death train

Chapter 227

The reason for ye Cha's suspicion is that Xia Youran is not weak. When he first saw this woman, his pathetic appearance was obviously pretended.

This has been proved in the case of desert wasteland.

If it wasn't for the one eyed old man's continuous injection of corpse medicine, with Xia Youran's strength, he would be able to assassinate the one eyed old man.

This is what ye Cha doubts. What Xia Youran said is very correct. With Ye Cha's strength becoming stronger, hypnotic bell is a little embarrassed in Ye Cha's hands.

But for Xia Youran, isn't that the case?

In that case, why did she want the hypnotic bell back? Especially in the case of deliberately sending out the hypnotic bell in order to deceive myself at the beginning, now I have to take it back. What can I do with it?

Xia Youran seemed to guess Ye Cha's idea and continued: "no matter what I do, at least that thing is useless in your hand, isn't it? We get what we need! "

Ye Cha said: "I don't think it's good for me to make you stronger. It's hard to guarantee that we will be hostile one day. Unless you can give me a satisfactory price, Eagle pupil is not enough."

Xia leisurely is silent for a while, then takes out a sword way: "add this."

Ye Cha said, "sword?"

This is a European medieval cross sword. It's exquisitely made. The blue handle is inlaid with gold. The sword body has an incomprehensible Rune pattern with a hint of red awn.

Yecha was very satisfied with Nepal machete and Alaska whaling fork. He didn't care much about sword.

Xia leisurely way: "this sword is not used to cut people, is used to shoot."

Huiyao sword: there are ancient forces flowing inside the sword body, which can transcend the constraints and restrictions of space and make the user reach the location of Huiyao sword in an instant. The ancient space forces remaining in Huiyao sword can only be used 10 times. At present, the remnant is 10 times

Ye Cha's first thought is: what the hell.

The key to a sword is sharpness, hardness and so on.

However, yecha soon understood Xia Youran's meaning. The sword of Huiyao is used to shoot. As long as you shoot it, you can instantly complete hundreds of meters. Even with the thousand mile eye of endless bow, you can instantly transfer thousands of meters.

Xia Youran said: "this is something left behind by witches in the middle ages. I found it in the stomach of an ancient species. After I took back the death train, there was a special effect. I even planned to buy a bow for it."

Ye Cha pondered for a moment. It's really a good thing. It can save his life at the critical moment. With this thing in the dark city, how could he be forced so miserably by GE Shu for a long time in the fortress experimental base.

Leaf Cha way: "clinch a deal!"

After ye Cha finished, he took out the hypnotic bell and threw it to Xia Youran. Then he took the Huiyao sword and Yingwen pupil.

Eagle pupil is also a very useful thing for yourself.

The range of vision and the accuracy of vision can be understood literally.

The reduction of cone cells can greatly improve the contrast of light and dark in the visual field of the leaf brake, avoid light interference, and even make the leaf brake immune to mirage.

Hand eye coordination, on the other hand, does not simply improve the archery of the leaf brake, but directly improves the attack ability of the leaf brake. Many times, when the eyes see something and then attack with both hands, there is a delay, that is, the body can't keep up with the speed of the eyes.

The improved hand eye coordination can reduce the attack delay and improve the attack speed significantly.

Of course, when archery, the improvement will be more obvious, because it is the hand eye coordination, not the foot eye, or other things. If the leaf brake uses the foot or body to hit, it is invalid.

But on the whole, yecha is very satisfied.

In the death carriage, the leaf brake didn't wait long to leave. There was no reason to stay in the death carriage after having a personal carriage.


The next day, the arbiter, who had never responded, finally changed his body.

On the left and right sides of the arbitrator's neck, two tumor like things grow, dark green. Yecha tries to press it, and green venom will penetrate out.

This is the most obvious change, but it is not the one that makes yecha most happy.

What makes yecha most happy is the muscle change of the arbiter.

The arbitrator's body is smaller than before, obviously not so big. Yecha is a little worried that the strength of the arbitrator may be weakened, but if he loses weight, his speed and reaction ability will be improved.

The most important thing is that the body of the arbiter has plant characteristics.

When ye Cha carefully cut a cut on the arbitrator with a scalpel, what flowed out was not the red blood, but some translucent juice, just like the feeling of those succulent plants being cut.

This means that the fusion transformation of mutant gene in EM cells is effective.

Yecha's gambling paid off.

As time goes by, the body of the arbiter is constantly changing.Following the change of blood is the skeleton, ye Cha suddenly found that the arbiter's body will continue to appear fine bone, after cleaning, it will still appear.

Through observation, ye Cha found that the bone pieces were discharged from the arbitrator's body.

However, the body of the arbiter has not softened.

This is very incredible. Bones are the key to support the body. But now the bones in the arbiter's body seem to have broken, but the body doesn't break down. It becomes a fluffy piece of meat, but it can still move normally.

At the same time, the reduction of muscle does not weaken the referee's defense.

In fact, the current state of the arbitrator's muscles is very strange, not the same as before. Although the muscles are still obvious, they are not as angular as granite, but soft.

However, yecha found that it was more difficult to stab the referee with a knife. The Nepal machete only stabbed a small part, and then felt strong resistance, which was obviously more difficult to hurt the referee than before.

After the arbiter fused the mutant gene of EM cell, the change became more and more obvious. Three days later, yecha found that there was a small hollow behind the arbiter.

The sunken holes were only the size of a thumb. There were 16 in all, eight on each side centered on the position of the spine. In the sunken hole, ye Cha saw small vines wriggling.

There is no doubt that this represents the complete success of Ye Cha's transformation of the arbiter.

However, yecha had to be ready to leave before the arbiter 100% completed the fusion of the mutant gene.

Because it's time for the death train to stop in the dark capital. It's about to start again and confirm the destination of the next station.

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