death train

Chapter 1991

"You see, there are choices." Minghai said: "the will of the world does not necessarily bring the end of the world. In the end, it is the choice of human beings, but in the final choice, they choose the end."

"Fart!" Ye Shaxian's incomparable anger, pointing to Minghai: "pure fart."

Minghai said, "am I wrong?"

Ye Cha said: "you are right, but..."

Yecha reached for Dr. wittsell.

Ye Cha said: "why should three rubbish decide everyone's fate? Do they match? What are they to decide all this? It's not fair, it's very unfair! "

Ming Hai said with a smile, "did I say that the will of the world is fair? I have never said that, I just said that the will of the world gives a choice. The emergence of the will of the world itself means that the end may come. "

Why does the will of the world appear

Minghai said: "the will of the world can't be seen or touched. The so-called will of the world is actually a kind of law and rule, just like the food chain. If you have to ask me to give a reason, then the development of civilization has seriously affected and damaged the structure and order of the world, such as war, pollution and so on, and the will of the world will appear, How is all order established? It's very simple. Just push everything over and start over. When a civilization comes to an end, it means that a new civilization will emerge. Only this world will remain unchanged and will not be allowed to change. "

Ming Hai said here, can't help laughing.

"So you say fair? There is no fairness. The emergence of the will of the world will not bring about the end of the world, but it will bring about an opportunity for the end of the world. Then there is a choice, life or death. In the end, there must be a choice. " Ming Hai said with a smile: "it's interesting that Adams made some preparations before he died. When he died, the truth was automatically announced."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "I've never seen the relevant news."

This is a thing before the end of the world. If Adams really announced the truth at that time, it would be very noisy. There's no reason why he didn't read the news.

Minghai said: "first, Huaxia district has not been the terminal development area of CommScope. Even CommScope has only sales companies in Huaxia District, and there are few experimental bases, so the investment and scale are very small."

Yecha understands that Huaxia is a big market in the world. With a large population, its consumption power is naturally high. However, it is not easy to enter the Huaxia market.

Language, customs, these all have an impact.

For example, Chinese people like to talk about things at the dinner table, which is a kind of custom and culture. However, when foreign enterprises are involved in business, they will directly start negotiations. Most of them like private relations as private relations and human feelings as human feelings.

Therefore, it is true that CommScope is all over the world, but the scale of Huaxia is indeed the smallest. The Asia Pacific headquarters is not even in Huaxia, the most populous market.

Ming Hai said: "second, this matter was quickly suppressed. What's more, it's very interesting that Wayne didn't even use too much relationship. At that time, some people marched to protest against the slander of CommScope, and these people were really spontaneous. Most of them were beneficiaries, such as those who had achieved success in anti-cancer, and some drug support groups of CommScope, who firmly believed in CommScope It's impossible for the company to do such a thing, because CommScope is their benefactor. Then CommScope takes the opportunity to clarify and make use of a little relationship, and it's easy to put things under pressure. "

It's not funny, it's ironic.

Ye Cha understood the meaning of Minghai. Although Ye Cha didn't know about it, there was nothing wrong with the Chinese people.

But in fact, in Europe and the United States at that time, the main battlefield of CommScope's sales was quite influential. Many people were involved in it, but they came and went quickly, and CommScope used its contacts to suppress it. This incident did not become international news.

At the same time, because CommScope had no bad deeds in the past, most people thought it was slander, and CommScope used its contacts to suppress news.

Minghai means that the people who make this choice are not only the three giants of CommScope. Although it can not be said that the choice of all mankind, it is many people who lead to the end of the world.

Of course, Minghai does not deny that the emergence of the world will is to bring the end of the world. Yecha's questioning with fairness is meaningless in itself.

The embodiment of the world will is the apostle, and the root of everything is the appearance of the apostle, which was discovered by CommScope.

It's not a human arrangement, but it's like a thread in fate that always leads things to happen. Or in Chinese words, it's God's will.

"Who are you, then?" Ye Cha said: "monitor?"

"I can explain that the so-called monitor is the symbol of the will of the world. You can think that the monitor is the person who monitors all this," said malfarian

Ming Hai said: "that's almost what I mean. From the perspective of" human ", I'm human. It's no different from you. Only after the end of the world, I became a monitor. In addition, I think it's necessary to change this statement. I'm not the one who monitors all this. Strictly speaking, I'm a bystander. I'll watch a movie from the perspective of a bystander Cut to the beginning, and then to the endYe Cha said, "what is the value of your existence?"

Ming Hai thought for a while and said, "of course, there must be value in existence. The so-called world will is essentially a kind of rule and law. You must abide by the rules. I can't do it, and you can't kill me. But for those who violate the rules, killing them is my task."

After Minghai finished, he swept the crowd around and began to laugh.

"So there's really no need for you to trap me." Minghai said: "normally, no matter what happens, I won't or can't do it."

A fusion zombie said, "you did it when you were in the tower of Babel."

Ye Cha picks his eyebrows, and finally knows how they survived in the hands of Gaddis. At that time, they are not Gaddis's opponents at all.

Now, it's not that he's not going to die.

Ming Hai said with a smile: "first, I did it, but I didn't kill him. Second, he knew the problem in his heart. Even if I killed him at that time, it was OK. Otherwise, why did he kill limes?"

Minghai didn't have a deep explanation for this problem, but yecha could probably hear something, that is, the identity of Noah's Apostle of Gaddis was a bit wrong, and the fact is that the real Noah's Apostle should be limes.

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