death train

Chapter 248

Ye Cha opened his eyes, this is the third time after he fainted, and then woke up again.

However, when I reopened my eyes this time, I didn't feel as much pain as I did in the last two times. It seems that my pain has been alleviated a lot.

I don't know if it's the injection given by Duke Reinhardt. The effect has passed, or whether I have been numb with pain and can't feel it.

Ye Cha just floated in the glass can and waited for a while. After recovering some of his physical strength, ye Cha stretched out his hands and looked at his body.

Ye Cha found that he had many tears on his body. Although he was no longer bleeding, he was still shocking.

Ye Cha was not surprised by this. After all, the pain he had just experienced was like breaking the bones of his whole body, cutting the meridians and tearing the flesh and blood apart.

Ye Cha even felt that it was a miracle that he didn't die after experiencing such pain. It was not strange that there were more cracks in his body.

In addition, ye Cha suddenly found his skin extremely smooth.

Men's skin is usually not too rough, but also not too delicate, especially in the end of life, lack of food and clothing, even if boarded the death train, but also has a place to get a moment of peace, still need to fight, to fight for survival.

In this case, not to mention men, even women are difficult to maintain their skin, besides, generally no one will care about these.

But now ye Cha found that his skin was as smooth as jade, and his skin was a little white, even a little transparent. If it wasn't for his wounds and scars, he would envy many women.

"Because of the experiment?" "It seems that Prince Reinhardt is not suitable to be a scientist. He should be a beautician or plastic surgeon," yecha said sarcastically

As ye Cha said, he clenched his fist. After touching the wound, he suddenly felt a sharp pain, and then he hit the glass can with a fierce fist like venting.

With a bang, although the glass jar was still not smashed by yecha's fist, it still scared yecha.

"Power..." Ye Cha was surprised and said, "it seems to be much stronger?"

After ye Cha murmured, there was another low scolding. Was Prince Reinhardt's experiment successful?

The monster had no teeth on its back, but it didn't look like a mirror.


Ye Cha is relieved. Although living is the most important thing, ye Cha still doesn't want to become a monster, which will make him lose the sense of being alive.


At this time, there was a loud roar on the ceiling, then a big hole opened, and then the arbitrator fell from the air.

The leaf Cha way: "finally came."

Although the PDA in yecha's hand, which can give orders to the arbitrator, was also taken away by the Duke of Reinhardt, yecha preset the procedure for the arbitrator.

If no command is received within a certain period of time, the default command of the arbitrator is to follow the leaf brake.

Then, to follow the front of the leaf brake, we naturally need to know where the leaf brake is, so the arbitrator will find the position of the leaf brake by himself.

"Let me out!"

Ye Cha directly uses the voice to give orders to the arbitrator. The arbitrator does not hesitate to step forward and smashes his fist on the glass can. The violent vibration makes Ye Cha feel dizzy.

"Damn it, as expected, the program is just a program, it can't be regarded as real wisdom." The leaf Cha low scolds a, then way: "don't violence break open, see if there is something like switch to exist."

The arbiter got the right order and began to walk around the device, with a green light in his eyes.

In the field of view of the arbitrator, everything is green, which is the feature of the arbitration scanning. After the eyes pass the device, small red words will appear at every position, indicating the effect.

A moment later, the arbitrator suddenly reached out and grasped a iron bar on the side, and then pulled it down.


The glass can rises up, and all the liquid in it flows out naturally. At the same time, it also flushes out the leaf brake.

"Cough, cough..."

Ye Cha half knelt on the ground, coughing violently, spitting out light yellow liquid.

"Only you?" The leaf Cha too head looked an eye, the arbiter way: "corpse flower doesn't seem to seek to come over?"? It's a bit of a problem. "

According to the running of the program, the arbiter will automatically find the blade brake, and the way to find it is the tracker. In the PDA of the blade brake, a chip for tracking is installed.

At the same time, it can also be seen that Prince Reinhardt did not hide the things in the leaf brake, which should be nearby.

As for the corpse flower, it's a little bit troublesome. Even if the corpse flower wants to find Ye Cha, it's obvious that it can't be found.Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "it seems that I went to find it."

Ye Cha got up from the ground and punched the wall with his hand. The inlaid alloy plate on the wall made a loud noise, and then it sank inward.

"Sure enough, the strength has increased a lot." Ye Cha murmured: "unfortunately, if you are not on the death train, you can't check your personal information, otherwise you can see if your physical fitness has improved."

Ye Cha guessed that most of Prince Reinhardt's experiments were unsuccessful, but they should have a certain effect. Therefore, his physical fitness became stronger.

This is good news for yecha. If there are no sequelae, they can improve their physical fitness without becoming monsters. It's equivalent to drinking several bottles of physical fitness strengthening potions. Why not do this good thing.

Of course, the premise is that there are no sequelae, but at least Ye Cha doesn't feel anything wrong with his body at present.

When he came to the edge of a wall, ye Cha felt for it. Prince Reinhardt opened the wall and left. A moment later, ye Cha quickly found the hidden switch, and then the wall moved to both sides.

Behind the wall is a narrow passage. Although Duke Reinhardt's laboratory is full of modern technology, the castle itself and these secret passages are all ancient.

That passage is a long spiral stone steps, about every 15 steps, there is an oil lamp hanging on the wall.

Ye Cha picked up the steps, and soon saw a carved door. When it was opened, it was a bedroom.

"Well?" As ye Cha walked in, he looked around and said, "is this the place where Prince Reinhardt rests?"

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