death train

Chapter 245

When zombies hit the zombie blade, it's very powerful to sew them up. I don't know.

The hook was close to the Nepal machete and moved forward bit by bit to suppress the force of yecha. Then the hook fell on yecha's shoulder.


The iron hook stabbed into Ye Cha's shoulder one by one, the blood immediately penetrated out, and ye Cha's expression became distorted.


Ye Cha held the Nepal machete with one hand and tried to block it. With the other hand, he stretched forward and pressed the abdomen of the zombie.

Bang, the invisible force is excited forward, and the zombie is directly blasted out by Ye Cha with shock wave.

After looking at the wound on his shoulder, ye Cha moved a little. It seemed that it was a hard wound. It only hurt the flesh and blood, but not the meridians and bones. Besides the pain, his action was not affected.

At this time, the zombie got up from the ground again. Without saying a word, ye Cha raised his hand and pressed forward.

The second shock wave and the third shock wave shot forward continuously. After hitting the sutured zombie, the huge body of the sutured zombie flew out again.

However, the shock wave is purely a physical attack. It feels like hitting each other with a heavy hammer. It seems to have little effect on sewing zombies, and it doesn't even leave a mark on the body.

Looking at the sutured zombie climbing up on the ground again, ye Cha's fantasy tool appeared to run through the arrow, and shot forward again.

But at the moment of hitting the stitched zombie, the wing behind the stitched zombie suddenly swung forward, directly fanning the penetrating arrow out.

The next moment, the zombie ran forward again, leaning forward, very like a werewolf running posture.

"Damn it." Ye Cha scolded in a low voice: "this thing is not only made from the body of werewolf and vampire, but also has the characteristics of werewolf and vampire? What's the alligator's head for? "

Ye Cha soon knew what the crocodile's head was for. After the zombie rushed to Ye Cha, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit towards Ye cha.

Ye Cha quickly dodged to one side. As a result, the head of the zombie directly hit the wall. With his big mouth closed, he tore off a piece of alloy steel plate on the wall.

Ye Cha can't help stirring up the lower laryngeal segment. If you bite yourself with this degree of bite force, you'd better lose your arm and leg.

Ye Cha thought and retreated quickly, but the zombie didn't intend to let go of Ye Cha so easily. He turned around and rushed towards Ye cha.

The size of this hall is not small, but it is not spacious for fighting.

Yecha retreated to the wall again. It seemed that there was no way to go. The zombie rushed up again. Yecha gritted his teeth and raised his machete again.

Jingle, crisp metal cross sound sounded again.

However, after experiencing the power of stitching zombies, ye Cha naturally no longer chose to fight with stitching zombies, but jumped to one side at the moment of blocking the attack.

"It's almost time for you to try frontal combat."

Ye Cha rolled and stabilized himself, whispered, and then reached out to snap his fingers.


Then the ground behind the zombie split abruptly and came out from the ground. The vines quickly wound around the zombie.

Suturing zombie was entangled by the vine, and immediately twisted his body, trying to struggle out, but the corpse flower did not tighten the vine, but just let the vine stick to suturing Zombie's body wriggle.

In this way, even if the power of sewing zombies is enormous, it is impossible to break the vine, of course, because the vine is not tight, and it can not play a binding role.

However, ye Cha did not intend to let the corpse flower forcibly bind and sew the zombie.

Ye Cha said: "plant poison speed!"

The next moment, some small thorns grew on the vine of the corpse flower, directly punctured the skin of the zombie, and sent the plant toxin into the body of the zombie.

When the toxin entered the body of the sutured zombie, the sutured zombie obviously felt uncomfortable, and his body kept twisting. Then he raised the hook and waved towards the corpse flower.

Ye Cha said: "get out of the way!"

The vine of corpse flower leaves the corpse that sews the zombie quickly. After being poisoned by plant toxin, the movement of sewing the zombie is much slower, so that corpse flower can retreat calmly.

At this time, taking advantage of the moment of the Zombie's attack, yecha jumped up, raised the Nepal machete, and slashed it on the Zombie's back.

Although the Nepal machete is very sharp, the damage caused by sewing zombies is very limited.

But this time it's different!

Yecha held a Nepal machete and cut the body of the zombie, leaving a wound on the body. Then, a piece of flesh and blood fell down.The most important thing is that the piece of flesh and blood that fell down did not fall down from the position in the leaf brake.

The leaf Cha is slightly a Leng, then eyes a bright way: "know this guy's weakness, is a suture line!"

The body of a zombie is obviously sewn with different corpses. Therefore, the suture is the biggest weakness of the zombie. As long as the position of the suture is destroyed, the zombie will become a pile of corpses.

Ye Cha saw through the weakness of the zombie, and immediately moved to the side of the zombie, at the same time, he snapped his fingers.


There was a dull sound on the ground, another crack was opened, and then the corpse flower came out again. Among the three blooming flower buds, seeds were continuously ejected one by one, like machine guns, towards the stitching zombies.

The seed power of corpse flower jet is bigger than the ordinary bullet, but it can't penetrate the body of the zombie, but the impact force is enough to stop the zombie from stitching.

At that moment, ye Cha threw a tiger forward, then put one palm on the ground, rolled over and came to sew up the Zombie's feet.

Hand up, knife down!

Ye Cha grabbed the Nepal machete and swept forward. He cut on the suture line of the leg of the zombie. The next moment, the suture line suddenly broke, and then the whole leg of the zombie split.


The huge body of the zombie fell forward and fell to the ground like gold and jade.

As soon as ye Cha's eyes brightened, he really guessed right. At the same time, ye Cha jumped up again and directly turned over to sew the Zombie's back. He raised the Nepal machete and stabbed it toward a suture line again.


The dull sound of the blade entering the meat appeared immediately.

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