death train

Chapter 206

"Control the zombies?" Ye Cha was surprised and said, "can zombies be controlled?"

"It's just theoretically possible, at least so far, that the experiment at CommScope has not been successful," paludo said

Ye Cha said, "the experimental field you said?"

Paludo said: "the vitality of zombies, the environment they adapt to, the changes after swallowing human beings, and so on, are the research directions of CommScope. At the beginning, the experimental base was in chaos, and many people escaped. Later, after CommScope implemented the blockade, it lured zombies to attack the escaping human beings, so as to observe the zombies."

"It means that the city is still under the control of CommScope," he said

"Yes, they built walls around the city and trapped everyone." Paliudo looked at yecha and said, "so, I'm very curious about how you came here. You should not be able to enter this city."

Ye Cha was stunned, then quietly reached for the silver thorn and Alaska whaling fork.

"Don't get excited. I don't doubt you. You don't look like a CommScope person at all," paludo said

Ye Cha doesn't talk, just stares at paludo.

"You should have heard them call me a professor," paludo said? In fact, I was one of the scientists recruited by CommScope. "

Ye Cha picked his eyebrows and said, "Oh?"

Paludo said: "I used to be a professor at Princeton University, specializing in biological genetics and genetics. CommScope recruited me in the name of researching zombie virus antidotes, but I found out later that it was not the case at all. I went to question sebansk, and he threw me into the slave area and took me to do experiments. My virus is the best proof It's not clear

Ye Cha nodded, no one should be crazy to do experiments with himself.

"So, I know something about CommScope. In all aspects, you don't look like a person from CommScope, so please help us," paludo said

Paliudo said as he became excited and kept waving his arms.

Paludo said: "I believe you are an outsider. There must be a loophole in the defense line built by CommScope. That's why you inadvertently entered the city. So please tell us, from what direction and route you entered. Please help us leave the city."

Ye Cha language chokes, don't say he doesn't have interest to save others first, even if have interest, he also has no way.

Because he left the platform of the death train and entered the fortress experimental base. He didn't enter the dark capital from the outside.

Route? Ye Cha doesn't know what bullshit route!

At the same time, ye Cha understood why the task given by the death train was to escape from the dark capital.

The first is to survive the attack of the rampant system, destroy the supercomputer, and kill the kty27 system. But this is not the end. To leave the dark city, we have to break through the defense line built by CommScope in the outer circle of the dark city.

This is the truth of the escape mission.

Seeing that yecha was silent, paludo said excitedly: "please, help us. There were at least tens of thousands of people who escaped from the experimental base, but now there are only a few hundred people living in this city. Please have pity on us."

Ye Cha said: "I..."

Bang, Bang

Before ye Cha could speak, there was a smashing sound at the door of the classroom. Then ye Cha heard someone shouting: "Professor, Professor, something's wrong."

Ye Cha took a look at paliudo and said, "let's see what's going on first."

Paliudo nodded, quickly pushed open the desks and chairs piled up by the door, opened the door and said, "what's the matter?"

The people outside anxiously said: "zombies, many zombies."

Paludo frowned and said, "don't worry, speak slowly."

The humanitarian: "you'd better see for yourself."

Paludo and yecha leave the classroom where they talk and come to the opposite classroom, which is facing the school gate.

Looking out of the classroom window, paludo gasped.

Sure enough, there are zombies, a lot of zombies.

At least hundreds of zombies, somehow, gathered at the gate of the school, pounding the iron gate of the school and making a "bang, bang" sound.

The man who came to call ye Cha and paludo said, "the back door is also very close."

Paludo was shocked and said, "how could this happen? Did CommScope induce the zombies to attack us? "

The man shook his head and said, "I don't know. They usually use helicopter to lure zombies, but this time there is no helicopter. The zombies suddenly gather."

Paliudo's face turned pale and said, "did they really find a way to control the zombies?"

Ye Cha frowned on the other side and heard the three words of helicopter, which made Ye Cha have more associations. Ge shujiu took people into the dark capital by helicopter.Is the guy who wants to kill himself related to CommScope?

After pondering for a moment, ye Cha said: "there is no way out now. The school wall and iron gate can't stop the zombies for too long. We must break through and leave this place, otherwise the zombies will rush in soon."

Paliudo nodded, then said: "let everyone enter the fighting state, take up the weapons, shoot the zombies at the front gate, kill the zombies as much as possible, find the right opportunity to break through."

Paludo didn't have many people under his command. At the beginning, there were about thirty or forty, but with the constant fighting with zombies, there were only nine left, and paludo only had ten.

All the ten people gathered at the window of the classroom. These guys had plenty of weapons. They were said to have taken out from inside when they fled the fortress experimental base.

Pistols, rifles, machine guns, sniper guns, all kinds of guns, and even two rockets.

Ye Cha quietly went to the window, took out the msg90 automatic sniper rifle, and set it up directly at the window.

We can talk about other things later. The most troublesome thing at present must be the dense group of zombies. How to deal with paliudo must be considered after solving these zombies.

Bang, bang, Bang

The leaf brake aimed a little, then fired continuously.

With the sound of the gun, the muzzle of the sniper gun spewed fire, and then the zombies in front of the iron gate of the school fell one by one.

Even ye Cha doesn't need to aim. There are too many zombies. Random shooting can also hit. Moreover, even if it doesn't hit the head, it can kill the zombies directly. Because the power of the sniper gun can directly interrupt the hands and feet, it can also make the zombies lose their action ability.

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