death train

Chapter 226

The arbiter has remote control programs and even can connect to satellites so that it can receive signals in any harsh environment.

However, the original remote control device should be in Ge shujiu's hands. The corpse of that guy who was blasted by Ye Cha's red flame bomb was gone, and all the things on his body were gone.

The leaf brake can only be made by itself. After buying a PDA in the dining car and setting up a new program, the leaf brake can send commands to the arbitrator remotely.

At the same time, the blade brake has also been modified to a certain extent, and a camera has been installed on the arbitrator, which can not only send commands remotely, but also share the referee's vision by using the camera's image.

So far, the modification of the blade brake has been basically completed.

Basically completed means that the current modification is for convenience, which does not help to enhance the strength of the arbitrator, but ye Cha actually has something that may enhance the strength of the arbitrator.

EM cell mutation gene!

This is the reward Ye Cha got from the little snake with corpse flowers in the desert wasteland.

The function of the mutant gene of EM cells is very simple. It can be used for cell fusion, making stronger zombies, and even for its own use.

Ye Cha certainly won't inject himself, and make himself a ghost, but if he injects the arbitrator, it's not impossible.

At the same time, the mutant gene of YM cells in yecha's hand has dual cellular properties of animals and plants. Under normal circumstances, of course, these two types of zombie cells must be obtained for use. Direct injection is impossible to have effect.

Coincidentally, ye Cha still has corpse flower in his hand. Just extract some cell genes from corpse flower's body, and then inject them into the arbitrator's body.

What's more, the cells and genes of corpse flower are not only plants, but also animal cells and genes. After all, yecha used a lot of ancient animal blood to feed corpse flower.

However, when ye Cha asked the proprietress, the proprietress also said frankly that the effect after injection was uncertain.

The arbiter may become stronger because of the injection, and appear plant characteristics, or there may be no response after the injection.

Of course, the worst case is that the arbiter will be abandoned. The body of the biological part will be completely damaged and rotten. Even if the mechanical part will be left, the leaf brake will lose the arbiter.

This is a multiple choice question, and ye Cha finally chose to gamble.

It's very simple to extract the cells and genes of the corpse flower. There is a device in the personal carriage. After the leaf brake makes the corpse flower lie on the workbench, he operates a metal instrument and pricks the vine of the corpse flower. The cells and genes of the corpse flower are put into a test tube.

However, the naked eye is naturally invisible.

Then yecha took out the mutant gene of EM cells and injected it directly into the tube with a needle gun.

There was a transparent liquid in the test tube, which contained the cells and genes of corpse flower. When yecha injected the mutant gene of EM cell into it, almost at the speed visible to the naked eye, the liquid quickly turned light blue, and then turned blue and green.

Blue is the mutation gene of EM cell, while green is the cell and gene of corpse flower.

The leaf brake gently shakes the test tube, and the two colors begin to merge. Finally, the liquid in the test tube turns lavender.

Even if the fusion is completed, it may fail in the process of fusion. However, the probability is not big, and this is not the most critical step.

Ye Cha will put the test tube on the needle gun, and then let the referee lie on the workbench. The most critical step is to inject the referee.

The arbiter is very obedient. This guy's thinking ability is not as good as the corpse flower, or it should be said that he has no wisdom at all. Yecha's order is everything, and he has absolute loyalty, until the black gold arbiter chip is destroyed, and then a new arbiter chip is replaced.

Ye Cha found the right position on the arbitrator's neck, then stabbed him with a needle and gun. After pulling the trigger, the mutant gene of EM cell was injected into the arbitrator's body bit by bit.

After all this, ye Cha leaned against one side of the wall, looked at the time from time to time, and observed the referee's physical condition.

Unfortunately, nothing happened.

"Well, I'm in a hurry." An hour later, the arbitrator was lying on the workbench, and there was still no movement. Yecha could only give up and said, "it takes a certain time for the cell to fuse with the gene, not to mention the mutation gene like the mutation gene of EM cell."

Ye Cha comforted himself, and then decided to have a rest. It's not the same to stare at the arbitrator all the time.

During this period, ye Cha went to the death carriage. Although he has a personal carriage now, there is still his bed in the death carriage, because his personal carriage authority is temporary. When the use time is over, he has to return to the death carriage.

Of course, if it is possible, yecha certainly wants to get permanent personal car use right and residence right, but it is not easy. Besides excellent performance, it also needs some luck.

When ye Cha went back to the dead car, he found that after a few days, many people had come back. One third of the people in the dead car were there, and there should be fewer people in other cars.After all, the strength of those who have participated in the battle of death carriage is worthy of affirmation.

At the same time, this represents the departure time of the dead train, which is not too far.

"Hello At the same time, when ye Cha returned to the death carriage, Xia Youran came to the door and said, "do you plan to continue the transaction you mentioned last time?"

Ye Cha said, "do you have anything you can trade with?"

"You're used to bows and arrows, aren't you?" Xia Youran directly took out a small plastic box and threw it, saying: "return the hypnotic bell to me, this thing is yours."

Ye Cha opened the plastic box and said, "beautiful pupil?"

Xia Youran said: "it's not the ordinary beauty pupil. It killed a very troublesome guy and dug it out of her eyes."

Eagle pupil: increase the field of vision by 250 meters, improve the visual accuracy by 50%, reduce the cone cells by 50%, and improve the hand eye coordination by 25%. It is invalid when the pupil is removed.

Xia Youran said: "how about it? It should be very useful to you. "

"I don't think it's worth more than a hypnotic bell," he said

Xia Youran said: "but the effect is higher than hypnotic bell. In the face of variant zombies with higher level than you, hypnotic bell is ineffective. With your strength, variant zombies with lower level or similar level to you usually do not cause too much threat. Hypnotic bell can only make you hypnotize ordinary zombies to drive on the road at most."

The leaf Cha pondered for a while, summer leisurely this words also very reasonable.

However, ye Cha didn't believe it was that simple.

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