death train

Chapter 1990

"You want to hear it?" Ming Hai paced to the side: "how to explain the will of the world? It's something that must exist and doesn't exist. It doesn't control the people, but adapts to their choices. Even if the end of the world is related to the will of the world, it's human's own choice. "

The leaf Cha scolds a way: "the idiot just hopes the end time comes."

Minghai said: "the will of the world does not let human beings choose whether the end of the world will come or not, but gives the possibility that the end of the world will come, and the possibility that the end of the world will not come. Not this time, but all the end of the world will be like this. For example, do you know Atlantis? After all, it's a famous civilization. Why did Atlantis collapse? "

Ye Chadao: "flood."

The yecha knew that he had seen it in the column tower, and the flood had swallowed everything. The feeling of being unable to resist was that yecha really didn't want to recall the second time.

"No Minghai said: "it's war and destruction of ecological environment."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Minghai said, "have you ever thought about why the flood came?"

Ye Cha said, "it was a natural disaster."

Ming Hai said with a smile: "Atlantis is a symbol of scientific and technological civilization. At that time, no civilization had more scientific and technological power than Atlantis. In fact, there were not many races that could be called civilization at that time, and the population of the world was very small. Atlantis' development of science and technology polluted the marine environment, leading to the biological degradation of Lemurian civilization, which made it more profitable After the war broke out, the submarine volcanic environment was destroyed, the tsunami appeared, and Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed at the same time. "

Leaf Cha frowns, don't know what to say, retort? Ye Cha didn't know how to refute, he only saw the tsunami, who knows how the tsunami came.

Minghai said, "why don't we have another look at this time, Dr. wittsell, right?"

"Yes," Dr. wittsell said with a smile

Minghai said, "before the end of time, CommScope got this apostle, right?"

Dr. wittsell said: "at that time, the secret was only in the hands of a few people, and I happened to be one of them. My answer is that it is. About five years ago, an archaeological Group invested by the company discovered an ancient relic, in which the Apostle was found."

Ming Hai said: "five years ago, if I remember correctly, it was at that time that CommScope developed rapidly. Of course, before that, CommScope was a world-famous company, but it was not the top in the world. It could only be said that it was first-class. After that, CommScope developed rapidly. Why? Because CommScope has overcome many medical drug problems, you have developed the world's best anti-cancer drugs, the world's best premature aging drugs, and have made great achievements in the research of genetic gene and gene chain recombination. Can you explain why CommScope's technological level will suddenly explode? "

Dr. wittsell said with a smile, "you should know the answer, don't you?"

Minghai said: "yes, I know that because you have studied the apostles and got these from them, many of the technologies you mastered at that time are no longer the technologies of this era. I also know that many companies try to study your drugs and technologies, but they have no progress, because they have no Apostles."

"Yes." Dr. wittsell stroked the jar and said, "it's a gift from God."

Ming Hai continued: "but you have ignored God's gift. What you want is more. You have started to study biochemical human, signed an agreement with clone human, and even signed an agreement with the military to use human living body to carry out genetic transformation, and make super soldier, which is the prototype of zombie virus."

Dr. wittsell said: "the progress of science and technology, the development of civilization, is always to make sacrifices, as long as success, everything is valuable."

Minghai said: "but you failed. The medicine you made had serious side effects. If you stopped at that time, maybe the problem was not so serious. But you continued to carry out the experiment and finally made the finished product. It was not a super soldier medicine at all, but the initial zombie virus, which led to the expansion of disputes within the company."

Ming Hai shakes his head and sighs.

Minghai said: "Karem is not the first one to die. The first one to die is Adams will. He is a scientist worthy of admiration. He found out the danger of zombie virus and asked to destroy the medicine, but Wayne ASTAN refused. He is a businessman. He is greedy. CommScope has invested a lot of money in research. If the medicine is destroyed, everything will be destroyed Adams blackmailed Wayne by announcing the truth, and then was killed by Wayne. After that, what Adams saw inside the company was fake, and then Karem. "

Minghai pointed to yecha and said, "do you know who killed Karem?"

Ye Cha said: "there are only a few suspects, but if you can kill one person, you can kill the second one naturally."

Minghai said: "no, you're wrong. It's him who killed Karem. Karem hesitated. On the one hand, Karem didn't want to give up, but on the other hand, he didn't agree with Wayne's practice. Finally, he chose to give it to fate. He took the initial zombie virus."People were stunned for a while. It's not to leave the choice to fate, but to seek death.

Dr. wittsell coughed softly and said: "I need to explain this point. At that time, the name of zombie virus was super soldier drug. During the experiment, it was found that there were very strong side effects, that is, the characteristics of zombies. However, the side effects did not absolutely appear. There were successful cases at that time. However, it was because of the incubation period. In fact, the super soldier drug had a strong side effect It's true that class a potion is a zombie virus, a pure failure, but Mr. Karem doesn't know that. "

Ming Hai said: "the most ironic thing is that Karem did not die after taking the medicine. Then he thought that everything was still hopeful, so he agreed to Wayne's proposal and continued to develop the super soldier medicine. However, soon after, Karem found that side effects appeared. So, he interviewed Wayne, which was also the last chance to prevent everything from happening, you know, Wayne Well, how did you choose? "

Nanrong Zhishi snorted coldly: "is that true? Otherwise, how can the end come

"Yes." Minghai said: "the death of two former partners and friends still didn't wake up Wayne's reason. On the contrary, it made him more crazy. He continued to use in vivo experiments and continue to study. Finally, the zombie virus appeared and destroyed the Research Institute, leading to the leakage of zombie virus."

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