death train

Chapter 1980

It's just that zombies who can vomit cold waves can't help Ye cha. They were killed soon.

However, zombies appeared. According to narong Zhishi's description, this place is really used to trap people. The terrain is complex and there are a lot of entangled things.

After solving the zombie, ye Cha began to walk to the bottom, and found nothing worth mentioning. There was a generator or something, and there was a mouse hole. After solving a mouse like a truck, ye Cha began to climb up the iron ladder to the top of the refrigerator.

All the way to the top of the refrigerator, the leaf brake turned a circle, no harvest, and then began to look around.

To tell you the truth, this place is more troublesome than the places we used to go. There was a way before. Anyway, if it was right or not, there was a way to go.

But this place is to find a way, it's troublesome.

What's more, ye Cha has a worse idea in his head. Don't look for this place for a few days by yourself, and then find that there is no access at all. It's a dead end. That's great fun.

"Hello At this time, ye Cha suddenly heard the cry of Nanrong Zhishi: "come down quickly."

Ye Cha looks down. Nan Rong Zhi Shi stands on the table and points to the side desperately. Ye Cha is stunned and finds that there is a small green aperture where Nan Rong Zhi Shi points.


Ye Cha was a little puzzled, but he was not sure, because the aperture was a little small, only about the size of his fist. Although the light source of the guide depended on the individual, it had different sizes, but it was generally the size of his head, and most of them had to be several circles larger.

The leaf brake immediately unfolds the paper wing, flies toward the direction of the table, after falling, eagerly way: "how?"

Nanrong Zhishi said, "Carlo is the guide."

Ye Cha was surprised and said, "is that really a guide?"

Nanrong Zhishi said: "yes, but I can't communicate. I open my mouth and ignore me. The guide has the ability of spiritual communication, but Carlo's Guide didn't use it to me."

Ye Cha said, "how can you be sure that you are the guide?"

Nanrong Zhishi said: "feeling, in addition to the guide, who else is the light source life body, and you see for yourself!"

Ye Cha looked at the green aperture. Frankly speaking, it's not like a guide. The guide is a light ball, but the center of the aperture in front of him is completely dim and becomes an aperture, but it does feel like a guide.

At the same time, the aperture constantly ups and downs, towards the front of a section, and quickly float back, so constantly repeated.

Ye Cha said: "it seems that it is to show us the way?"

Nanrong Zhishi nodded and said, "keep up."

Two people keep up with the green aperture, ye Cha said: "don't blame me for not reminding you, I saw other guides before, but attacked me."

Nanrong Zhishi said: "the guide will never rebel."

Yecha knew that this was the answer. The Apostles' walking had unconditional trust in the guide, which originated from their belief, because the belief itself was instilled into them by the guide.

Ye Cha said: "I didn't say it was mutiny. Maybe it was controlled."

Nanrong Zhishi is noncommittal. Ye Cha shrugs his shoulders and can't chat with these dead hearted people.

A moment later, the green aperture fluttered past and toward the open drawer. After entering, there was a passage in the drawer.

Nanrong Zhishi said excitedly, "it's the way out."

This time it's Ye Cha's turn to say no, ye Cha won't trust the guide unconditionally.

Walking into the passage, ye Cha smelled the strong smell of blood. A hundred meters further forward, ye Cha and Nan Rong Zhishi saw a large number of corpses and dried blood all over the ground.

Ye Cha looked down and said, "there has been a war in this place, or a tripartite war."

It's easy to recognize the bodies of the apostles. After all, they are all dressed the same, with cloaks, masks and scarves.

Secondly, there are a lot of people on the death train, because the people on the death train know that if the apostles walk in the regular army, the people on the death train are the miscellaneous army. They have all kinds of clothes and weapons.

In fact, CommScope has a lot of troubles. It has uniforms, but people may not wear them. Moreover, the uniforms are diversified, and it is difficult to distinguish them in many cases.

But this time, it's easy to identify, because what CommScope produced is not human beings, but zombies, a large number of zombies.

At the same time, ye Cha heard the cry and looked up. Nanrong Zhishi was crying, and the green aperture was slowly fading away.

Nanrong Zhishi said: "Carlo's guide is dead, or he has died before. He is the one who uses his last will to hold us to the right exit."

Ye Cha said, "don't you feel something is wrong?"

Nanrong Zhishi said coldly, "I know that you are from the death train. You are not like us at all. But since we have the same goal, I will still accept you and even let go of the past hatred. But if you question again and again..."

"Stop!" Ye Cha stretched out his hand and said, "can you not be so sensitive?"Nanrong said: "I am sensitive?"

Ye Cha said, "did I doubt the guide?"

Nanrong said, "what do you mean? You have questioned other guides before."

Ye Cha sighed: "this is the guide. Think about it with your brain. Can a group of miscellaneous fish kill the guide? I can kill all the rubbish lying here with one hand. On the other hand, do you think I can kill the guide with one hand? "

Nanrong Zhishi frowned and said, "this..."

Ye Cha said: "and before I was attacked by the guide, hey, don't look at me with that kind of eyes. I said the guide was controlled."

Nanrong Zhishi said: "how can the guide be controlled?"

Ye Cha said: "I ask who is going? Noe saw it, too. "

Nanrong said, "where's noe?"

Ye Chadao: "dead, Aquarius killed."

Nanrong Zhishi was stunned, showing his sadness again.

Leaf cha in the heart low scold a, the woman is sentimental, now is sad time?

Ye Cha said: "can you pay attention to the key points, I ask you, what kind of level can kill the guide?"

Nanrong Zhishi rang and said, "at least the Deputy conductor."

Yecha said, "yes, there is no deputy conductor in CommScope."

Nanrong Zhishi said: "you don't know, it doesn't mean there is no one, and maybe it's the person who died on the train?"

Ye Cha said: "the conductor, the guide is qualified for the first World War? What will bring us here? As for Ganlin and marfarian, it's not the two of them. "

"How do you know?" he said

Ye Cha said: "I'm familiar with them. I know their methods. Moreover, this place is a bit strange."

"Strange place?" he said

Ye Cha said: "these guys are not fighting each other, but being killed."

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