death train

Chapter 225

Ye Cha put the wine cup down and said, "let's not talk about this for the moment. Let's talk about other things. I need to buy some things and then settle some things."

"Of course." "It's my duty," said the landlady

In fact, in the dark city, yecha has not gained much.

Of course, this statement is not accurate. The accurate statement is that he didn't get anything from zombies in the dark capital. The most valuable thing is to kill a Purple Striped butterfly.

In addition, the leaf brake has not completed one task. However, since the conductor has announced that the leaf brake will receive a special reward, it is natural that the leaf brake has completed two tasks.

The real great harvest of yecha is the arbiter, which is the biggest harvest of yecha, but it does not come from zombies and missions.

Ye Cha piled all kinds of things on the bar, basically only a few silver skeletons could be replaced, until the tentacles and wings of the Purple Striped butterfly were put out.

The owner's wife offered a gold skull coin, which was very fair. It was similar to yecha's estimation, but in general, because yecha finished his journey to the dark capital ahead of time, the harvest was less than before.

After settling these little things, ye Cha said, "what's my special reward?"

The landlady said, "before platform 7, you will have the right to use the private carriage temporarily."

The leaf Cha Leng Leng, immediately quite deep meaning of saw boss Niang similar.

Is this special reward a welfare?

Obviously, the leaf brake now really needs the permission of personal car use, very much.

If the special reward is not a personal car, there is no doubt that the leaf brake will open the personal car challenge.

This is the rule for the use of individual carriages. When the level reaches the gold level, you can start the challenge of individual carriages. If the challenge is successful, you will get the temporary use right of individual carriages.

Usually, the temporary use right is determined by the time limit or the number of platforms.

Of course, if the challenge fails, there will be no challenge before the next level, or there will be another situation, that is, death in the process of challenge.

Now for the leaf brake, belongs to doze, the other side sent a pillow.

Ye Cha doesn't think it's a coincidence. In Ye Cha's opinion, it's a stroke and a sweet jujube. Previously, the landlady secretly conveyed the conductor's request, or even a warning and threat. It's just a euphemism.

Now, the conductor seems to have given yecha some sweetness.

"But it doesn't matter." Ye Cha murmured in his heart: "the important thing is your own needs."

After thinking about it, ye Cha stopped worrying about it, and continued: "well, I need some things, including elementary mastery of mechanical technology and biochemical gene technology. Well, by the way, where is my arbiter? Don't tell me I haven't been brought back, it's my booty. "

The landlady said, "in the warehouse, you can pick it up with me at any time."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "please help me deliver it to my personal compartment, and there are some other things. I will list them out. They are all ordinary materials, but they need a large amount."

The landlady nodded and said, "no problem. I'll have the arbiter sent to the private carriage with the things."

Ye Cha said: "well, I'll go to visit my own space first."

When ye Cha leaves the dining car and passes through the carriage point, ye Cha's heart starts to move. Then what ye Cha sees is not the dead carriage, but his own personal carriage.

The luxury of individual carriage is the standard of five-star hotel suite.

Comfortable big bed, leather sofa, the living room is full of all kinds of drinks cabinet, a refrigerator full of food, at the same time, there is an independent bathroom, and even a jacuzzi.

If we say that before the end of the world, this degree is not amazing.

But the problem is now the end of the world, water, food, incomparably precious, there is surplus water to take a bath? It's just a king's pleasure.

Of course, just for enjoyment, the personal car is not so desirable. The important thing is that there is a working room on the side of the bedroom, where there are many equipment and devices that can be used to make anything.

This is the real value of personal compartment. Only with personal compartment can we have the right to "make" goods.

In fact, many valuable materials don't have to be sent to the dining car for sale. They can be used to make all kinds of goods. If you're lucky, the value of the things you make is far more than that of the things sold in the dining car.

Of course, the rate of being proficient in the making of dining cars is not as high as that of buying things.

However, ye Cha has nothing special to make, and he has no materials. It's absolutely stupid to keep the materials in the early stage in order to make something good in his own car and make his fighting power soar.Because, it's likely that you can't even survive a dead train platform.

No more valuable materials in the early stage are more important than replacing them with skeleton coins to strengthen themselves.

Even if he owns the car, he doesn't want to make it!

The arbiter is not something bought on the train of death, and the transformation is not making. It doesn't need any drawings. If ye Cha learns to be proficient in mechanical technology and biochemical gene technology, he can carry out a certain degree of transformation.

Of course, it's just a transformation. Primary mastery doesn't allow yecha to build more arbitrators. First, it's also a matter of materials. Second, if the arbitrators can be made so easily, the scientists of CommScope are afraid of suicide.

In terms of transformation, ye Cha has already had a sketch in mind.

The first is the location of the chip, which must be reformed. It is a huge mistake to expose the chip to the outside.

Ye Cha spent 200 Silver Skull coins, bought reinforced alloy plates, made a cover plate, and also spent 100 copper skull coins, bought artificial silicone skin.

Since then, the protection of the chip has been improved, and the artificial silicone skin is also a good camouflage, making it difficult for people to see where the chip is.

The second is the issue of orders. It's too troublesome to stand in front of the arbiter and give orders every time. In particular, it's a fatal injury to be unable to change the order according to the situation.

Fortunately, after checking the arbitrator's system, ye Cha got a good news.

The arbiter can be controlled remotely.

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