death train

Chapter 207

After a round of shooting, the blade brake quickly unloads the magazine, and then fills in the new magazine.

The leaf Cha side shoots again, at the same time toward nearby not far PA Liu duo way: "so go on is not a way, five minutes of shooting time, the number of zombies in front of the front door has not become less."

Of course, the number of zombies is actually decreasing. The bodies have been piled up at least half a meter high, but it seems that the zombies are still dense, because new zombies are gathering.

Ye Cha frowned and said, "it's like something in this place is attracting those zombies."

Ye Cha felt as if he had grasped some clues, but at this time, someone rushed into the classroom and yelled: "no, the back door of the school has been knocked open, and zombies have entered the playground."

"Damn it." Paludo scolded: "go downstairs immediately to block the door. I remember there is an iron gate at the back of the teaching building, and there is a sporting goods warehouse on the side. If you want to carry something to hold it, you must hold it."

Someone answered and left the classroom in a hurry.

Paliudo's face was dignified, then he looked at Ye Cha and said, "we really have to break through. If we go on like this, those zombies will definitely rush in, but the number of zombies will not decrease. What should we do?"

Ye Cha said: "is there a bomb? Blow up a road at one time, and then rush out. There are a lot of cars on the street. You can run after driving. "

Paludo shook his head and said, "there's only one packet of C4 left. It's all used up."

Ye Cha said, "I'm still a little bit. I should be able to have a try."

Paludo pondered for a moment, and then said, "OK, I'll have people clear up the weapons and ammunition, and go right away."

Weapons and ammunition are the basis of settling down in this city. If you lose these, even if you can run out, I'm afraid you won't live long.

Ye Cha nodded and continued to shoot towards the zombie group at the front door. Then suddenly, ye Cha's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Damn, how can I forget that thing." The leaf Cha quickly receives gun way: "I want to go to nearby turn."

Paludo looks at Ye cha in doubt.

Ye Cha said: "I have no time to explain. I may know why zombies gather."

Ye Cha said as he ran out of the classroom.

Why do zombies keep gathering?

Ye Cha thought of this thing at first, and there was a vague idea in his head. Now he finally remembered it.

Zombie disease source!

In the city of amnesia, whenever the night comes, zombies will be attracted by the zombie disease source around, and constantly gather together.

At the same time, ye Cha also remembered that when he was in the capital of amnesia, he seemed to have found a so-called slave area, where people were wearing shackles, carrying zombies and disease sources there!

"Are these two things related?" Ye Cha murmured: "or is it related to those people who want to kill me?"

Ye Cha's thoughts scattered, but he soon recovered.

We can think about these things later. The most troublesome thing at the moment is, of course, to solve the current predicament.

The zombies were lurching in the streets around the school. Although there were a lot of zombies, they didn't mean to gather around. Why did they gather all of a sudden?

What ye Cha can think of is the source of zombies. If someone sneaks into the school and places that thing in the school, the zombies around the school will certainly gather.

Ye Cha quickly ran across the corridor, started to search from the first floor, pushed open the door of each classroom, and then went up to the second and third floors, and rushed to the roof.

"Found it!"

When ye Cha went to the roof, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the middle of the roof of the teaching building, there is a box, not big, but brand new.

Ye Cha doesn't think a brand new box will appear in this place for no reason.

Ye Cha immediately pried the box open, and there was an octagonal glass jar filled with liquid. In the middle of the liquid, a green light source floated up and down there.

"It's really the zombie disease."

The leaf Cha takes out that glass jar, without saying a word, mercilessly hit the ground.

With a bang, the zombie was smashed by the leaf brake, and the liquid in it immediately flowed out. At the same time, the light source body floating in the center also quickly dispersed and fused into the flowing liquid, making the liquid green.

Ye Cha no longer took care of the zombie, but quickly ran to the edge of the roof and looked at the front door of the school.

At the front gate of the school, the zombies in the front row are still pounding the iron gate, but the zombies in the back row, after losing the attraction of the zombie source, obviously begin to stagger and scatter around.

The leaf Cha is easy to breathe, if be blocked by so many zombies, even if be oneself, want to escape easily, also is not an easy matter.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

At this time, the gun suddenly rang out, it came from downstairs.

The leaf Cha Leng next, the zombie has already begun to scatter, PA Liu duo should not be silly to still continue to fire? The sound of the gun will attract the scattered zombies back.Boom!

At this time, the sound of the explosion followed. On the third floor of the teaching building, a huge fire burst out. The glass windows were broken row by row, and the fire even spread to the playground outside the teaching building.

Ye Cha was summoned back by the explosion. He immediately left the roof and ran down the stairs to the third floor.

Just back on the third floor, ye Cha saw two figures.

One figure is paludo, with blood all over his body, and his legs are still bruised by the explosion. The other is the young man who was with paludo at first, dragging him back and forth.

The leaf Cha way: "how to return a responsibility?"

"Bio man!" Paludo cried bitterly, "it's the CommScope biochemist who killed us. Everyone else is dead. We have to leave now."

Ye Cha came forward and grabbed paliudo. He shouldered it on his shoulder and said, "what kind of biochemical person are you talking about while walking?"

Paludo said: "CommScope has been using pharmaceutics to study biochemical human, but it has not been successful. Until the end of the day, they extracted zombie virus from zombies, because biochemical human is not a natural living creature, and it can completely fit with zombie virus. This makes the experiment of biochemical human finally successful, and those biochemical human also become the hands of CommScope They call them the arbiters. "

"The arbiter!"

Ye Cha's eyes brightened, and he still had a black gold arbiter chip in his hand. He didn't even buy the death train. He didn't know what it was for. Now he finally found the right owner?

Ye Cha wants to meet the so-called arbiter.

"But Ye Cha suddenly said, "there are other things to do now."

Ye Cha suddenly pulled out the silver thorn and pulled the trigger at the young man's legs.

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