads toward all around, very quickly, unexpectedly fuses with the night around, crazily spreads toward all around.

"Die for me!"

The broken sky sword was wrapped up by the shadow. With a twist of force, the sky sword was smashed.

Ye Cha's attack was different. The shadow quickly shrouded downward and fell toward the Oriental jade.

Dongfangyu sword again.

The energy of the sword is three thousand li!

Dongfang jade stabs out with a sword. The sword is shining, and the radiance shines brightly on the lacquer night in the sky.

The next moment, the sword Qi collided with the falling shadow, a huge roar sounded, and the black shadow was torn into pieces.

Dongfang Yu drinks lightly and suddenly jumps up.

Turn the body into a sword!

Dongfang Yu is like a sword out of sheath, rushing out into the air crazily.

Sharp and unstoppable!

When Dongfang Yu swept towards the sky, the black lacquer night was cut open by Dongfang Yu, tearing a huge crack.

The next moment, the sword through the sky.

Dongfang Yu came directly to the clouds and left the shadow of the night.

Enjoy the light alone!

Dongfang Yu's figure gradually disappeared, and the night around yecha also disappeared. Soon, yecha found himself back on the mountain road.


Ye Cha stabbed this sword to the ground, supported his body, opened his mouth fiercely, and spat out a mouthful of blood again.

Dongfangyu stood at the top of the peak, holding a dish and bowl with clear wine in it.

See ye Cha kneel down, East jade cold hum a way: "waste."

Dongfang Yu raised her hand and swept forward, and the wine spilled out toward the bottom.

Drink like a sword!

The wine spilled out, not towards the ground, but towards the mountain road. Every wine turned into a sword, towards the direction of the leaf brake.

Poof, poof, poof

Ye Cha's body even in three swords, clench teeth, strong support has not fallen down, and then fiercely raised the sword toward the front of a sweep.

With one sword, the remaining liquor was chopped by Ye cha.

Ye Cha took a deep breath and went to the top of the mountain again.

One step, two steps, three steps

Yecha ascends the peak.

The peak is not spacious. Close to the cliff, there is a table with wine pots, dishes and bowls. They are very old things.

Dongfang Yu looked at Ye Cha with a bad look, but said: "sit down."

Ye Cha sits down in front of the table. Dongfang Yu sits on the other side and drinks directly. After a while, Dongfang Yu says, "who are you?"

Ye Cha said: "Ye Cha!"

Dongfang Yu suddenly laughed and said, "you have a secret. I know it."

Ye Cha was silent, then he looked at Dongfang Yu and said, "don't you? Why else are you still alive, and why are you here? "

Dongfang Yu said, "I've never died. It's just my sword."

Dongfang Yu was silent for a moment, and then said, "I come from the end of the eternal night."

Ye Cha said, "I see it."

Dongfang Yu said: "in my time, above the mortals, the pursuit of physical limit, peep at the will of heaven, against the will of heaven, extraordinary achievements."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "fix an immortal?"

"There is no immortal in this world. If there is, you can call the wind and the rain. Are you an immortal?" Dongfang Yu disdained to say: "or to use the words you know, it's biological evolution, breaking through self limit. However, this kind of evolution is not only physical, but also the integration of essence, Qi and spirit. Until one day, when eternal night came, there was no saying of the end of the world. It was thought that heaven and earth were angry and brought disaster to the human world. Therefore, the saying of immortals was right. At that time, there was no saying of the end of the world Many people believe in this kind of Shendao. "

Ye Cha nodded and made a gesture of listening.

Dongfang Yu said: "what I realized at that time was Kendo, and I became it. Three thousand Kendo belonged to me. At that time, there were three strongest people in the world, one sword and one Taoist. I was the sword among them. After the coming of eternal night, only the three of us stepped through the night and found the light."

Ye Cha knows that the main play is coming. If eternal night is a form of doomsday, what does light represent? Hope? Or the end of the end?

Dongfang Yu laughed and said: "after the light, there is no light!"Ye Cha said, "I don't understand."

Dongfang Yu said: "as we said at that time, heaven and earth are small cages. If we want to get rid of ourselves, we think that piece of light is the end of everything. We fought against Yongye together, and then entered the light. Even, in order to get rid of ourselves, we three fought one battle. I won, and the other two died. But I thought I won, but I didn't think that piece of light After the light there is still darkness

Ye Cha frowned and said, "what does darkness mean?"

Dongfang Yu said, "the place of origin."

Ye Cha was surprised and said, "do you mean that after you walk out of the eternal night, you come to the place of origin?"

"Yes." Dongfang Yu looked at Ye Cha and said, "you have seen the end of the world many times in the column tower. You should be very clear that the end of the world is irresistible. Then, do you know why the end of the world is irresistible?"

Ye Cha shakes his head.

Dongfang Yu said, "because the end of the world is a will."

Ye Cha said: "I am more confused."

Dongfang Yu said, "just as the king of hell wants you to die at the third watch and not live to the fifth, this is an inevitable will, so it can't be countered."

Ye Cha said: "that is to say, someone wants the end of the world to appear, so the end of the world must appear, so whose will is that?"

Dongfang Yu said: "no one, only will."

Ye Cha frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "I still don't understand."

"At your level, it's normal not to understand, you don't feel that will." Dongfang Yu is still so annoying, but ye Cha can only choose to listen quietly.

Dongfang Yu said: "this kind of will is hard to say clearly. You can't see him or touch him, but he really exists. Just like luck, you can't see or touch it, but can you deny the existence of luck? Of course, what I mean by will is not so simple, just like a kind of inevitability. He does not help people make choices, but because of his existence, there will always be inevitability in the direction of the world. "

Ye Cha a face of blankness, obviously more don't understand, still don't understand what Oriental jade is saying.

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