death train

Chapter 196

Ye Cha realized that it was not good, and then at this moment, a red insect suddenly came out of the body, and rushed towards Ye cha.

The red insect is like a disc spider, about 20 cm in diameter, with eight legs open, and no head, just like a disc.

Then dozens of bodies around them split at the same time, and these disc worms kept appearing.

Obviously, this is a kind of mutant insect that lives in the corpse, and it will dig out and eat the flesh inside the corpse. This morgue is the nest of these insects.

Mutant worms are very troublesome. The previous flat parasite is the best example. In fact, mutant worms are not mutant zombies, and it's hard to get rewards for killing them. It's not meaningful to fight.

The leaf Cha almost didn't have any hesitation, directly turned back and ran, knocked open the door of the morgue, and then shut the door, dead with the back against.

Bang, bang, Bang

There was a continuous sound from behind the door, and ye Cha could feel the mutant insects constantly hitting the door.

He quickly took out the red flame bomb. After pulling out two crystal strips, the leaf brake tied the metal strip with two thin wires. Then when he looked left and right, he threw the metal strip toward the side. Using the thin wires, he hung the two metal strips on a surveillance camera.

The next moment, the leaf brake ran quickly towards the front, and then the insects rushed out, but at this time, the leaf brake released the rope, two crystal bars fell to the ground, and then there was an explosion.

The insects are also afraid of the fire. Yecha just wants to use the explosion to intercept the insects, but it has achieved unexpected results, because the explosion collapsed the floor.

Countless insects fall to the next level, and many more hover in front of the collapsed area. These insects can't fly.

Ye Cha didn't expect to solve a crisis easily. However, even if the insects won't catch up, ye Cha won't stay in this place too much, but ran all the way to the front.

All the way to the corridor, ye Cha's eyes lit up.

At the end of the corridor is a smoking area. Near the wall, there are more than a dozen metal seats, as well as garbage cans for playing ashes. On the other side of the smoking area, ye Cha sees a safety passage with three elevators.

Ye was holding a silver thorn, carefully explored the surrounding, determined that there was no danger, and then stood in front of the elevator.

Ye Cha holds his chin and hesitates.


Or down?

Yecha needs to find a supercomputer to run kty027 system, but where is the supercomputer? I'm afraid only God and the staff of the experimental base know.

Supercomputers may be located on any floor of the fortress experimental base.

This is a very headache, in the case of no clear location, want to find supercomputers, can only wander around.

After hesitating for a moment, the leaf brake chooses to go down.

Yecha plans to leave the fortress experimental base and then enter.

At present, even if Gan Lin's news is correct, they are in the fortress experimental base, but yecha can't even determine which floor, or where a certain floor is.

If you really want to rely on wandering around to find a supercomputer, it's just wishful thinking, or the goddess of luck is attached. Besides, if there is a goddess, let her save the poor world first.

Therefore, ye Cha's plan is to go outside the building first, and then enter the building, searching layer by layer, so that at least you can know what area you are in.

Of course, this may be a stupid way, but it doesn't matter, as long as it is a useful way.

However, when the brake leaves into the elevator, but found that their ideas seem to be unable to achieve.

Because this elevator has no floor key, it only has two buttons to start and close. When the leaf brake is selected to start, an upward arrow appears on the elevator screen, and then the elevator starts to pull up.

"Up to the top elevator?"

Ye Cha frowned. There are indeed some buildings. For the sake of convenience, there will be some elevators directly to a certain floor, and even special elevators for "big people".

This elevator may play this role. As for where it will take the leaf brake, the leaf brake doesn't know. If it can, even if it can't go to the first floor, the leaf brake hopes to go to the roof.

As long as you get outside the building, instead of being trapped in a maze like building, there's always a way to get to the first floor.


Leaf brake is ringing, the elevator suddenly made a sound, and then hovered there.

Ye Cha Leng for a moment, and then can't help but scold a sentence, he forgot an important thing, that is, the elevator must also be equipped with surveillance cameras.

It seems that kty027 is going to attack the leaf brake again.

Leaf brake pull out silver thorn, and then look to the top of the elevator.

How is kty027 going to kill itself?

Yecha thought of two possibilities. The first possibility was to let the elevator fall directly, but yecha couldn't wait for kty027 to do so, because it couldn't kill himself.Another possibility is that there's some shit around the elevator.

The elevator is a completely closed space. If there is something hidden, there is no doubt that there is only something hidden on the top of the elevator.


Ye Cha is thinking, that elevator top then suddenly spread the sound, then the elevator top then depressed a piece.

"Sure enough!"

Ye Cha sneered, then quickly pulled the trigger of the silver thorn.

Bang, bang, Bang

Silver bullets were fired continuously towards the top of the elevator, making holes one by one.

The next moment, the flap of the elevator emergency exit was suddenly broken open, and a shadow of people fell down.

After the man fell into the elevator, he opened his mouth and roared at the leaf brake. There was a smell of decay in his mouth. Then, the man waved his fist and roared at the leaf brake.

Ye Cha quickly avoided his body, and the other party's fist hit the elevator wall, with a bang, making a fist seal.

A blow failed, the man did not hesitate to stay forward, a knee toward the top of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha raised his arm to block the other party's knee collision, then hit him with a head hammer in the face, then pulled out the Alaska whaling fork and stabbed him.

In the narrow and closed elevator space, almost complete close combat, Alaska whaling fork will obviously be better than Nepal scimitar.


Alaskan whaling fork swept forward, the other side could not avoid at all, the shoulder position was crossed by Alaskan whaling fork, leaving a wound immediately.

The black blood flowed and fell, but the other side didn't feel it at all. Raising his hand was a blow towards Ye cha.


With the evasion of the leaf brake, the fist hit the elevator wall again


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