death train

Chapter 195

"Clue, clue..." Ye Cha whispered: "I need more clues."

If you find the supercomputer and destroy it, you should be able to kill the kty027 system, then leave this place, and then leave the dark city.

This is the whole process, but if ye Cha wants to find a supercomputer, he thinks he needs more clues. He always shuttles between corridors, which will only make him more confused.

The leaf Cha side thinks, at the same time continues to march forward, then fierce muscle tenses, then entered the alert state.

This time, ye Cha entered the alert state unconsciously.

This is an instinctive response to perceived danger.

Ye Cha raised his head and looked at the corner where there was a surveillance camera. The red light representing the power supply was flashing.

Ye Cha suddenly remembered that the ghost place seemed to be under the monitoring of kty027. Because he had sealed the front and back doors in the previous area, kty027 could not send the zombie into the back of the door.

But in the corridor is another matter. Kty027 can drive some zombies into the area where yecha is located through isolation.

Sure enough, as ye Cha was thinking, the sound of footsteps rang out behind him. Then a climber turned the corner and rushed into the corridor where ye Cha was.

The green tendons all over the body, as well as the red tongue constantly swinging, make the climber look extremely ferocious.

Five meters in front of yecha, the climber suddenly spat out his tongue and shot at yecha like a sharp arrow.

The leaf Cha quickly side turns a body, avoid that tongue at the same time, along with the situation stretch out a to grasp, directly grasped that tongue in the hand.

The next moment, yecha suddenly pulled out the Alaska whaling fork, forced to pierce the climber's tongue, and then stabbed the Alaska whaling fork into the wall, nailed the climber's tongue to the wall.

The climber quickly hovered in the same place, trying to struggle his tongue out, but ye Cha suddenly pulled out the silver thorns at the moment.

Bang, bang, Bang

The sound of the gun suddenly rang. Ye Cha fired three shots in succession, and the magic bullet went into the crawler's head continuously, directly blowing up the crawler's head.

Then ye Cha raised the gun, pointed at the surveillance camera and said, "if you want to kill me, get something more powerful."


The leaf brake pulls the trigger and smashes the surveillance camera hanging in the corner.

These surveillance cameras are undoubtedly very troublesome, just like the eyes of kty027, monitoring any corner of the fortress experimental base.

The blade brake has realized this, so in the process of moving on, the blade brake will explode all the surveillance cameras it sees.

But that doesn't necessarily work. After all, not all surveillance cameras are in the open.

Secondly, even if you blow up the cameras all the way, you can calculate your route according to the damaged cameras. At the same time, there are too many surveillance cameras. If you do this by yourself, you can't stop the surveillance of kty027.

"I hope there are more smart people."

The leaf Cha side is walking forward, the side mouth murmurs a.

If a lot of people are aware of the surveillance camera and then destroy it, it will have an impact on kty027.

While thinking about it, he walked through the corridor for ten minutes, and ye Cha saw a new area.


When walking into that area, ye Cha was stunned. He seemed to have come to another place.

Ye Cha saw a lot of people!

Or the dead!

It seems that the newly entered area is a morgue.

The scale of the mortuary is not small, at least the size of a football field, densely covered with metal beds, which are full of bodies of men and women.

The side still has that kind of morgue common metal cabinet, a grid of can draw out.

After ye Cha pulled out one of them, as expected, it was a corpse covered with white cloth.

In addition, ye Cha also found a piece of white paper hanging on the ankles of each corpse, so he took a look.

"Lily Jennings, female, 24 years old, the second experimental body, synchronization rate 22%, loser."

The first two items are the name, gender and age of the corpse. Ye Cha can't understand the last three, but he can guess how much.

This body is obviously a human being for in vivo experiments, and then


The morgue is not as gloomy as you think. It's just that the air conditioning makes the place very cold, but it always makes people feel uncomfortable when they stay in the place full of corpses. Yecha plans to go directly through the morgue and go to the other side.

At this time, the corpse flower suddenly wriggles on the ground, hooks the leg of the leaf brake, and keeps rubbing.

Ye Cha lowered his head and said, "what's the matter?"The frequency that corpse flower rubs leaf brake crus immediately changed faster.

"Here's what you want?"

"Hungry? Need food? "

"You want to remind me of the danger here?"

The leaf Cha can't understand the meaning of corpse flower directly, can only use guess of, then ask oneself to have dangerous time, corpse flower rubs the frequency of his calf, obvious and fast.

Ye Cha knew that he was right.

Ye Cha motioned the corpse flower to hide in the space flowerpot, then pulled out the silver thorn and walked forward carefully.

Leaf brake in walking, constantly in pay attention to the body around.

These corpses are the only things that can be seen in the morgue. Secondly, the corpses are not safe. They may become zombies at any time. Although it seems that these corpses are failed in the experiment, they should not become zombies. Moreover, they will change as early as possible.

Ye Cha has been passing through the morgue. A swinging metal gate has appeared in front of him. The imaginary danger has not appeared. Ye Cha can't help wondering. Is the feeling of corpse flower wrong?

Just as ye Cha was thinking about it, a corpse sat up fiercely.

This sudden change is also a surprise to Ye Cha, which has nothing to do with courage, but an instinctive reaction.

The next moment, ye Cha pointed his gun at the corpse, but found that the corpse was just sitting up, with no further action.

But the body sat up like a plague.

The bodies on the metal beds, one after the other, all sat up.

Leaf Cha carefully looking at those corpses, suddenly, found that there is a blood line behind those corpses, very thin, only a few millimeters.

And then

The blood line suddenly split, and the back of the corpse split. The pupil of Ye Cha shrank. All the corpses were bodies. There was nothing in the corpse except the skeleton!

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