death train

Chapter 247

"I, the Great Duke of Reinhardt, the purest ancient vampire, have no intelligence comparable to mine." Prince Reinhardt showed a trace of anger and whispered, "I will not fail!"

Ye Cha said, "at least you haven't succeeded."

"Yes, so I need you to be a new experiment." Duke Reinhardt said, "werewolves and vampires are too monotonous, so how about joining humans?"

Prince Reinhardt said this and began to laugh, which made Ye Cha feel his hair standing up.

Duke Reinhardt continued: "a combination of humans, werewolves, vampires, or humans and werewolves, or try humans and vampires? I think it's a diverse experiment, and maybe you can help me succeed. "

Ye Cha hit the glass and said, "let me go!"

Prince Reinhardt said, "Why are you angry? Weak human, become my experimental object, you may be able to live forever, and leave here, you can only become a walking corpse

Ye Cha sneered: "those monsters can't kill me."

"Maybe, you are a very powerful human being I have ever seen." Duke Reinhardt said, "so you're more suitable to be an experimental body. You're strong enough to endure pain."

As Prince Reinhardt spoke, he went to the side and manipulated the device. Then a light yellow liquid rose at the foot of the leaf brake.

"What do you want to do..."

The pale yellow liquid rose very fast, and the voice of the leaf brake did not fall. The yellow liquid had risen beyond his head, drowning the leaf brake.

Ye Cha clenches his teeth and knocks hard on the glass, but in the liquid, because of resistance, the strength of his fist will be weakened, so it is more difficult to break the glass.

"Don't worry, you won't drown. You can breathe freely in the genetic fluid." Now, the Duke of vampire and the werewolf will just put your genes into your body for a while, and of course, Reinhardt and I will laugh

Ye Cha ignores Prince Reinhardt. It's useless to talk with this madman in words. If you can let Prince Reinhardt let go with your mouth, what's the use of fists?

Bang, Bang

Ye Cha smashed the glass hard, then looked at his body, and then scolded in his heart.

His backpack is missing, his Nepal machete, Alaska whaling fork, red flame bomb, colorful clouds covering the moon, shining stars and other things are not there. It is obvious that Prince Reinhardt took them away.

So, what should I do?

If we can not rely on external forces, we can only rely on our own strength to escape.

But it turns out that the shock wave is useless, and it will hurt itself because of the anti shock force. By the way, the endless bow seems to be able to. It's completely out of my imagination, so I can have a try.

However, Prince Reinhardt was just outside the glass can. At the moment, he imagined that he had an endless bow. Yecha was not sure that the other side would let him have a chance.

Ye shazheng thought that Prince Reinhardt looked at the console and exclaimed: "it's really amazing that you have excellent genes. Your physical fitness is not inferior to that of ordinary werewolves. No, you are more powerful than ordinary werewolves."

"It's a perfect experiment," Prince Reinhardt said in astonishing words

Prince Reinhardt said as he manipulated the device, and then suddenly two metal supports rose from the glass can. On the top of the supports were needle guns. One was red liquid, and the other was blue liquid.

Prince Reinhardt said with a smile, "it's time to start the injection."

Ye Cha was shocked. At the moment, he naturally didn't care whether the endless bow of the imaginary tool would be stopped. He immediately reached out and grasped it in the void. But in the end, it was a step too late. After endless bow was shown by the gun of the imaginary tool, the needles of the two needle guns had been stabbed into Ye Cha's waist left and right.

The liquid in the needle gun is quickly injected into the blade brake body.


When the liquid is injected into the body of the blade brake, the blade brake can't help roaring.

With the injection of liquid, ye Cha felt a very hot feeling that was sweeping his whole body. At first, he just felt a little hot, but it soon became hot, making Ye Cha feel like he was about to be burned to death.

Prince Reinhardt bewitched outside the glass jar: "hold on, as long as you can hold on, you will have great power."

Yecha had no time to pay attention to what Prince Reinhardt was saying. Now he felt hot all over his body, as if his body was about to be cracked. Then, the severe pain spread all over his body.


Ye Cha's whole body muscles were taut and roared in pain, just like a wild animal.

Prince Reinhardt looked at yecha, but he felt a little excited. Then he wanted to continue to bewitch him. At this time, the harsh alarm suddenly sounded.

Prince Reinhardt frowned, then turned away from the experimental room, went back to his dark and enclosed bedroom, turned off the alarm, and turned on the monitoring screen."Human again?" The Duke of Reinhardt was surprised and said, "why do so many human beings appear?"

There are 36 monitoring screens in total. At the same time, each screen can switch seven locations to monitor the whole skylight castle.

Now, there are several human beings on the screen, with more than a dozen people.

You know, humans in the fog city are dead. Duke Reinhardt has been capturing werewolves and vampires as experimental subjects there. Naturally, it is clear that there are no humans there.

As for the town of kampola, it's even more impossible. It's close to Tianguang castle. If there are living creatures, Duke Reinhardt will bring them alive.

However, what comes with it is excitement.

"Great." Prince Reinhardt whispered, "so I have a lot of experimental subjects."

Prince Reinhardt paced back and forth in his bedroom, then quickly manipulated the mechanism of Tianguang castle.

"Lead them all to the hall of blood sacrifice." Prince Reinhardt had a ferocious look on his face and said, "then we'll catch all these people there."

Prince Reinhardt said as he left his bedroom, completely forgetting the leaf brake which was still in the experiment.

At the same time

Leaf brake in the glass can, hard head hit the glass of the glass can, seems to take this to vent, to ease their pain.

But it doesn't work at all.

The feeling of pain is becoming more intense. Some tiny blood beads are constantly infiltrating from the pores of the leaf brake and mixing into the surrounding gene solution.

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