death train

Chapter 1939

Energy bars are made of chocolate, peanuts and biscuits. They are high in calories, fat and cholesterol. They can make beautiful women faint and kill their bodies.

However, the energy bar is the most common ration when the death train is on the mission. It is simple, easy to take and easy to eat. Two can hold a meal.

Why is Ye Cha so clear? Bullshit? He used to be a member of the death train. He also carried this thing when he was on a mission.

The wrapping paper with the energy bar naturally means that someone, ye Cha, is on guard for a few minutes and slowly goes forward.

Ming Hai is about to open his mouth to catch up with him. A figure suddenly hangs upside down from the upper vent pipe. In his hand, a rope sleeve covers Ming Hai's neck. Then he pulls it up. After Ming Hai is pulled into the air, the rope sleeve quickly tightens and strangles Ming Hai's neck.

"Wu, Wu..."

Throat was strangled, Ming Hai can only make a very slight sound, hands and feet constantly struggling, want to knock on both sides of the wall, but found himself unable to touch.

Leaf Cha as if nothing found like to continue to move forward.

And then

Shining sword!

Ye Cha suddenly took out his hand, but he didn't save Ming Hai. Instead, he cut the ventilation pipe four or five meters away with a sword, and the pipe collapsed.

Ye Cha turned around and said, "you can't run away."

Ye Cha doesn't care whether he saves Minghai or not. He just cuts the ventilation pipe so that he can't escape.

A moment later, the other side released the rope and Ming Hai fell to the ground. His head tilted and he was out of breath.

The other side looked at Ye Cha and slowly spread out their hands. It was obviously meant to fight, but at this time

"Hoo, Hoo..." Ming Hai fiercely sat up from the ground and said: "suffocate me."

The man was scared to death by Minghai. After all, half a minute ago, Minghai was completely out of breath. Then he instinctively turned around and ran. It was normal for him to choose to fight and escape.

Ming sea a fly to pounce, a hug the other party's thigh way: "dare to kill the small ye, where to run."

The other side struggled twice, then raised his foot and stepped on Minghai's head. Minghai didn't care, and opened his mouth to bite back on the other side's calf.

Two people entangled for a moment, leaf Cha finally slowly came over, directly a punch bang in each other's stomach.


The man snorted, the whole person hit the wall, the steel plate on the wall instantly sunken a piece, the whole person of the other party was inlaid in.

Ye suddenly pinched each other's throat and said with a smile: "it's good to suffocate and die. I hope you don't have tears and runny nose."

"Wait a minute." The man yelled, "I'm just testing your strength to see if you have the value of union."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "well, after the trial, you have no value to me at all."

The palm of leaf Cha increases strength, the face of the other side suddenly changes of cyan purple rise, breathing unevenly.

The man struggled and cried, "we are ready to unite for a while, including your apostles walking."

"Oh?" The leaf brake sends to open a hand, the other side falls on the ground, the leaf brake way: "what meaning?"

The man pointed to the front and said, "gather in front, about seven or eight. There are those who have your apostles walking. They have decided to unite temporarily."

Ye Cha said: "the reason for the Union?"

The humanist said, "I can't go ahead."

The leaf Cha way: "why don't pass?"

I don't know


Ye Cha drew his sword and wiped his opponent's throat, leaving a blood line.

Minghai said: "it's killing. Are you not interested in that alliance?"

Ye Cha said: "I'm interested, but he didn't join the alliance. Someone must have invited him, but he refused."

Minghai said, "how do you know that?"

Ye Cha said: "nonsense, if he joined the alliance, how could he ambush us here? Why don't you know why you can't get by? To say the least, I will kill him no matter what. I won't trust the people who have attacked me. There will be two things in one thing. "

Ye Cha took back his sword and walked forward.

It became interesting. Dr. Wicksell showed himself a way, but it didn't seem to work. What's the matter?

About a quarter of an hour later, I saw a metal door, half closed, with a sign on the side. This is the dining area of the area. It's normal. People working in the hive also have to eat.

Ye Cha pushed the door and entered. At the moment when he stepped in, a revolver stood against Ye Cha's head, a figure fell from the air, and then a dogleg curved knife was put on Ye Cha's neck. At the same time, there was another person in front of Ye Cha's body, half squatting, holding Ye Cha's clothes.

Leaf Cha is very indifferent, shrugged a shoulder, about to hand, suddenly a voice rang out: "I advise you don't hand to him, will die."Very familiar sound, leaf Cha side face sees past, a dining table in the corner, leaf Yue is cocking a leg, holding bottle coke to drink in the hand.

On the other side, another voice said, "I agree with her."

Ye Cha turned his face to the other side and was a little surprised. On the other side of the wall stood a man with his arm against the wall. It turned out to be noe.

Ye Cha suddenly opened his hand.

It's too late!

The electric current suddenly surged up on the leaf brake. The three people who surrounded the leaf brake were caught off guard. They were hit by the electric current and quickly flew out.

Ye Cha went into the dining room and said, "it's interesting. Are you really mixed up? What's going on? "

Ye Cha glanced at the dining room. Besides the three people who had surrounded him before, ye Yue and noe, there were two people, a total of seven people, five men and two women, two apostles walking, and five people on the dead train.

Noe said, "it's a bit of trouble to unite for the time being. Are you alone?"

Minghai said, "and me."

Noy ignores Minghai. This guy can't fight. He doesn't need to be seen. It's a happy thing that ye Cha appears here.

Ye Cha sat down and said, "talk about it."

Among the three people who were shocked by the leaf brake, one of them was dissatisfied and said: "Damn, who is this guy?"

Ye Yue said with a smile: "this is a question. Now I call you the former purser? Or the son? "

The man was shocked and said, "yecha?"

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and ye Cha's name on the death train are not weak. At least they were once the purser. Of course, compared with the position of purser, they escaped from the hands of the conductor and killed a large number of crew members in the pursuit. Even the conductor had to start a new assessment of crew members, which made Ye Cha more famous on the death train.

This kind of reputation will not disappear because yecha leaves. On the contrary, it will be remembered more in the short term, because yecha is already an enemy, an enemy that needs great attention.

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