death train

Chapter 232

No words all night!

The next morning, ye Cha cleaned up a little and started.

Ye Cha knows the place Gan Lin said. After all, he came to the foggy city in his last life, and that place is a little far away from him, so he has to start as soon as possible.

At the same time, another reason is that the fog city is safer in the daytime than at night, but not without danger.

There are no living people in the fog city.

There are basically several kinds of things, werewolves, vampires, infected werewolves, infected vampires, zombies.

Werewolves and vampires hardly appear in the daytime, but the last three kinds of daytime still exist. Zombies always exist in the end of life.

Of course, ordinary zombies are very easy to deal with, but werewolves infected with zombie virus and vampires have a little trouble, so it's not very easy to walk through the streets freely.

However, ye Cha did not intend to walk from the street, he chose the subway station.

Not far from the bank, there is a subway station. Walking down the stairs, most of the lighting equipment has broken down, and the rest of the lights are flashing, which makes the subway station a bit weird and gloomy.

All the way to the platform, ye Cha said with a smile: "good luck, it doesn't look as bad as before."

The reason why Ye Cha felt lucky was that there was a subway at this station.

Of course, the subway has been driverless for a long time, but it's hard not to bring down the brake, or the arbiter.

The arbiter is a pure fighting machine, or a fighter. The fighting is diversified. It's not just shooting with a gun and hitting the opponent's face with a fist.

In the procedure of the arbiter, a lot of knowledge related to combat is input, including the driving of various means of transportation, from armed helicopters to ordinary cars.

The arbiter fiddled in the cab. The leaf brake went back to the car behind and rested with his arms around. It took about an hour and a half to take the subway. When he got there, the leaf brake needed to prepare a little.

Because there is more than one enemy, but a group of vampires and a group of werewolves.

Both werewolves and vampires have so-called families, or can be directly understood as gregarious animals. Both of these species seem to contain the habits of wild animals. Therefore, yecha will face a group of vampires and werewolves at that time, so it's natural to make some preparations.

Bang, bang, Bang

At this time, the sound of a crash suddenly interrupted the thoughts of the leaf brake. The leaf brake could not help looking up. The sound obviously came from the roof.

Ye Cha stood up from his seat, looked up at the roof, and slowly paced forward with the sound. Then when the sound stopped, he immediately raised the silver thorn and pulled the trigger toward the roof.

Bang, bang, Bang

Continuous several gunshots, leaf brake in the roof shot holes, and then quietly, nothing appeared.

It's just that the leaf brake won't relax its vigilance because of this. He really heard the sound from the roof, which is definitely not an illusion.

suddenly, a sound of metal tearing sounded behind the leaf brake, and then the roof was torn. The metal plate flew out along the roof, hit the side wall, and constantly exploded with golden sparks.

Ye suddenly turned back and lifted up the silver thorn. But at this moment, ye suddenly felt a pain in his wrist, and the silver thorn flew out.

At this time, ye Cha saw the zombie, frowned and said: "the dead one!"

Deathtrap, golden four stars, is a mutant zombie with trace plant mutation virus. Its attack means are tentacle and gnawing.

The strangler is human in shape, with little variation in appearance, but like a climber, he lands on all fours, with six strange antennae on his back, wrapped in a meat film, dripping thick liquid continuously, which looks disgusting.

"Have a trace of plant variant virus." Ye Cha laughed and said, "it's very good food. It's just for my pet."

Without any hesitation, yecha directly took out the Nepal machete and swept forward. He collided with the tentacles of the dead entangler and cut off the tentacles.

The dead entangled person's throat immediately sent out a painful roar, and the remaining tentacles immediately ran toward the leaf brake.


As soon as ye Cha raised his hand directly, the shock wave exploded in front of him, pushing those tentacles away.

The next moment, ye Cha takes a lunge and rushes directly to the dead man.

The space of the carriage is very small, and there is almost no room to dodge. In this case, it is natural for the brave to meet each other in a narrow way.


Ye Cha rushed to the dead man and stabbed the Nepal machete. The dead man's reaction was very fast. He quickly turned his side and avoided the knife.

Even so, ye Cha stabbed the dead man's shoulder.

The Deathly entangled one kept roaring, and the surrounding tentacles immediately ran towards Ye Cha again, while ye Cha had no intention of dodging and blocking.

When the tentacles are about to hit the leaf brake, the six flower shield suddenly starts, and six shields appear beside the leaf brake, blocking the tentacles of the dead entangler."You're not qualified to kill me yet."

Ye Cha sneered. Nepal's machete pulled sideways, then cut the dead man's head in half.

"You killed the deathtrap, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: deathtrap tooth."

Ye Cha pries open the mouth of the dead man, then pulls out his teeth and puts them into a plastic bag.

The deathtrap is just a small episode for the leaf brake, and the level given by the death train is of great reference value. Except for the special types, the variant zombies with lower level than the leaf brake are basically impossible to cause too much threat to the leaf brake.

An hour and a half later, ye Cha dragged the corpse of the dead man out of the car and threw it to the corpse flower. The dead man had a certain plant mutation virus, which was a good food for the corpse flower.

At the same time, the corpse flower has passed its infancy. If it can really awaken the blood of ancient plants, the blood should already exist at this moment, and there is no need to pursue the feeding of ancient plants.

On the contrary, the corpse flower needs to grow now, and it needs a lot of food to grow.

After walking out of the subway station, ye Cha dialed Gan Lin and said, "I've arrived, about 500 meters away from the clock tower."

"So fast?" Ganlin said, "come directly to the top floor of the clock tower. I'm there."

Yecha hung up and walked out of the subway station.

The bell tower mentioned by Gan Lin is one of the landmarks of the foggy city, so it's very easy to find. When ye Cha left the subway station, he looked up and saw the bell tower in the distance.

Zombies near the clock tower seem to have been cleared, so ye Cha arrived at the clock tower easily, and then stepped on the stairs to the top floor.

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