death train

Chapter 1937

Dr. wittsell appears. It's clear that the fat dragon has become a useless dragon.

Ye Cha can probably guess the situation, be caught, dead or half dead, and then be transformed into the present appearance of no man and no ghost.

At the same time, Feilong has rushed towards the leaf brake, just like a tank. The sound of his feet is especially heavy. Every time he steps out, the embedded steel plate on the ground will sink.

A corpse flower vine toward the fat tornado in the past, the Fat Dragon did not have the slightest meaning to avoid, direct fist bombardment.


When Feilong's fist hit the corpse flower vine, the vine was directly broken into countless pieces scattered around.

The limit of physical fitness evolution is that urine, a word is to do, either to kill others, or to be killed by others, there is no second choice.

To tell you the truth, yecha is actually envious of the extreme physical fitness evolutors.

Of course, it's not made by hand, but by Feilong. They are not the same level at all.

For example, there are some people on the death train who are dedicated to improving their physical fitness. They buy a lot of physical fitness enhancers, and their ability to choose is to improve their physical fitness. The fight is also very direct, that is, they rely on their fists to fight.

In fact, in the early days, these people were known as the extreme evolutors of physical fitness, and they were also the pioneers and inventors of this way.

But it has also been proved that this type of guy can really get powerful combat power in the early and even the middle stage. Suppose that both of them have 2000 gold skull coins and buy everything on the death train. If one of them adopts this method to improve, then the 100% probability can be used to hang the other. The advantage is too great.

However, with the passage of time, this advantage will be infinitely reduced, and then reversed, and finally even fall into an absolute disadvantage.

The reason is very simple. The key to this kind of people's ability is the medicament for strengthening their physical quality. Even if they have other strengthening abilities, most of them depend on the percentage. The stronger their physical quality is, the greater the role their ability plays. On the contrary, if their physical quality is not high, the upper limit of their ability is low.

The characteristics of physical quality enhancer are very distinct. It is very obvious to improve in the early stage, just like muscle training. It is relatively easy to train lines in the early stage. However, if you are a muscular man, you need to increase the amount of training, and practice crazily, and the effect is not obvious.

It's the same with the medicaments for physical fitness enhancement. After reaching a certain degree, the improvement is very weak, and it's half the effort to continue taking them. Therefore, the initial investment in the medicaments for physical fitness enhancement can improve rapidly, but the later the more ineffective it is, and the input and output are totally out of proportion.

This kind of extreme evolutionist of physical fitness is called man-made. In the early days, he was strong and the upper limit was very low. In fact, he was a failure. Nowadays, there are almost no such people, because he is not qualified to be called a strong man and can not become a strong man. When the other party grows up to a certain extent, he stops.

The real limit evolutor of physical fitness is Feilong. He doesn't take any medicine to strengthen his physical fitness at all. He can get stronger through food intake. To a certain extent, Feilong is a new human form organism, not human.

It's really powerful. Unfortunately, it's the same with other human beings and super human beings. It depends on talent and luck. It can't be made the day after tomorrow.

What ye Cha envies is this one. He can become strong just by eating. This is the man favored by God.

And then

"Feel the user's desire for power, which is triggered by the character of demigod."

"Half man and half god Lv2: if you want to, you are God!"

"Half human and half god character random acquisition ability: manwang!"

Manwang (temporary) (strengthening ability) (physical ability): within 15 minutes, your physical fitness will be increased by 50%, and you can freely adjust your physical attributes.

Life is so dramatic. Yecha didn't deliberately trigger the character of half human and half god this time, but it did. Moreover, it is the most needed ability of yecha at present.

Frankly speaking, ye Cha thinks it's troublesome to deal with Feilong.

The extreme evolution of physical fitness is not only powerful, but also has the ability of regeneration and self-healing, which is very high. It is similar to the ancient species of King level or even extraordinary level. They have strong fighting ability, and are very resistant to beating. Even if ye Cha uses the power of an apostle, he will not be able to handle it for a while.

But with manwang

That's two different things.

Looking at the Fat Dragon came to his front, ye Cha clenched his fist without hesitation.


The next moment, ye Cha blows out and collides with Feilong's fist.


The sound of tearing flesh and blood appeared, followed by the blood mist.

Fat Dragon elbow position, a bone suddenly pierced out, the whole arm are distorted, head up, Fat Dragon crazy roar.

The limit evolution of physical fitness?

Ye Cha admits that he is only better than his physical fitness. He is far away from Feilong. He is not at the same level at all.Of course, strength is the same, but what about adjusting other attributes of the body to strength?

That's another matter. No matter how strong Feilong's physical quality is, it's impossible to reach this level.

The next moment, ye Cha adjusted the attributes of his physical fitness to speed, and then his figure flashed. Without any shadow left, he came to the side of Feilong and threw his fist at his stomach.


After one punch, ye Cha couldn't help frowning.

Fat Dragon's defense is wonderful, relying on the fat.

The fat meat is very elastic. When ye Cha blows up, you can feel that he has been removed. The fat meat is sunken, and ye Cha's fist is deep in it. It feels like hitting cotton.

"Ah, ah..."

Fat Dragon is also crazy roaring at this time, roaring loudly, one arm has been temporarily disabled, but fat dragon has another arm.

The palm of Pu fan is big to lift, toward the leaf Cha ruthlessly clap to fall down.


Feilong's palm fell, the steel plate on the ground was twisted in a moment, and the ground below exploded, blowing up a large amount of dust.

But when the dust is gone

No one!

The leaf brake is not in the dust. When Feilong's palm falls, the leaf brake has already dodged to get out of the way. Then when the dust is dispersed, the leaf brake moves at a high speed again and returns to Feilong in an instant.

Click, click!

Ye Cha clenched his fist, and his knuckles kept making a sound.

Since the soft part of the body is covered with fat, it is difficult to cause effective damage, so we can only go to the hard part of the body.

That's bone


It's joints!

The next instant, the leaf brake clenched fist, then toward Fat Dragon's knee to blow out.

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