death train

Chapter 1999

Ye was stunned for a moment, but soon understood.

Gan Lin said that the first task of the death train is to survive. About two and a half hours later, this place will be destroyed. If you want to survive, you have to go to the destination, and here is the destination!

Now, it's only about 25 minutes from the two and a half hours that Gan Lin said.

I don't know the meaning of this word, but I don't know how to destroy.

However, yecha used to be a person on the death train, and he knew very well what the mission represented.

The mission represents the rules of the death train. Even the conductor of the train can't violate the rules of the death train. Since mission one indicates that the place will be destroyed after the appointed time.

Then, this place will be destroyed.

So Ganlin did it, and so did marfarian.

They are also people on the death train, so they also understand that the task is the task. Absolutely speaking, they can wait and watch the battle before, but they can't now. They have to leave here.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Dr. wittsell laughed and said, "the way out is ahead. If you want to leave, try to kill me."

While Dr. wittsell was talking, he changed from a light ball to a human shape again. When he pointed forward, a dark golden beam suddenly appeared and collided with the lightsaber cut by marfarian.

With a roar, Dr. wittsell did not move. It was quite surprising that marfarian stepped back.

Besides, it's not over yet!

Behind malfarian, Gemini suddenly appears, dancing with four arms, and the black knife in his hand cuts towards malfarian.

Malfarian's reaction is extremely quick, fierce body rotation, one handed sword under the Gemini four knives, and then the left hand toward the front of the fierce blast.

A ball of light quickly condenses in front of marfarian's body, hits Gemini's body and blows Gemini out.

On the other side, at the top of the cracked ceiling, a figure suddenly appears, which is


Capricorn's speed is fast, swims quickly on the ceiling, the end throws, that fishtail has fallen toward Ganlin.

Gan Lin stood still, a huge bone hand sticking out of the river Styx, grabbed the fish's tail of Capricorn and smashed Capricorn toward the ground.

At the same time


The roar of anger appears, and Aries pushes away the rubble and stands up again.

"Get out of here, get out of here!"

Aries eyes only leaf Cha, don't care about Ganlin and marfarian want to leave, only care about their interference in their fight.

The meteor strides forward, just when Capricorn gets up from the ground, Aries directly reaches out and grabs Capricorn's head, Capricorn has no resistance at all, and is thrown out by Aries.

The next moment, Aries takes a step and punches out.


The bone hand in front of Aries is smashed. Aries keeps on walking forward, watching a fusion zombie attack Dr. wittsell. He raises his hand, raises his palm to form a knife, pierces the other person's chest, and then throws the person aside.

Ye Cha's face was slightly heavy, and then he said to Nan Rong Zhi Shi and Mo Xi, "kill that old man, leave here first!"

Ye Cha also made a decision in an instant. If Aries doesn't kill him, it's always a mental illness for ye cha. It's also a question about where the conductor and Gaddis are going.

But the most important thing now should be to leave.

Ye Cha knows how serious the task of the death train is. Do you want to fight? sure! You can leave here and fight again!

However, ye Cha felt that when he discussed this matter with Aries, other people would not pay any attention to him. Aries had already killed his red eye, and he was on Dr. wittsell's side.

Nanrong Zhishi said anxiously, "the guide is still trapped, and Qianmian is gone."

The leaf Cha way: "that you save?"? After being rescued, it's uncertain whether they will help you or kill you. "

Ye Cha's words are not alarmist. The three guides are iron guides. They are absolutely true, but they are not really imprisoned in glass jars. Ye Cha can't guarantee. After all, people have been in Dr. wittsell's hands, and it turns out that Dr. wittsell really has a way to control the guides.

It's troublesome enough now. It's easy to say that three more guides can help themselves. It's hard to say if they can help Dr. wittsell.

Nanrong Zhishi also tangled, but only tangled for half a minute, then said: "I still want to have a try."

Mo Xi in a side way: "thousand noodles don't care, he should be left alone, and with his strength, should be able to go out."

Ye Cha said: "well, destroy the floor and go to the next floor. The device sinks. The guide should be sent to the next floor Well, I don't think it's necessary to do anything more. "Ye Cha guessed that Nanrong Zhishi would save the guide in most cases. This is the virtue of the Apostle's walking. Although this kind of indomitability is admirable, it's really not a good choice.

But if it's not a good choice, it doesn't make sense. Anyway, yecha can't stop it. At present, it's not difficult for mafalian and Gan Lin to make a move, and it's not difficult for narong Zhishi and Mo Xi to make a move. But what yecha didn't expect is that when he was talking, the central device started to work again.

The body of the apostle in the glass jar was sent down, and then the new metal platform was raised, which was the three light balls we had seen before.

Three guides!

The glass cover of the glass tube rose, and the three guides floated up, constantly shaking in the air, which was extremely unstable.

Ye Cha looked at Nan Rong Zhi Shi and Mo Xi and said, "now it's not about whether you can save the guide, but whether you are willing to kill the guide."

as like as two peas in the front, the three life guides are in a very unstable state.

With the continuous shaking, the light source turns on and off, and even the distribution of the light source becomes uneven one by one. Moreover, you can obviously feel irritability. Under normal circumstances, the guide floats in the air, and will never vibrate so violently, and this kind of tremor is the expression of irritability.

Nanrong Zhishi and Moxi look at each other, their faces are tangled, which is very difficult for them to make a decision.

Nanrong Zhishi is a little better. She has no ability to kill the guide. It's not wrong that she is the Holy Son, but she didn't get the power of the apostle. In other words, she had a chance to get the power of Yan's son. Unfortunately, she was yellowed by Ye cha.

The power of water elves, she also has a chance to get, unfortunately, or was stirred yellow leaf brake.

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