death train

Chapter 194

"This place is full of zombies!" Gan Lin said: "how could it not be attacked."

Ye Cha said: "I don't mean zombies, but other human beings!"

"Not for the time being." Gan Lin said, "have you been attacked by others?"

Ye Cha said: "two."

"It should be..." In the middle of Gan Lin's words, she suddenly stopped the conversation and said with a smile, "I have a very important piece of information here. According to your rules, what do you plan to exchange?"

Ye Cha pondered for a moment and said, "what do you want?"

Gan Lin thought for a moment and said, "I don't know now. What do you owe me?"

Ye Cha sneered: "do you want to pinch me with human feelings? Do you think I won't go back? "

Gan Lin said, "will you? Don't you follow the principle of equal value exchange? Since that's the bottom line, you should keep your promise. "

Ye Cha said: "the premise is equivalent exchange."

Gan Lin said, "well, how about a platinum ancient species?"

The leaf Cha considered for a while, then way: "good."

Gan Lin continued: "they want to kill you because they are injured by the bloody zombies. The only antidote is human blood. At present, the only living human beings in this place are the people who come down from the death train. They don't deliberately attack you, but just happen to meet you."

Ye Chadao: "bloody zombie?"

Gan Lin said: "our current place is the fortress experimental base, where CommScope develops antidotes. However, the experiment failed in the end, but in the process of research, they have developed two kinds of things, one is a very powerful biochemical human, the other is blood color zombies."

The leaf Cha came a little interest way: "talk about."

Gan Lin said: "biochemical people are not very clear. They have only seen a few relevant data, but have not seen the real object. Blood zombies are a kind of mutant zombies. They can act like human beings, but they are unconscious. They still fight by instinct. They have a special blood virus. After they are attacked by them, the general antidote is ineffective. They can only use human blood that is not infected with the virus It can dissolve the virus, but it also has some disadvantages. Blood zombies don't need to blow their heads or break their necks to kill them. Attacking any position of the body can cause damage and may kill each other. "

Ye Cha said: "the beast without thinking ability?"

Gan Lin thought for a moment and said, "you are right. That's about it. If the number is not very large, it's not very troublesome, but you should be careful of the people who are killed by them."

Ye Cha said: "what will happen if you are killed by a bloody zombie?"

Gan Lin said: "100% of the people will be infected with the virus. At the same time, 100% of them will mutate and become a mutant zombie. What's more troublesome is that they may be infected with the blood virus, because all the people who come down from the death train are strengthened by their physical fitness. After they are infected with the blood virus and become a new blood zombie, they will be several times better than the original blood zombie."

Ye Cha said, "is there anything else?"

Gan Lin said: "the last piece of information, at present, this fortress experimental base is controlled by the experimental base system kty027. The system can control the facilities in this place, and to a certain extent guide the action of the bloody zombies."

Ye Cha said, "what does guidance mean?"

Gan Lin said: "of course, it doesn't mean to directly control the blood color zombies, but to isolate or release the blood color zombies through some defense facilities in the experimental base, and then let the blood color zombies meet us. The purpose of kty027 is to kill all the living creatures in the fortress experimental base."

Ye Cha nodded, and then said, "inform me when you find the ancient species of platinum."

Leaf brake cut off the phone, Ganlin provide information is very important.

First of all, my guess has come true. This place is the fortress experimental base, and the so-called rampage system is trying to kill all the people who come here.

Yecha's previous feeling is right. Kty027 is really using the surveillance camera to monitor everyone, and then killing everyone in its way.

Second, the bloody zombie is a trouble, a huge trouble. The trouble does not come from the strength of the bloody zombie, but from the characteristics of the bloody zombie.

If you are attacked by bloody zombies and want to live, you can only attack other people to get blood.

In yecha's opinion, if you only need blood, you can still negotiate. However, the two guys directly chose to attack, and the amount of blood they needed must be amazing, even to the point of death.

This will turn the journey of the dark city into another death carriage battle. The most terrifying thing is that the death carriage battle is simpler and purer. Anyway, except for ourselves, everyone else is the enemy.

Now it's different. You can't tell who will attack you and who won't.

Of course, there is also a relatively simple way. Yecha will regard all zombies and human beings as enemies, and consider it as another death battle.

But anyway, the original simple task may become more complicated because of the bloody zombies.

Ye Cha looked around, then picked up his backpack and left.Originally, this was a place for a temporary rest, but the glass door on one side had been completely destroyed without any obstruction. Naturally, this place is not suitable for staying for a long time. Yecha plans to leave.

Out of this area, ye Cha is walking along the corridor.

Now the strategy seems to need to make some adjustments.

Yecha's original purpose is to leave this place first, but if Gan Lin's intelligence is correct, this place is the fortress experimental base, which is directly related to the task of destroying the rampage system, so he can't just leave.

As a result, yecha's strategy was adjusted to kill the rampage system and then leave.

To get rid of the rampage system, we need to find the computer first.

The scale of Fortress experimental base is very large. To manage such a large area, we also need a huge system and excellent calculation program.

Well, before that, there must be a supercomputer and many high-performance servers to serve the supercomputer. Moreover, as a system to maintain the security and daily operation of the fortress experimental base, kty027 system plays a huge role.

In this case, yecha dares to guarantee that at least 90% of the time, this place will be isolated to accommodate supercomputers and servers, and it will have concealment and security.

"If only there were a structural map of the place."

Ye Cha sighed. If you know the general structure of the fortress experimental base, you can roughly infer where the supercomputer is.

However, at present, ye Cha knows nothing about the structure of this place. From the perspective of the area he has passed, the only thing he can know is that this place is very huge.

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