death train

Chapter 2010

The next moment, the black light spot suddenly turned into a black beam, toward the direction of the leaf brake.

"Damn it

Ye Cha couldn't help cursing, and finally knew why he was familiar with the power of spiritual apostles.

Leaf brake quickly flash body, that black light beam is almost with leaf brake brush body but pass, then mercilessly blow on the ground.

After the black beam hit the ground, it didn't explode. Instead, it quickly swept forward, cut the ground, and then swept toward a building.

With a bang, the ten story building was cut directly from the center, and then began to collapse madly.

Ye Cha's forehead is in a cold sweat. This power is terrible!

The man Ye Cha met in the place of origin had the power of a spiritual Apostle and could use this move. His power was also extremely huge, but it never reached this level.

And in the next instant, the black spot appeared again.

Ye Cha bares his teeth. It seems that the death train is staring at him.

Although other people also attack the dead train, the dead train basically doesn't care, or in other words, it doesn't take the initiative to attack, but continues to destroy.

Of course, some people who are not afraid of death dare to stand in front of the death train, and the death train doesn't care if people tumble together. But now it's the first time to take the initiative to fight back. It's obvious that the leaf brake has made the death train angry.

The next moment, the black beam flew out again, obviously faster than before!

The leaf brake pulls the height tightly, trying to avoid the black light beam

And then


When the black light beam arrives, it hits the open Dragon Wing of the leaf brake and directly nails the Dragon Wing through a hole. Then half of the Dragon Wing tears and the leaf brake falls from the air.

Ye Cha's body is constantly churning in the air, but at this time, the river Styx falls down, comes to the bottom of Ye Cha and catches it.

An eagle roars, Gan Lin sits on the back of the red fire eagle, skims over the leaf brake, and then jumps down to the river Styx.

Gan Lin said, "I can't rush out."

The leaf Cha way: "how?"

Gan Lin said: "this thing generally does not take the initiative to attack, but when it reaches the height above the death train and wants to rush up and out, it will attack."

Ye Cha said: "that is to say, the death train is preventing people from leaving?"

Gan Lin said, "that's what I mean."

Ye Cha said, "please."

At the same time, when ye Cha was talking to Gan Lin, the third black light spot appeared again, quickly formed a beam, and shot down again in the direction of Ye cha.

Gan Lin drinks a light, stretch out a hand toward front wipe, the river water of the Styx then suddenly turns upside down, toward the air to meet up.


The black light beam collided with the Ming River, and then there was a loud noise. The Ming River suddenly burst open, and the whole Ming River trembled.

The black light beam shrank a few minutes and continued to come towards the leaf brake.

"He mountain wind and rain sword!" The leaf Cha lightly drinks a, once again jump up and say: "the sky sword North falls!"

The virtual sword appeared in the air, and then suddenly fell towards the black beam.


The roar suddenly rang out, the virtual sword was blasted into a piece of sword light, and the black beam was completely crushed into a black halo.

Ye Cha said in a deep voice: "this thing is staring at me."

Gan Lin said, "if you want to leave, you will be targeted sooner or later."


At this time, the roar of anger suddenly sounded, the leaf brake looked down, but Aries finally came out.

Aries step on the side of a broken building, step on the outer wall, running like walking on the ground, constantly toward the air, and then jump on the river Styx, toward the leaf brake suddenly.

Ye Xie and Gan Lin jump to both sides at the same time. With the arrival of the strength of Aries, a water column will explode in the Styx river.

Ye Cha quickly looked back, Aries stepping on the Styx, constantly pounding the chest, obviously particularly violent, constantly roaring.

Ye Cha didn't stop. As soon as he fell back to the river Styx, he swept to the rear with a sword and said, "the sword roars at the west wind, and the wind stops the sword!"

Ye Cha's sword sweeps out, and the wind around it rolls backward, quickly condenses along the sword wind, forming a huge wind blade, and cuts down toward the head of Aries.

Aries will not be afraid, a direct blow out, with the wind blade impact together.

Bang, the wind blade is smashed by a blow from Aries.

Scattered wind blade from the river, the river to constantly cut, but also in this moment, in the river, two huge bone hand out, toward the direction of Aries on the hard shot down.

Bang, bang!

Aries raises its hand to the sky and reaches out to pick up the two huge bony hands.

Ye Cha says to Gan Lin: "flash!"

Ye Cha and Gan Lin dodged to both sides at the same time. At this moment, the death train attacked again.The black light expanded, turned into a black beam, and then came down again.

With Ye Cha and Gan Lin jumping away from both sides, the black light beam passes between them and slams on Aries.


The sound of bombardment resounded through the world.

The black beam hit Aries moment, suddenly burst, into a black light column will be wrapped up in Aries.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The black column of light, constantly came the roar of Aries.

If you can kill Aries by the death train, it's obviously a good choice. Aries is extremely powerful, and the most important thing is that it's still entangled.

But just then


Aries suddenly punches in the black pillar of light, slamming on the black pillar of light.

Click, click!

If the black light column had substance, it was like broken glass, which split countless gaps, then suddenly broke into pieces.

Aries hands into a knife, both hands pierce the black light column, and then fiercely toward both sides of the pull, the black light column to thoroughly tear.

Of course, hard hit by the death train, Aries is also very embarrassed, there are a lot of wounds on the body, in the center of the chest position, is blasted out of a blood hole, is constantly oozing blood.


Aries raised his head and roared, then darted forward, came to the front of the leaf brake, raised his fist to bombard.

Ye Cha immediately cross sword!


Aries fist bang on the sword, and then two people one after another, stepping on the Styx rapid movement.

Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "go away, I don't have time to play with you now."

"My father." Do you want to kill the things above your head? It's very simple. Give me everything you have. After I inherit everything you have, I will complete the final evolution. I will be the strongest. I can inherit your will. I can help you kill anything you want to kill. "

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