death train

Chapter 1979

Leaf Cha suddenly, South Rong know the world say so, he understood.

It's a terrible place. If there's a way to leave, you have to find a way, which is obviously not an easy thing.

Ye Cha is a little black. It seems to be a big project. Where is Dr. wittsell's immortal? It's time to come out and give a hint.

Sigh, the leaf Cha way: "what harvest?"

Nanrong Zhishi said: "yes, I've turned around the living room, and I don't see a way out. In addition, I will be attacked."

Ye Cha said: "zombie?"

"There are some strange things, such as spiders as big as dinosaurs, mice, cockroaches and so on," he said

Ye Cha sighed and said, "it's really a big country, but it's not us."

"Do you have any idea?" he said

Ye Cha said: "the idea is a little. Frankly speaking, under normal circumstances, I think it's easier to find a way out."

"Is it easier?" he asked

Ye Cha said: "at our speed, it shouldn't take long to walk around the wall?"

Nanrong Zhishi looked happy and said, "yes, it's a good way."

Ye Cha said: "I haven't finished yet. It's normal, that is, the entrance and exit are opened by the wall, a passage, a door or something, but what if it's a secret door? Like under the floor. "

Nanrong Zhishi breathes cold air. There are at least seven or eight people lying on the floor. Do they want to turn the floor over?

Ye Cha said: "it's not finished yet. What if the passageway is hidden in cabinets, drawers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, thermos bottles?"

Nanrong Zhishi took another cold breath: "it's not so immoral, is it?"

Ye Cha said: "come on, if people want to make a place like this, they will come here because they want to trap people. The value of this place is here. In order to make a place like this, CommScope's investment is absolutely not low. Do you think it's for fun?"

Nanrong Zhishi said with a bitter smile, "what do you think you should do?"

Ye Cha said: "look for it, or what else can we do, or we smash this place?"

Nanrong Zhishi rolled his eyes and ignored yecha. The refrigerator is as high as a building. When will it hit?

Ye Cha said: "let's start from the living room. Let's allocate it and look for it separately. If we don't look for it outside, let's start from something with internal space."

"Good." Nanrong Zhishi said: "how to divide the regions?"

Ye Cha said, "I'll go to the refrigerator and have a look. Are you looking for the washing machine?"

Nanrong Zhishi nodded and said, "meet here at the table in two hours."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "good."

"That's right." Nanrong Zhishi said: "there is a ladder behind the refrigerator. You can enter the inside of the refrigerator by following the ladder."

Should refrigerators have ladders?

Yecha thinks that a ladder is only available for a refrigerator that is sick. However, it's not a normal refrigerator. It's possible that the refrigerator can't really be used to store food.

However, following what narong Zhishi said, he came to the back of the refrigerator and climbed up on the metal ladder. He saw a small hole. After entering, yecha really found something to eat.

A three person high cake was right in front of yecha. Then he looked sideways and saw that it was a huge spinach with a can of ice cream on the side.

Ye Cha came to the side of the cake and took a bite. Then he booed twice towards the side.

Grandma's, it's a fake cake made of resin. But imagine that CommScope has made such a place. In yecha's opinion, it's enough to make such a big cake? Is it really ice to eat?

However, the refrigerator is a real refrigerator. In addition to its huge size, the inside of the refrigerator is actually refrigerated, which makes yecha feel like he has entered a place like a snow field.

Around the cake, the leaf brake began to stroll, at the same time began to ponder, if there is a way out in the refrigerator, the middle section is impossible, because it is suspended, and does not stick to the wall.

Unless a channel is specially made, it is meaningless. If it is not a hidden channel, it will be easily found.

In that case, there are two possibilities, either at the top or at the bottom.

The leaf brake is ready to search down. It's easier to climb up the ladder at the top. It's more troublesome at the bottom. You have to find a way out from the refrigerator.

But at this time, ye Cha suddenly felt a chill.

It's snowing!

Leaf brake a foot ghost step toward the front step out, figure a flash, suddenly disappeared without a trace, opened the distance.

Looking back, ye Cha saw a piece of frost and snow falling on the place where he had stood before, freezing the ground.

A zombie, a zombie like ice.

That zombie looks very normal, there is no mutation, but the skin of the whole body is dark light blue, suddenly a mouth, a frost cold wave from the mouth.The leaf Cha once again dodges, then one punch toward the front to blast out.

The flames are tumbling!

Blazing flame towards the front and out, with the moment the frost hit together, the frost to melt.

At the same time, after melting the ice, the flame continued to impact forward, hitting the body of the zombie.


The next moment, the flame burst, the zombie was blown out, although the head did not suffer heavy damage can not die, but the body was directly blown off, also lost combat effectiveness.

Ye Cha came forward with a sword and tried to pierce the head of the zombie, but at this moment, zombies appeared again in the rear, one after another, and constantly appeared in front of Ye Cha, opening his mouth to spray cold waves.

"Damn it Ye Cha said: "I hate you endless guys."

The air around suddenly became hot, and a large flame gushed out of yecha's body, sweeping forward like a wave.


The cold wave collided with the fire and made a roaring explosion. Everything around was smashed in an instant.

At the same time, ye Cha jumped forward, through the explosion of fire, came to those zombies, suddenly out of the sword.

The sword light is cold!

The moon night of the twenty fourth bridge!

Ye Cha's sword stabbed forward. Suddenly, the light of the sword burst into twenty-four, stabbing forward.

The heads of the first zombies burst open one after another, and the light blue blood spilled out. After landing, it quickly froze.

Ye Cha went all the way forward, straight through the zombie group, holding the sword in his hand. Within three feet, there were countless swords.

Three foot sword, cut everything!

With Ye Cha walking towards the front, zombies fall to the ground one after another, and they are chopped off by sword light one after another.

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