death train

Chapter 1998

"Six dragons flying into the sky!"

Ye Cha stepped out towards the front, and at the same time, he raised his sword and chopped.

The blood colored sword light overflows, suddenly appears, cuts down toward the front, quickly twists and turns into a blood dragon, and flies towards the direction of Aries.

In the face of the ferocious blood dragon, the figure of Aries flashes, bypassing the first blood dragon.

With a roar, the blood dragon landed and made a loud noise.

The data of liulongfeitian has obviously been collected by Dr. wittsell, because yecha has been used before, and Aries should know how to deal with liulongfeitian.

Hard connection is by no means the right choice. The best way to deal with liulongfeitian is to dodge. If you dodge a blood dragon, it means that liulongfeitian's power is weaker by one point. The more you dodge, the weaker the power will be.

Ye Cha also knows this, but ye Cha didn't expect that Aries was injured like this, and the speed could be so fast.

Boom, boom, boom!

The blood dragon falls to the ground continuously, making a huge noise, and then the Aries body suddenly comes to the front of the leaf brake as if it were transposed.

Aries looks at Ye Cha and says, "have you played enough? It's my turn

Aries say words, the body's muscles suddenly tighten, and even some blood beads are overflowing from the pores.

"No, it's patience!"

The leaf Cha heart secretly scolds a, immediately dodge body to want to retreat.

The Aries body is made of what materials. Yecha is very clear. Maybe Dr. wittsell added some materials for transformation, or Dr. Davis added some of his own materials and technological products.

However, most of the material of the Aries body is collected by the leaf brake!


This is the ability of an ancient species called cuiyulong.

Cuiyulongjie is between the peak of Zunwang level and the beginning of extraordinary level. Whether he can cross that threshold depends on the individual.

Yecha once hunted a kingly green feathered dragon, and then threw the material to Dr. Davis, because it is kingly. In the manufacture of Aries, it is not the highest level material, but it can also be used.

If you don't see the changes in Aries and think of patience, you can't think of cuiyulong.

The most powerful skill of Cuiyu dragon is defense. It's a few types with thick skin, high defense and poor attack power. Therefore, Cuiyu dragon is not powerful, which is why Ye Cha didn't pay attention to it. After all, only with the advantage of high defense, as long as he is patient enough, he can be killed.

However, patience is the attack ability of cuiyulong.

This ability is very simple, endurance ability to launch, bear a certain degree of damage, and then you can burst out an attack, according to the damage, determine how strong the attack power is.

Ye Cha finally knows why Aries doesn't enter the third form.

Endurance is a kind of ability to stimulate potential. It depends on the injury, or pain to stimulate. If it enters the third form, the injury will recover directly, and the endurance will not be activated naturally.

Aries now strong support, is ready to use patience, to the leaf brake a fatal blow.


It's a sure shot!

As soon as ye Cha retreats, Aries pursues quickly, and doesn't give ye Cha a chance to breathe at all, but the time limit of manwang's ability is over.

Chase and run!

Yecha and Aries are running rapidly, and their figures are constantly flashing. But without manwang's ability, the number of ghost steps hasn't recovered. Yecha can't run past Aries at all.

Once again a flash, leaf brake stop the moment, Aries suddenly appeared in front of the leaf brake.

"I will remember today." Aries says, "because today is my father's death day."

The next moment, the fist of Aries will blow out.

At the moment of the punch, the Aries body is once again exploded blood, constantly toward the four sides.

Patience is the way to hurt people. Moreover, it hurts people first and then.


Rizhao: large range defense ability, can resist all attacks, lasting 15 seconds, with an interval of 24 hours.

Yecha is not ambiguous, Aries that punch is really deadly, either resurrection, or use sunshine, weigh the pros and cons, of course, or use sunshine better, the chance of resurrection is much more precious.

At the moment when the fist came to yecha's eyes, a large flame surged out and wrapped yecha's body.

At the moment when the fist of Aries comes to the leaf brake, a large flame appears around the body of the leaf brake and spreads out quickly.

When the fist collides with the flame, the flame solidifies rapidly and crystallizes continuously, forming a barrier.

Click, click!

Clear and crisp sound appears constantly.

Aries feels like his fists hit a barrier that he can't shake."Ah

Ye Cha raised his head and roared, constantly gushing current from his body, bombarding Aries continuously.

In 15 seconds, ye Cha is not afraid of any attack, so he naturally takes the opportunity to attack madly.

Boom, boom, boom!

The electric current gushing from ye Cha's body bombards Aries continuously, but the fist bombardment of Aries is blocked by the crystallization flame.

Unfortunately, 15 seconds is too short.

The leaf brake continuously splits five or six electric currents, which will defeat Aries, but that's all.

But it's not a bad thing.

Aries fight to hurt themselves and start patience has been used up, Aries also returned to normal state, the injury began to heal quickly, want to start patience again, Aries must be ye Cha beat again.

As soon as they come and go, both sides return to their original state again.

But in this moment

A Styx River comes up from the sky!

All ghosts sing together!

The sky suddenly emerged countless white spirits, like smoke, fog and water, constantly surging, can not see the outline of the body, just a ferocious face, from time to time will emerge.

The next moment, accompanied by the sound of weeping, the shadow of the Styx appears in the air, and a huge bone hand grabs down toward Aries.


As Aries dodges, the ground keeps shaking.

Ye Cha looked at Gan Lin and said, "what are you doing?"

Although Aries is really difficult to deal with, but the leaf brake did not expect other people to help, this battle belongs to him.

Gan Lin is not nonsense, direct way: "I don't want to disturb you, but, no time."

When ye Cha saw the river Styx, he didn't go specifically for Aries. The huge bone hand grabbed it again, but he went straight to Dr. wittsell.

At the same time, even malfarian started to move, with a black lightsaber in his hand, and he chopped at Dr. wittsell.

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