death train

Chapter 1938


Feilong's knee was smashed by Ye Cha's fist, and then he knelt down on the ground.

The next moment, the leaf brake pinched the collar on the Fat Dragon's neck, forced to tear it off, and hit the Fat Dragon's head.


Fat Dragon's temple directly sunken down a piece, blood crazy general toward the outside spray out, make the leaf brake all over the body.

Ye Cha wiped his face, then Feilong fell to the ground and couldn't get up, and the pool of blood slowly swung around.

Feilong is still very difficult to deal with. When ye Cha was still the purser, ye Cha was not sure about Nie Po's strength, because Nie Po was a thief and had something to hide.

After excluding Nie Po, the strongest is probably Feilong. Ye Yue is also very strong. He still has seven points to win against Feilong. But that's because Feilong's head is hard to use. If he has hard power, Feilong is even better than ye Yue.

Unfortunately for Fat Dragon, ye Cha could not easily kill Fat Dragon by using the power of the Apostle and Dongfang Yu's swordsmanship, but who let half man and half God out of manwang's ability? This ability is the nemesis of the extreme evolution of physical fitness. No matter how terrible the extreme evolution of physical fitness is, it can't be compared to concentrating all the physical characteristics on one attribute.


The applause broke out suddenly.

The next moment, Dr. wittsell's voice sounded again: "cruel enough, I like it. I didn't expect that you didn't say anything about it."

Ye Cha said: "if I kill him, or he kills me, how can I be compassionate? What's more, I know your means, even if I don't die, can he survive? Or, even if you survive, you can only become a remote-controlled machine, can't you? It's better to die. "

"Hey, hey." Dr. wittsell said with a smile, "I'll wait for you to come to me."

Ye Cha said: "since you want my body so much, you should open the door and let me go to you."

Dr. wittsell once again said with a smile: "I admit that you are very valuable, but I want to know how high your value is. If you can't appear in front of me, it means that your value is not as high as I thought. Therefore, I am looking forward to your arrival."

The leaf Cha way: "that waits."

Dr. wittsell said with a smile: "well, after thinking about it, I'd like to give you a small discount. After all, the trap in front of you is not too much trouble, so it's not a waste of time. There's a secret road under the right fighter plane."

When Dr. wittsell finished, the voice disappeared.

Ye Cha came to the bottom of the fighter plane, reached out and knocked on the floor. He didn't find anything strange. If he looked for it normally, he would not find a secret passage in this place.


The leaf Cha raises the fist to blow to fall, after smashing the ground a piece, a stair then revealed.

Ming Hai had been alive for a long time. He came to Ye Cha and said, "can I be reliable?"

Ye Cha said: "it doesn't matter whether we can rely on it or not. Since Dr. wittsell has found my position, it's easy to find trouble for me. He doesn't necessarily need this way to lure me. Of course, he can't be so kind. But since we have to move forward, there is no choice. Any danger is the same. Anyway, we can only move forward."

The leaf Cha side says then, the side follows the metal stair to begin to go down.

The metal staircase is rotary, with a huge metal column in the center, circling down the staircase.

Ye Cha all the way down, side way: "this hive may be more trouble than imagined."

Minghai said: "how to say?"

"I don't think that CommScope can resist the death train and the Apostle walking. Now, it seems that CommScope has found a way to resist," he said

Ming Hai suddenly said: "that fat man just now?"

Ye Cha nodded his head and said: "people who are dead or maimed can be used by CommScope to make remoulding people and then use them to resist attacks. To say the least, remoulding is troublesome and takes time. But what if we give these dead people an injection of mutated virus? These are not ordinary people. After being infected with zombie virus, the probability of becoming a mutant zombie is very high. It is also a headache to throw it in each area and attack it indiscriminately. "

Minghai thought about it and said, "this move is really poisonous."

Ye Cha said: "they've been fighting in other people's home. Are they still polite to you? We can only pray that some experts will not fall into the hands of CommScope. "

For example, Feilong and yecha dare to guarantee that although they don't know how CommScope makes Feilong useless, Dr. wittsell doesn't know the danger of Feilong at all. Maybe simple transformation control will be released. If he is willing to study Feilong's body, he will find that Feilong is absolutely a killer.

Ye Cha even dares to say so. Under the Deputy conductor, anyone who meets Feilong has a headache. Nie Po can't easily get benefits when he sees Feilong.

Therefore, it's a mistake to let Feilong out to fight ye cha. The correct usage is to throw Feilong out to kill people. This kind of guy is powerful and can bear beating. It's hard to kill. It's definitely a big killer.Thinking, the leaf brake came to the bottom of the stairs, in front of, there is a door.

There is a screen by the door. After flashing a few times, Dr. wittsell reappeared and said: "let me remind you, don't say I don't take care of you. Go straight from here, you can find the dining area. Leave from the dining area, you can see the area bridge. Pass a reservoir from the area bridge, you can reach the periphery of the core area. Of course, I'll tell you what you will encounter I don't promise. Good luck in the end. "

Ming Hai couldn't help saying, "what does this old guy mean? Is it an enemy or a friend? "

Ye Cha explained: "this old guy wants my body to be an experiment object. Naturally, he wants me to pass as soon as possible. However, it's also a kind of trouble for him that I appear in front of him intact. Therefore, if he doesn't want to kill me, he doesn't mind giving me some trouble and making me half dead."

Ye Cha said as he pushed the door. The door was unlocked and opened outwards.

Ye Cha said: "you see, this is the convenience he gave me, but that's all."

The entrance is a corridor. The door is located at the break of the corridor. There are passageways on both sides.

Yecha randomly chooses to move forward. This place is so quiet that he can't hear any sound. No, it's more amazing about the technology of CommScope. Theoretically, this place should be full of people, but he can't even see ghosts. It can only be said that the beehive is stronger than he thought.


Suddenly, ye Cha stretched out his hand, then squatted on the ground. In the corner of the corridor, there was a torn wrapping paper.

Ye Cha picked up the wrapping paper and said, "it's the energy bar."

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