death train

Chapter 2009

Ye Cha said: "first and second, I can understand. What does third mean?"

The oppressive feeling of the death train is definitely not the feeling of ordinary apostles. In fact, with the strength of yecha today, not all the apostles will be ignored, so there is only one possibility, that is, to be all.

Yecha can also understand the second reason for Minghai. Now he generally understands the identity of Minghai. As a monitor, it's normal to know all the apostles.

Only the third reason is that ye Cha feels strange.

Ye Cha said: "what does it mean that there is no such thing in the apostles? If there is no such apostle, how can you judge that the death train belongs to the Apostle? "

Ming Hai looked contemptuous and said, "you have the power of an apostle yourself. Don't you feel that you are an apostle?"

"This..." The leaf Cha Leng for a while, then honest way: "feel."

Ming Hai said, "that's the end."

Ye Cha said: "the key point of my question is what is an apostle without such appearance."

Ming Hai said: "there is no such apostle among all kinds of apostles."

Ye Cha said: "but the problem is the feeling of the apostle. You represent the will of the world. You can't have an apostle you don't know, or you are a parallel?"

Minghai rolled his eyes and said, "you are a parallel product."

The leaf Cha way: "that you give an explanation?"

Minghai said: "first of all, I have explained that the monitor is not as great as you think. I am just the spokesman of the will of the world. My responsibility is just to watch everything and prevent things that violate the rules. In essence, I am human..."

Ye Cha interrupted: "human beings can be killed."

Ming Hai was crazy, rubbed his hair and said: "anyway, don't take me as omniscient. The will of the world can't be seen or touched, but there is a real existence. But if you want to appear, you need a carrier. I'm the carrier. Or you can understand it as borrowing my body, and the meaning of my existence, you can take me as a referee The referee is responsible for deciding whether to win or lose, not for explaining the rules

Ye Cha said: "but the referee at least knows the rules."

"I..." Ming Hai said, "there's no way to explain. Anyway, I don't know what the death train is. Wait a minute, there's another possibility."

Ming Hai suddenly frowned, lost in thought.

Ye Cha said, "say it."

Ming Hai said: "zero apostle, or the last apostle."

Ye Cha said: "you can't even tell the zero apostle from the last apostle? You're a ghost monitor

Minghai said, "I mean in the past."

Ye Cha said: "what does the zero Apostle and the ultimate apostle represent?"

Minghai said: "it originated from the end. An era is coming to an end. There is also the beginning of a new era? After you figure out what this thing is? You don't have to fight? "


Ye Cha Leng for a while, as if it was meaningless.

Minghai said: "I advise you to think less. If you have this Kung Fu, you'd better kill it quickly. This guy obviously wants to destroy this place. At that time, all of you will be finished except me."

Ye Cha looked up at the sea, and then said nothing more.

Ye Cha actually wants to ask about the egg twisting machine, but the current situation does not seem to be suitable for chatting. Instead, he should deal with the death train first.

"Hoo Ye Cha spits out turbid airway: "three swords in the world!"


Ye Cha suddenly put out his sword.

When the sword comes out, the dragon's wings spread out behind the leaf brake.

The demon dragon's state can last five or six minutes. As soon as the dragon's wings spread, ye Cha jumped into the air.

"One sword makes the river run!"

Ye Cha went in the direction of the death train, holding his sword in his hand and stabbing it out.

In a flash, the light of sword scattered and formed a sword river. It ran into the direction of the death train.


The Jianhe river is hundreds of meters long. After colliding with the death train, the death train swam in the air and was hit askew. The carapace of the carriage suddenly broke, revealing countless rotten flesh and blood.

All of a sudden, the clamp foot at the bottom of the car flew out, very fast, towards the leaf brake.

As soon as the pupil of Ye Cha shrank, he immediately stretched out his hand to press. The Hellfire appeared in front of Ye Cha and shot out continuously to shoot down those tongs.

The next moment, ye Cha sword again.

"Two swords swallow the sun and the moon!"

The blade brake cuts out the sword towards the front again, and the sword light around the death train flies quickly, like a huge ball of light, crazy around the death train.

The sound of metal impact rang out continuously. A moment later, the sword light dispersed, and the carapace turned from the carriage was completely broken.However, ye Cha didn't feel happy for a long time. The rotten flesh and blood kept wriggling, and then the new crustaceans grew out of the cracks.

Good regeneration ability!

Ye Cha is surprised. The regeneration speed is too fast. It has to catch up with the regeneration speed of constellation monsters when they switch form.

However, the two swords have already come out, so there is no reason to stop at this moment.

"Three swords are angry with heaven and earth!"

The leaf Cha low drinks a, the Dragon Wing behind spreads out, the leaf Cha then quickly flies toward the top to go out, directly comes to the death train's top.

Ye Cha sword again.


The sword is blaring!

When ye Cha raised his sword and stabbed it down, the sound of the sword suddenly sounded all around. At the same time, ye Cha's sword was sharp.

The next moment, ye Cha stabbed his sword toward the bottom, and the sword around him gathered together.

It seems that yecha's third sword is the most ordinary, neither earth shaking nor gorgeous as fireworks.

But when the leaf brake and the death train pass by!

A silver sword ring suddenly swung away and fell on the death train.


This time, not only the carapace turned into a carapace, but also the flesh and blood at the bottom burst abruptly, resulting in a huge wound.

Countless foul blood with a fishy smell towards the bottom of the spill, constantly falling on the ground, and then sputter.

There were exclamations all around.

Many people are attacking the dead train, but the fact is that it is almost impossible to cause damage to the dead train. The strike of Ye Cha is the most obvious damage to the dead train.

However, ye Cha is not very satisfied with himself.

The three swords in the world are one of the killing moves in the Oriental jade sword technique. Their power is very terrible. How can they only have this level?

Take a deep breath, ye Cha rushes towards the death train again, this is a sword in hand.

But in this moment

The location of the death train, a black light flash.

The leaf Cha Leng Leng.

This feeling

So familiar!

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