death train

Chapter 249

There are a lot of pieces of paper scattered in the bedroom. When ye Cha picked them up, he found that they were all the data recorded by Prince Reinhardt's experiment, but most of them were discarded, otherwise they could not have been scattered on the ground.

In addition, this is a very luxurious bedroom. All the furniture is full of retro flavor, but it is well preserved and very exquisite. The big bed in the middle is a little scary, because it is a European coffin.

"Vampires seem to sleep in coffins, so this is Duke Reinhardt's bed?"

Ye Cha went to the side of the coffin, took out a pistol, reached for the coffin, and then fiercely lifted the cover of the coffin.

The coffin was empty, but yecha saw a pillow, which seemed to be the place where Prince Reinhardt was sleeping. However, it seemed that Prince Reinhardt was no longer here.

Ye Cha looked around again, and then found two picture frames on the bedside table.

"This is..." Ye Cha was surprised and said, "Dr. t?"

In one of the frames, it turns out that the Duke of Reinhardt and the doctor t he met in never night city took a group photo. However, although Prince Reinhardt's appearance has not changed much, Dr t is very young.

Ye Cha estimated that Dr. t in the photo was only 25-6 years old at most. This photo was taken at least 10 years ago.

The other photo is a group photo of three people. In the center stands Duke Reinhardt. On the left is a man about 40 years old, and on the right is an old man with gray hair. I feel that he is at least 60 years old.

Ye Cha didn't know these two people at all. However, the old man was wearing a CommScope experimental suit with the logo of CommScope embroidered on his left chest. Most of them should be related to CommScope.

Yecha was not too surprised. He had a lifetime of memory. He knew for a long time that Prince Reinhart was a shareholder of CommScope and had a connection with CommScope.

In fact, the equipment, apparatus and even the materials needed for the transformation of the laboratory were all obtained from the CommScope laboratory in the foggy city.

Put down the photo frame, ye Chayu strolled around the bedroom. After he didn't find anything new, ye Chayu looked around again, but didn't find the entrance. Of course, the secret road he came to didn't count.

Ye Cha said: "scan to see if there are hollow walls in this place."

The referee stood in front of the leaf brake, his eyes flashed, and then quickly pointed to the side wall.

The wall is made of stone, not the reinforced wall inlaid with alloy plate in the laboratory. The leaf brake doesn't need to find any switch, so it allows the arbitrator to blow forward and smash the wall.

Behind the wall is still a secret passage, one up, one down, a total of two steps, or the bedroom position, in the middle of a circle of stairs, can be up and down.

Ye Cha tried to keep going up. About three or four minutes later, he reached the top. There was still a wooden door. After pushing it open, ye Cha was surprised and said, "monitoring room!"

This is a small room with no furniture. It is not as retro as other rooms in the castle, but very modern.

There is a sofa and a round table in the corner. On the other side of the wall, there are many screens. In front of the screen is the monitoring equipment, and there is a swivel chair in front of the monitoring equipment.

Ye Cha took a look at the picture, manipulated the equipment and said, "it seems that I've been in that damned glass can for a long time, and many people have come."

Yecha manipulates the monitoring screen, and then finds that other human beings have appeared in many places of the castle, which should be the survivors of the death train. Yecha even sees acquaintances.

Little fat man seems to mix with Bai Ziling. They are exploring a secret road together.

Ye Cha also saw Gan Lin who had just entered the castle courtyard. The woman didn't know where to deceive a group of ghosts to help her.

There are also some others that I don't know. Most of them form teams in twos and threes, with a minimum of two or three people and a maximum of eight or nine people.

This is actually the normal and inherent pattern of eschatological action.

Team operation is definitely safer than single operation. It can also hunt more zombies, and has a higher probability of obtaining intelligence. It can also complete the task more easily.

"Of course..." Ye Cha sneered: "the premise is that your partner is really trustworthy."

People live on their own.

Yecha pondered that he was not interested in other people's affairs, but thought about where Prince Reinhardt was.

From the current situation, Duke Reinhart should stay in the laboratory or monitoring room for a long time, and then go to the bedroom where he just went to have a rest when he needs to.

So, where is Prince Reinhardt now?

Ye Cha thinks it's a lucky thing that he can find the monitoring room, because he can find Prince Reinhardt according to the monitoring pictures. Although Tianguang castle is very huge, and the monitoring is unlikely to cover all the locations, it's better to have these monitoring pictures than to turn around blindly.


At the same timeBlood sacrifice hall!

The hall of blood sacrifice is a round hall with Ancient Runes carved on the edge. No one can recognize it except the Duke of Reinhardt.

In the center of the rune pattern is a star pattern, not drawn, but carved out of the groove.

Prince Reinhardt was sitting on the stone seat in front of the hall, holding his chin in his hand, closing his eyes, and then opening his eyes.

"At last." "I've been waiting for you for a long time," said Prince Reinhart

The door of the hall was knocked open, and then a group of human beings entered the blood sacrifice hall. Before they even had time to look at Prince Reinhardt, the group of human beings hurriedly shot at the rear passage and closed the door at the same time.

Prince Reinhart laughed and said, "do you think there is no danger if you close the door?"

Prince Reinhardt's voice attracted the eyes of the group of human beings. At this time, people found the existence of Prince Reinhardt.

With a black suit, a black cape, a beautiful face and two tusks on both sides of the mouth, someone immediately called out, "you are Reinhardt, the Duke of vampires!"

Prince Reinhardt said with a smile, "it's me, human. Did you come to me on purpose?"

At the moment when the Duke of Reinhardt admitted his identity, people took out their weapons one after another and looked at him warily.

Prince Reinhardt said with a smile again: "this is really interesting. There should be no living human around here. You should have come from far away, and it seems that you came to me specially? What is your intention? "

At this time, a man in the group didn't know whether he was nervous or felt the pressure from Duke Reinhardt. His fingers shook and he suddenly pulled the trigger.

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