death train

Chapter 1940

Ye Yue puts down her hand, signals others to disperse, and then comes to Ye Cha and sits down.

Noe hesitated for a moment, said a few words to the apostles around him, and then came to yecha.

"Not bad." Ye Cha looked at Ye Yue and said, "now there are a lot of thugs, although the quality is poor."

Ye Cha didn't deliberately lower his voice, which was quite ironic, but the meaning of not lowering his voice was that he didn't care. This group of people didn't see enough. Sure enough, no one dared to ask for trouble when he knew who ye Cha was.

Ye Yue said: "I'm the strongest, so listen to me. Of course, let's get down to business?"

Ye Cha said: "before we get down to business, in order to show sincerity, I think you should first talk about the task of the death train at the terminal, but I'm very curious."

Ye Yue said: "there's nothing I can't say. I told him that the task of this station is to survive. It's up to you to believe it or not

The leaf Cha Leng next way: "did not have?"

Ye Yue said, "no more."

Ye Cha said: "you come to the city of doomsday, and then the task is to live?"

Ye Yue said: "well, there is a misunderstanding when the apostles walk here. They think we are attacking the city of doomsday."

Ye Cha said: "isn't it?"

"No, it's CommScope attacking us," she said

Ye Cha was shocked and said, "ah?"

Ye Yue said: "the death train directly appeared here, and then the people of CommScope attacked and brought us here. In short, I think the task of this station should be to escape from the hive and the city of doomsday."

Ye Cha said, "where is the zero apostle?"

Ye Yue said: "it is said to be here, but it has nothing to do with our mission. The death train has not released any related missions."

Ye Cha said: "it's so strange. It's a little strange I can't believe it. "

Ye Yue said: "so I said, believe it or not depends on you. This is the current situation."

Ye Cha said: "what about the conductor and the Deputy conductor? Should it be here? "

Ye Yue said: "malfarian is here. I saw him get off the bus. Gan Lin should be there. Before entering the hive, although I didn't see her, I saw the river Styx."

Ye Cha nodded, and the river Styx should be Gan Lin's unique ability.

Ye Cha said: "conductor?"

Ye Yue said, "I don't know about this."

Ye Cha said, "well, what about the current situation?"

Ye Yue said: "we want to leave the beehive, but this place is too big to speak of, and like the maze, I also found some clues. Some of the channels here are deliberately moving, such as the train changing tracks. Do you know?"

Ye Cha nodded and said, "well."

The track of the train can be connected. When the console starts the switch, the track can be obliquely connected with the track on the side, and then the train can change track.

Ye Yue said: "the passage here is almost the same. It can also be like this. For example, the upper and lower passages suddenly connect with the lower passage, and the lower passage connects with the lower passage. It can also move up and across. In a word, if the control center of the honeycomb doesn't want us to leave, it can completely trap us here, and it's almost impossible to walk Get out. "

"Oh." Ye Cha suddenly said: "your current destination is the control center?"

Ye Yue said: "yes, destroy the control center, or take over the control center to leave here."

Ye Cha said: "violence and destruction?"

Ye Yue said: "maybe, maybe not, but it's a big place. It's certainly a huge expense to destroy it all the way. If I'm trapped here, I'll leave in this way, but in fact there are many dangers here. I don't want to be bitten off by a zombie when I'm exhausted."

Ye Cha nodded, and then said, "I understand. I can say that I'm serious."

"I think I've found my way to the core area, right in front of me, but it's not easy to get there," she said

The leaf Cha way: "many not easy?"

Ye Yue said: "the other side has set up a dense array, and there may be a metal storm."

Ye Cha Leng next, hold back for a long time just way: "I went."

The full name of dense array is mk15 Vulcan dense array system, which is an early thing loaded on warships and can automatically search, detect, evaluate, track and attack targets in short range defense weapon system.

Later, through research, this system was not only used for warships and artillery systems, but also flexibly used in various weapons. It became a set of multi-functional armed defense system. It cooperated with blockhouses and other things to set up dense arrays. The firepower was very terrible.

As for metal storm, it is a cutting-edge military technology. The weapon launching system has no traditional mechanical operating parts, and is mainly composed of ammunition barrel, electronic pulse ignition node, electronic control processor, etc.

If you can't feel the horror of the metal storm, put it in a simpler way.Metal storm claims to fire a million bullets per minute!

When ye Cha thought about it, he felt headache. However, these two kinds of weapons also have shortcomings. They are defensive weapons. They can be used at fixed points and in area defense. They can't be used for attack.

However, ye Cha felt that this defect did not seem to be a defect. People were defending now.

Ye Yue said: "what's more, the terrain is more pit. There are three suspension bridges. There is a dead end below. With the electric current wall, it's easy to be roasted into a roast pig. There are traps below. The channel is transmitted to other areas. It's no use to get away from these two kinds of troubles. When you are sent outside, you still have to find a way back to the core area."

Ye Cha said: "get off the suspension bridge first, even if you enter the trap, you can destroy it half way."

Ye Yue said: "why do you always think about destruction? It's like a huge labyrinth. You destroy the passage and fall out of it. You don't know where you fall. After you destroy it, you have to face the dense array and metal storm. Besides, the core area is right in front of you. What's the right way to pass it?"

Ye Cha said: "how do you know that the past is the core area?"

Yecha knows what Dr. wittsell said. Yecha thinks that it's not very likely to be a lie, so people want to make themselves into a constellation monster.

Ye Yue said: "if I caught a person from CommScope, the level is not low. I don't rule out the possibility of cheating me. But you can't deny that it is possible for people to tell the truth."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "OK, continue to study dense array and metal storm."

"Not only these two things, but also two Apocalypse energy cannons, two quantum energy defense towers, and one anti God gun," noe interjected

The leaf Cha once again one breath hold, then scold a way: * @

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