death train

Chapter 1936

Ye Cha immediately jumped out with his sword. After a lunge, he swept by with his sword and cut off the heads of two zombies. Then he grabbed Ming Hai's back collar and threw Ming hai to the rear.

Those zombies are as many as the tide, which is just a moment's delay. They rush into the room crazily and fill the room in the blink of an eye.

Ming Hai shouts, "if you don't, it's over."

Ye chaxi abused: "you can't die, what are you afraid of?"

Minghai said angrily: "such a small place, you can't run away even if you live. You want to see my infinite death cycle!"

Ye Cha laughed, and then spread out his palm, and then a large flame spread wildly towards the front, and pushed around, and the zombies fell down like half mowing.

Ye Cha waved his hand and said, "go."

Ye Cha came to the door and put out his hand to the front.


Invisible force forward, will block in the door also want to influx of zombies to push out, and then leaf brake step out.

Looking around, ye Cha was a little relieved. The zombie is not infinite. Of course, the word infinite is not right. There is no infinite possibility of zombie tide. It should be said that the number of zombies is not as much as imagined.

Behind the door is a larger space, surrounded by five transparent glass pipes. The zombies come to the door from the glass pipes, which will be very orderly and will not completely block the door.

This is a simple trap. It's nothing more than transporting zombies from one room to another. The danger is sudden. When you open the door, you suddenly encounter an attack, block the first batch, and have the ability to kill a large number of zombies. This trap is useless.

"Lava Burst!"

The leaf Cha low drinks a, a fist toward the front blast, the flame twines the arm, then turns into the magma to fly toward the front and rush out, quickly clear and kill a zombie again.

Ming Hai pointed to the side and said, "there is a door."

Ye Cha nodded and swept out a sword. The zombies fell to the ground one after another, and their heads were gone.

When ye Cha comes to the side, the door is locked. Ye Cha claps the lock off with his backhand. When he exits the room, he throws a fireball into the room, and then closes the door and leaves.


There was an explosion in the back.

Maybe this blow can't make all the zombies die, but it doesn't matter. Even if it can't be blown up, the zombies in the room will no longer have combat power in a short time and can't be chased out.

And outside the door is a corridor, left and right sides are exactly the same, there is no special place, in this case, the leaf brake is also randomly choose one side forward.

About a quarter of an hour, the corridor came to an end.

Ming Hai looked around and said in surprise, "is this a military base?"

There is a large space at the end of the corridor. The front is the access road, and on both sides are armed jeeps. There are about a dozen on each side. At the end of the corridor are two bombers. In addition, there are countless ammunition boxes piled up in the rear. At the same time, there are two huge square things. I don't know what they are. Because they are covered with canvas, we can only see the general shape from the outline of the corner .

"There is no entrance and exit," he said

Minghai said, "yes, up there."

Ye Cha looked up and saw that there were really a few small windows. You have to go there, but this is a strange place.

If the back of the air window is empty, there's no reason not to set a passage.

Ye Cha said, "let's go and have a look."

Ye Shaxian is careful. It's strange to come to a military material warehouse. It's especially strange that there's only one passage and one warehouse.

But no matter how strange it is, we have to move forward. If we encounter strange things, we will retreat. It is estimated that ye Cha can't leave this place for ten and a half years.

About ten meters ahead, suddenly


The gate of the passage suddenly closed and made a loud noise.

The next moment, the lights of the surrounding armed vehicles were on at the same time, aiming at Ye Cha and Ming Hai.

Ye Cha said: "sure enough, it's still a trap."

Ming Hai said: "waste what words, run."

Ming Hai all the way forward, around the car loaded with machine guns, without any stop, the first is time to fire.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

Bullets like rain!

Countless bullets flew forward, and at the same time, the vehicle started and ran into yecha and Minghai.

Ye Cha took a deep breath, and then the shadow behind suddenly lengthened, and then the corpse flower vine rushed out crazily, and flew out all around.

The corpse flower vine is like a boa constrictor. It blocks all the bullets around it, and then starts to hit the vehicle, knocking it over.

This level of trap can only be regarded as a small battle, but ye Cha is not in the eye.

But at this time

Suddenly there was a scream in the air, and then Ming Hai's body crossed from the air and bumped into the ground in front of Ye cha.Ming Hai twitched on the ground and said, "there are more fierce ones ahead."

Ye Cha's side face saw that the canvas on the cube was pulled open, and there was a cage inside. Then ye Cha's brow was deeply wrinkled.

"Fat Dragon?"

The one in front of Ye Cha seems to be fat dragon, but it doesn't seem to be.

He was naked on his upper body, and his lower body was a pair of wide leather trousers. On his face, he wore a metal mask covering his mouth. There were many infusion pipes flowing green liquid inside the mask, which were connected to Feilong's neck.

At the same time, on Feilong's back, there is a piece of metal in the position of the spine. There are holes in the piece of metal, and a metal syringe with the thickness of the wrist is inserted in the hole.

In addition to these two places, there are similar devices on Feilong's wrists and ankles. The wrists and ankles are connected with an infusion tube inside to continuously inject green liquid into Feilong's body.

Ye Cha took off the mask of the Apostle and said, "Fat Dragon, it's me!"


The answer to Ye Cha was a roar. Feilong opened his mouth angrily and saliva flowed down from the corner of his mouth.

Ye Cha frowns. The situation is not quite right.

Feilong is indeed mentally deficient, but it's obviously not an IQ problem now. Feilong's performance is like a ferocious beast. Lack of intelligence does not mean that he can't think or understand other people's words.

It's like a computer processor. There's something wrong with the other's processor, which leads to slow speed.

But now it's different. Feilong seems to have completely lost his human thinking ability.

At this time, Dr. wittsell's voice sounded in the loudspeaker of an armed vehicle which was not completely damaged on the side: "this guy is your companion, isn't he? So, as a gift, I gave him back to you, but whether he can recognize you is another matter. Then, I'm curious, will you kill your companion? "

When Dr. wittsell finished, he burst out laughing.

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