death train

Chapter 246

Ye Cha cut a piece of meat directly from the corpse after sewing.

No, strictly speaking, yecha just cut the suture, and then the flesh and blood of the zombie fell.


The sutured zombie roared angrily and turned around fiercely, waving the hook towards the rear. But at this time, the corpse flower released the vine again, directly entangled the wrist of the sutured zombie, and prevented the hook from cutting on yecha.

At the same time, yecha's action was not slow at all. He waved the Nepal machete directly.

As soon as the blade flashed, the Nepal machete swept directly along the suture line that sewed the wrist of the zombie, and then the hook fell to the ground.


The zombie roared again, waved his arm hard, and struggled out of the vine of the corpse flower. The wolf claw on the other arm suddenly fell down on Ye Cha's head.

The pupil of the leaf Cha shrinks, without hesitation extend left hand to meet up.

Snake bite!

Ye Cha's left arm is wrapped with the virtual shadow of the purple scale python, five fingers into claws, directly facing the wolf claws stitching zombies.

With a bang, ye Cha's palm collided with the palm of the zombie, and his fingers buckled against each other.

The next moment, the Nepal machete sent forward, directly cut the suture on the belly of the zombie and stabbed it into the belly of the zombie.

"Die for me!"

Ye Cha clenched his teeth, and the veins on his neck jumped. Then he grabbed the right hand of Nepal machete and pulled it to the side.


The lower abdomen of the zombie was cut directly by Ye Cha, and then countless dirty blood, like a fountain, came out. Ye Cha was covered with blood. Then the body of the zombie was thumped and fell towards the ground behind.

"You killed zombies, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: multiple fusion gene (semi-finished product)"

"You killed zombies, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: Wolf's arm."

Mysterious voice rings out, leaf Cha plops one to sit down on the ground.

It's more difficult to sew the zombie than you think. If you don't find the weakness, you can't kill it. Fortunately, it's still dead.

After sitting on the ground for a moment, ye Cha stood up and walked towards the zombie.

The so-called multiple fusion gene (semi-finished product) needs to be returned to the death train for collection, but the giant wolf's arm refers to the part of the Zombie's left hand that is only connected to the body with the werewolf's paw, and the leaf brake needs to be cut off and taken away.

However, as ye Cha approached to sew up the zombie, the vine of corpse flower suddenly swept over. After grabbing Ye Cha, ye Cha had to be pulled back.

Leaf Cha looking at corpse flower to wonder a way: "this is how?"

Corpse flower can't communicate with Ye cha in words, so it can only drag Ye Cha with vines through action, trying to pull Ye Cha open.

But just then


The sutured zombie lying on the ground suddenly burst out, and then a yellow mist gushed out, quickly enveloping a large area around it.

"This is..."

Ye Cha suddenly inhaled some yellow smoke, then he felt dizzy, and his head was dizzy.

"Damn it

Ye Cha immediately scolded, and then without hesitation took out the Alaska whaling fork and stabbed it on his arm.

The pain made the leaf brake wake up a little, then the leaf brake quickly retreated, and he finally knew why the corpse flower was dragging himself. It turned out that he felt that the corpse was in danger.

However, after ten steps back, the pain did not subside, but ye Cha felt dizziness again, and the simple pain could not suppress the dizziness.


Ye Cha half knelt on the ground, gritted his teeth, took out the Alaska whaling fork, and stabbed him in the thigh again, but it had no effect. The dizzy feeling was still eating all around him.

A moment later, ye Cha's body tilted and fell to the ground completely.


Ye Cha didn't know how long he was in a coma. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had changed a place.

This is a rectangular room, surrounded by walls inlaid with alloy plates. There is nothing else, but a piece of glass in front of my eyes.


The leaf suddenly fiercely returns a God to come, then see to own behind, then not from low scold a.

This is the device that Prince Reinhardt did his research on. It's the kind Ye Cha had seen before. It's an inclined metal platform with a groove in which there is a glass jar. Now he's being held in the glass jar.

Ye Cha raised his hand without hesitation and hit the glass. As a result, it made a dull noise. The glass jar didn't move. It felt stronger than the ordinary wall.

The leaf Cha doesn't believe evil of continuously blow out a few fists, but still have no use, that glass even doesn't appear crack.Ye Cha clenched his teeth, put his hand on the glass and said, "shockwave!"


When the shock wave started, the invisible force pushed towards the glass, but it still didn't break the glass. On the contrary, because of the recoil, the blade brake slammed into the metal wall behind and showed his teeth in pain.

"It's no use." At this time, the voice sounded, and then the side of the metal door opened, a handsome middle-aged man came into the room and said: "it's specially made, no matter what you do, you can't break it."

The pupil of leaf Cha fiercely shrinks a way: "the Duke of Reinhardt!"

Prince Reinhardt laughed and said, "man, you seem to know me."

Ye Cha said: "of course I know the only ancient vampire left. What do you want to do to me?"

Prince Reinhardt went to the edge of the glass can, stroked the glass can, as if stroking yecha's body, and said with a smile, "don't worry, I won't kill you."

Ye Cha sneered: "do you think I will believe a vampire? Or do you want to give me a hug and make me your servant? "

Prince Reinhardt shook his head and said, "I have many servants, including blood servants and werewolves. I don't need to transform a human into a vampire to be my servant. It's a waste at all."

Ye Cha said, "what do you want?"

"You're going to be my new experiment," Prince Reinhardt said. "I'm doing a great experiment, fusing the cells and genes of werewolves and vampires, and then reshaping a zombie for them. I'm going to make the most powerful warrior."

Yecha reminded: "I am human."

"Yes, I know." Duke Reinhardt said: "my experiment has not been successful. Werewolves and vampires are natural enemies. This hostility has been integrated into the bone. Even the cells and genes of the two will repel each other in the blood."

Ye Cha sneered: "you might as well directly say that your experiment failed."

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