death train

Chapter 1945

The guide is a good touchstone. What should we try?

Of course, it's dongfangyu's swordsmanship.

Ye Cha knows that Dongfang Yu's sword is very strong, but most of it comes from the sword mountain. Moreover, Dongfang Yu deliberately lets Ye Cha see his past and his sword way.

As for how strong Dongfang jade is, ye Cha is really not very clear.

At present, yecha understands dongfangyu's Kendo in Jianshan. At the same time, there is dongfangyu's sword skill in the sword. Yecha knows that he has become stronger, but he has no idea how strong he is. Yecha wants to have a try. Unfortunately, Gemini and Sagittarius are not the opposite of facing the enemy head on.

Gemini assassination, Sagittarius long-range sniping, are not with the leaf brake face-to-face enemy, leaf brake can only take advantage of the situation.

Now, Wes is obviously a good target.

Yecha is at the front.

The horizontal sword is on the side of the body, and ye Cha closes his eyes slightly.

Weiss guide is very violent, no words, only roar, this is not by consciousness, but by instinct.

Therefore, Weiss guide did not have any hesitation and stop, suddenly killed in front of Ye cha.

At this moment, ye Cha opens his eyes!

Human sword!

At this moment, ye Cha incarnates into a sword. Ye Cha is a sword coming out of its sheath, which is extremely fierce.

Therefore, the leaf brake moved, moved is the sword.


There was no sword light, but at this moment, one arm of Weiss's Guide flew up and was cut off by Ye cha.

And then


There was a loud explosion, and the broken arm was like a bomb. Suddenly, it exploded, and the fire was pushed around.

Ye Cha's toe is a little bit. First, he retreats from the flame. Then he raises his sword and cuts it toward the front. The scattered flame is cut in half. Ye Cha jumps forward again and comes to the guide of Weiss.

That sword, thousands of pear trees bloom!

Countless sword lights gush out in front, silver light, like blooming pear flowers, showing incomparably gorgeous, completely enveloping Weiss guide.

In the next instant, there were countless sword holes on the body of Weiss's guide, and his body became fragmented.


Weiss guide roared angrily, then stepped back, arms open, crazy random dance, and then the sword hole on his body began to recover.

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes. Dongfang Yu's swordsmanship was really strong. However, it was too difficult to kill the guide in a short time. The main reason was that he needed to consume the energy of the guide until he disappeared completely.

"All right!" Ye Cha said: "let's see how much energy a sword can knock down."

The leaf Cha side says, side body a twist, once again a sword toward front stab.

River sword!

A sword out, the sword is awe inspiring!

Ye Cha stabbed out the sword, with sword light, like a river, continuous together, set off waves, layer upon layer, constantly toward the front.

Weiss guide roared again, and his fists kept shooting forward.

Boom, boom, boom!

The body of Weiss guide is like a bomb that will explode at any time. With the blow of Weiss guide, the sound of explosion will be heard in an endless stream.

Sword light, flame, roar!

At the entrance of the passage in front of the bridge, the flame and sword light interweaved. Under the roar, the metal plates inlaid on the surrounding walls peeled off one by one, and the things piled up at the bridge head were all thrown away at this moment.

The next moment, the sweeping flame suddenly tears, and then yecha and Weiss guide show their bodies, jump to the rear and slide close to the ground.

Ye Cha looks up at the guide.

In the short fight, ye Cha has found out the routine of the other side.

First of all, the skill is very good. Weiss guide has some fighting skills, straight to the point. It looks very simple, but the power skill is very clever, powerful and full of lethality. It probably comes from the fighting skills of Weiss guide's own civilization.

Second, this guy will explode.

Fist will explode, kick will explode, touch will explode, this guy is a human bomb, the reason is


Of course, it could be some other liquid. The body of Weiss guide will secrete liquid like sweat, and these liquids will explode.

Of course, so far, it's easier to deal with, but ye Cha has a feeling that he can't kill, or it's like chopping the sea.

However, it's only a matter of time before ye Cha knows that the guide will die, sooner or later, but the explosion and fists will also consume Ye cha.

"It looks like..." Ye Cha grinned and said, "this is a long war."

"The power of the apostles." At this time, noe suddenly said: "the way that the guide transforms the light source life body is mainly to borrow the power of the apostles. You can quickly consume the energy of the guide by walking with the apostles."Yecha looked back at noe.

Noy gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry, I can't persuade myself to do it."

"It doesn't matter." Ye Cha said: "enough."

The power of the apostles?

Ye Cha murmured in his heart and then abandoned his sword.

The touchstone of Weiss's guide also played a role. Dongfangyu's swordsmanship is really strong. Despite the successive rounds of confrontation, it's not warm and fiery. But yecha found that Weiss's guide can't stop himself.

Fierce doesn't mean that you have to destroy crazily. Fencing is a way to kill people, not to demolish houses. If you can't stop it, you will get the highest evaluation.

Ye Cha also had a certain understanding of dongfangyu's swordsmanship.

"So..." Ye Cha said: "try to end this battle."

At the same time, Wes's guide made another lunge forward and then shot forward with one punch.


The sound of the explosion appeared again, but the flame of this explosion did not spread, but gathered together.

Ye Cha's body emits a flame, like a sphere, which completely absorbs the flame of explosion.

Is there any flame purer than the flame of the son of Yan?


Otherwise, there will be no value for the existence of the apostles. The strength of the apostles represents the limit of some aspect!

Therefore, the power of Yan's son began to devour the flame of the explosion. In the blink of an eye, he devoured the flame of the explosion.

This is also a huge consumption for Weiss guide. The explosion and flame obviously come from the energy of Weiss guide.

However, flame and flame belong to the same elements after all. The power of Yan's son to deal with Weiss's guide is obviously weakened, with half the effort.

However, there is more than one kind of apostolic power.

The next moment, ye Cha rushed out towards the front. It's a pity that he didn't wake up to the apostolic power of the water elves? If you have the power of the water elves, it will be easy to deal with the guide.

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