death train

Chapter 233

"You'll enjoy it."

The clock tower is an old-fashioned mechanical structure. The gear is actually made of wood. Close to the clock face, Gan Lin has a small table with red wine and a steak on it.

Of course, it's impossible to find a fresh steak in the end. It's just a piece of frozen beef.

Gan Lin said: "living a day is a day's day. Enjoy it naturally. If you die tomorrow."

Ye Cha nods. Gan Lin's mentality is a typical one among those who want to survive in the last days. Anyway, it's a gift to live one more day. Why live so hard?

Therefore, this kind of people often buy food in the dining car and find a way to live in a single car. They don't make things for themselves, but for enjoyment.

However, this kind of person usually died early, and Gan Lin does not belong to this kind. Her red wine and steak are obviously not bought from the dining car.

At this time, Gan Lin picked up her glass and said, "would you like a drink?"

"No interest." Ye Cha leaned against the wall and said, "let's get down to business."

Ganlin said: "I get some information and clues, but I don't want to talk about the process. In a word, werewolves living in the fog city often fight with vampires, which is not harmonious. Tonight, a vampire count named chley will fight with a group of werewolves called the sass family."

Ye Cha said: "I only promise to kill a platinum ancient species for you, but now I have to face two groups. Is it too difficult?"

"Don't worry." Ganlin said: "at night, there will be some guys who want to kill these vampires and werewolves."

"Well?" Ye Cha said: "people on the death train?"

"Of course." Gan Lin said, "are there any other living people in this place?"

Ye Cha said: "your news is too smart, right? You know about other people? "

It's understandable to know about vampires and werewolves. In order to find the location of Tianguang castle, you have to find out about vampires and werewolves. Yecha captured a vampire count and tortured him before he found Tianguang castle.

But it is not easy to know what the passengers of other dead trains want to do. Generally, it is unnecessary and nobody does it.

Gan Lin said: "they are my people. Maybe you can understand them as my temporary companions? Or my temporary team? "

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes, already understood, and sneered directly: "for the dead."

Gan Lin said, "it's OK to understand that."

Ye Cha said: "is this your way of life? I'm curious about how you fooled them

"Do you believe in the body?" Gan Lin chuckled and said, "I remember you said that before, right? It doesn't matter what means I use. The important thing is to live. If I can live at the expense of others, let those people die. "

Ye Cha said: "this should not be said in front of me."

Gan Lin said: "you don't count. You don't belong to the category that can be sacrificed. If you can, I don't want to provoke you, otherwise you will kill me."

Ye Shiruo looks at Gan Lin with deep meaning. The woman's speed of adaptation and growth is really fast, and she has been fully integrated into the jungle law of the last time.

In Gan Lin's eyes, other people should be divided into two kinds, those that can be sacrificed and those that can be used.

Leaf brake belongs to the latter.

Ye Cha said: "your plan, I probably have understood, three parties fight, you come to pick up the leak, the intention is to let me help you to solve the guy who didn't die in the war, right?"

Ganlin said: "when necessary, the count of vampire also needs your control. I'm a weak woman. I can't kill him if I don't weaken the count of vampire to a certain extent."

Ye Cha disdained to leave his mouth, if the death train survival of human constitute a food chain, Ganlin is now qualified to stand in the middle and upper reaches of the food chain.

The word "weak" is ridiculous when it comes to her.

The leaf Cha doesn't plan to entangle on this topic, directly sit down on the ground and say: "call me when you work."

"It's a long time before night." Gan Lin raised chin with the hand, teased to see leaf Cha one eye way: "don't we do something?"

Ye Chawei said sarcastically: "put away your means. It's useless to me. And believe me, no matter what, I can kill you in an instant."

At the moment when ye chayan fell, a vine of corpse flower suddenly came out from behind Gan Lin, and surrounded Gan Lin's neck, tightening little by little. Gan Lin's face turned pale immediately, and then gradually turned blue.


The leaf brake hit a ring finger, corpse flower of vine loosen, then don't know to drill where.

Gan Lin coughed, rubbed her neck and said, "it seems that you are very wary of me."

Ye Cha said: "you should be proud of this and have the right to make me wary of you."

Ye Cha is really wary of Gan Lin, or he is wary of everyone. Only in this way can he live longer.Therefore, when entering the bell tower, the arbitrator was left at the entrance under the bell tower, and the corpse flower was allowed to lurk.

Ganlin saw that ye Cha didn't speak any more, so she didn't speak any more. Instead, she quietly sat back in her seat and shook her glass.


The night came quickly.

As soon as the evening passed, the sky began to darken, and the light mist began to fill the whole city.

Faintly, the wolf howled.

It's time for werewolves and vampires.

Ye Cha opened his eyes and said, "how long is there?"

Gan Lin said, "I'm not sure, but I have to fight tonight."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "is the clock tower safe? Don't fight. This place has been copied first. "

Gan Lin said: "I put something near the clock tower that can isolate the breath. I didn't find any living people. No matter werewolves or vampires, they should not enter the clock tower..."

In the middle of Gan Lin's words, he suddenly looked a little more serious and said, "here we are."

Ye Cha got up and stood in front of the clock. There was a window there. After pushing it open, you can see everything outside the clock tower.

It's normal that wolves howl all around, because it's time for werewolves and vampires to come and go, but it's not normal that we can hear those wolves howl closer and closer.

This means that a werewolf is approaching at a high speed. Sure enough, not long after that, ye Cha saw several black shadows on the buildings around him. They were flying on the roof and running on the wall like walking on the ground.

There's no doubt that only werewolves can do this.

Gan Lin also got up at this time and said, "the werewolf should have arrived first."

"No Ye Cha looked at the front of the bell tower, near the riverside, and said, "the count of the vampire has also arrived."

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