death train

Chapter 1944

Boom, boom!

With the sword light sweeping by, two Apocalypse energy cannons, like scaffolding, collapsed and fell on the ground, emitting black smoke.

Ye Yue floated across the suspension bridge and said, "I don't see anyone from CommScope."

Ye Cha said: "normally, there is no need for dense array and metal storm, and there is no legal person to control them. They are all automatically operated by the program of the defense system. There is no need for people in this place, but..."

Ye Cha suddenly looked up.

Ye Cha said: "we have more troublesome guys to deal with."

In front of the suspension bridge, suddenly the red light is bright, and then a red light ball appears, shaking up and down in the air.

Weiss, the guide.

Ye Cha looked at the ugly NOE and said, "don't say I don't give you face. You only have three minutes. If you can't, I'll do it."

Noy nodded and said, "thank you."

Noe still has expectations for WES's Guide. He believes that Wes's guide is controlled. Of course, he hopes Wes's guide can wake up.

Yecha gives noe three minutes. No matter what method noe uses, he tries to make Weiss guide wake up. After three minutes, yecha will attack naturally.

Noy's giant warrior is dead, and now the main fighting puppets are the crescent werewolf and the smoky humanoid.

The new moon werewolf rushed up before the wes guide attacked.

To fight or to fight, noe is not stupid. He directly persuades Wes to lead the way, and then the other party attacks and he is killed? Can not say die hand, I hope the will of Weiss guide can recover.

Ye Cha retreated to one side, and ye Yue suddenly said, "it's your business to wait for you. I'm not waiting. I'm going to enter the core area now."

At the same time, the new moon werewolf has met Wes's Guide.

Weiss guide's body began to twist, and then began to quickly condense into a giant man who was two feet tall.

This is probably the body before Weiss's Guide turned himself into a light source life body, not a pure human being. Although most of the body structure is similar to that of human beings, there is a single horn on the forehead, the color of the body is fiery red, and the body is faintly sparking.


At the moment when the new moon werewolf comes to Wes's guide, Wes's Guide blows out towards the front, and flames surge around.

But the speed of the new moon werewolf is very fast, very fast. Ye Cha estimates that the normal movement speed of the new moon werewolf may be only a little bit worse than the ghost step, which is already terrible.

On the contrary, after being evaded by the new moon werewolf, the new moon werewolf comes directly behind the guide. The wolf's claw swings, leaving three wounds behind the guide.

However, the three wounds healed quickly when they appeared.

This is not the ability of regeneration or self-healing, but the reason why the life of light source organisms is very long. Light source organisms are not afraid of any attack, whether physical or non physical, and can not cause damage.

So life seems invincible?

It's not like that. The great sage explained this problem. All the roots of the life of the energy body are energy. In fact, the attack also causes damage. However, there is no effect before the energy is exhausted. The fact is that every attack weakens the life of the light source life body and shortens its life.

Noe kept yelling at WES's Guide. His words were nothing new. He just hoped that Wes's Guide would defeat himself and recover his sense, but it had no effect.

At this time, ye Yue's attack suddenly arrived.

"Words and spirits!" Ye Yueqing said: "cutting."


There was a cut in the ground out of thin air, and then Wes's Guide's body was cut in half and turned into a ball of light again.

Noe glares at Ye Yue. Ye Yue doesn't care at all. The short-term alliance is for cooperation through the suspension bridge. Now that it has passed the suspension bridge, the alliance can be dissolved naturally.

Ye Yue splits the body of Weiss guide and floats forward.

Ye Yue doesn't mean to fight with Weiss guide. She just wants to pass here. If she can, ye Yue doesn't care that noe continues to fight with Weiss guide, which can attract fire and make her pass smoothly.

But the strength of the guide is obviously stronger than ye Yue imagined.

When ye Yue wants to float past from the top, Weiss's body suddenly recovers, and then jumps up to Ye Yue with a punch.

"Words and spirits!" Ye Yueqing said, "push!"

An invisible force pushes out, and the spiritual force condenses into a transparent wall, pushing the leaping guide back to the ground.

But the next moment


When Weiss guides the way back to the ground, the power of speech is absolute, but at the moment of landing, Weiss guides the way with a kick on both legs and a jump up again with amazing speed.Ye Yue is suddenly shocked. She doesn't have time to launch the art of speech and spirit, but creates a barrier in front of her body.


The next moment, Weiss guide's fist on the barrier, and then ye Yue flew out, hit the wall, mouth spilled blood.

Ye Yue gritted her teeth and said, "let's go together and kill this guy before we can pass."

Noy was in a hurry, but at this time, a palm pressed on noy's shoulder.

Ye Cha said: "three minutes have already arrived. You have just tried. He won't listen to you at all."

Noy gritted his teeth and said, "but..."

Ye Cha said: "I don't dare to say that the guide can't recover, but you can't help it. At least the power of words doesn't work at all, and now you can't find a way. So you can decide whether to join the war or not."

After ye Cha finished, he walked forward.

Noe clenched his teeth and hesitated. He never started, but he never backed away.

At the same time


There was a loud crash, followed by a low roar of Weiss's guide, and the people around them were shocked out by a blow and bumped into the surrounding walls one after another.

Weiss guide once again low roar, then toe light point, toward the front of the jump, came to Ye Yue's front.

"Lingshu of speech..."

Ye Yue just opened her mouth, but she didn't have time to finish the rest. Before the fist of Weiss's Guide arrived, the fist style came first, and ye Yue was shot out.

But at this moment, a palm stuck to Ye Yue's back and took Ye Yue down.

Ye Cha put Ye Yue aside and said, "you owe me one time."

Ye Cha finished the moment, suddenly stretched out his hand to draw the sword.


The next moment, the sound of the sword.

Ye Cha looked at the guide and said, "it's my honor to fight with the guide. In addition, you are indeed a very good touchstone."

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