death train

Chapter 250

Prince Reinhardt looked at the bullets coming. Without any fear, he grabbed the cloak behind him and swept forward.

The next moment, with a clatter, the bullet fell to the ground.

"Forget it." Prince Reinhardt looked at the humanity in front of him and said, "no matter what your intention is, thank God for sending so many experiments to me, and I will know everything from you afterwards."

Prince Reinhardt opened his mouth suddenly as he spoke.

Prince Reinhardt's expression twisted in an instant. His mouth was so open that he could swallow a baby. His originally handsome face became extremely ferocious.

At the same time, behind the Duke of Reinhardt, there was a lot of smoke.

The smoke seemed to follow the command of Prince Reinhardt, and suddenly poured out towards the front. Then countless little bats poured out of the smoke and rushed towards the people in front.


I don't know who yelled. People immediately took guns and shot in front. In the black smoke, the bats kept dying and fell to the ground.

At this time, Prince Reinhardt suddenly threw his cloak and his body disappeared. When he reappeared, he had come to a woman's back, opened his mouth and bit her neck.


The woman exclaimed and screamed, and then her pupils suddenly contracted.

Prince Reinhardt didn't mean to suck blood at all. Instead, he bit off the woman's throat and threw her body aside.

Prince Reinhardt wiped the blood on his mouth and said with a sneer, "weak human beings, what qualifications do you think you have to challenge the great prince Reinhardt?"

As soon as Prince Reinhardt's words came to an end, an electric current suddenly flowed through the air, and then a large power grid fell from the sky.

Prince Reinhardt's eyes suddenly became sharp, and then he flashed to the side, but he was still rubbed by the power grid, and his left arm was blackened.

At the same time, behind Prince Reinhardt, there was a light drink. A man jumped up and hit Prince Reinhardt.

With a bang, Duke Reinhardt flew backward, then spread a pair of huge bat wings behind him, which stabilized his body.

A man sneered: "it's just a blood sucking bat that turns into a human. Do you think we can't beat you?"

Most of those who can follow the death train through so many platforms of the death train can not be too weak. They can always get something from the death train to make themselves stronger.

After the injury, Prince Reinhardt became obviously angry and growled, "it's a shame that I've been hurt by you lowly races."

Prince Reinhardt's agitating wings suddenly moved, his hands moved forward, and his nails soared, and at the same time he was extremely sharp.

The next moment, Prince Reinhardt jumped on the man who had hurt himself before.

It seems that the man bought something related to fighting on the train of death. He seems to have great experience in close combat. He watched Prince Reinhardt come, jump out directly and become a remnant.

Three punches, two palms and five legs!

The man's action was so fast that when Prince Reinhardt came to him, he shot forward continuously.

However, it was a group of black bats that met him. They were as dense as a huge black mass, which covered his vision instantly.


Prince Reinhardt also made a sudden move at this moment. His sharp nails pierced each other's hands and feet, leaving four blood holes. The man immediately fell to the ground with a scream.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Prince Reinhardt said grimly, "dead people can't be experimental subjects."

"Electric gun!"

At this time, there was another low cry behind Prince Reinhardt, and then an electric current came forward and hit Prince Reinhardt hard behind him.

Prince Reinhardt turned, looked at a woman with short hair, drank low, and was about to rush towards her.

Countless black smoke surging forward, into a bat, but in this moment, a strong man rushed out, raised his arm.

"Anti gravity device!"

At the foot of the strong man, the ground suddenly cracked, and countless rocks flew up, forming a rock shield in front of the man, which stopped all the flying bats.

At the same time, Prince Reinhardt felt the pain coming from behind, and his body was constantly emitting white smoke.

Prince Reinhardt looked back with wide eyes and saw two men holding pistols.

"It's a bullet for special species." The two men joked: "how does it taste?"

Prince Reinhardt roared, and his body disappeared again. Like an instant movement, he reappeared behind a man, raising his hand and falling down.But as if he had eyes behind him, the man quickly rolled to the side, dodged the attack, picked up his submachine gun and started shooting at Duke Reinhardt again.

The Duke of Reinhart is very strong. It is not difficult for him to kill or subdue a group of human beings. Unfortunately, the Duke of Reinhart did not realize that the people in front of him are not ordinary people.

How can a human from the death train be an ordinary human?

If you want to win the Duke of Reinhart, the people around you will naturally have to pay a huge price. However, the wounds on the Duke of Reinhart are also increasing.

"Hoo, Hoo..."

The Duke fell on Reinhardt's arm, panting blood.

"You have succeeded in provoking me." Prince Reinhardt suddenly roared, then looked at the people around him with a sneer and said, "this is the blood sacrifice hall, the blood sacrifice place of the vampires. When you step into this place, it means death."

Prince Reinhardt roared. Blood flowed through the grooves of the ground, quickly filling the star pattern, and then the unknown runes around lit up.

Countless blood from the ground, and then into a huge blood with, in the air.

The next moment, blood fog filled!

There was a terrible cry in the hall. A moment later, all the people around fell to the ground.

"Hoo, Hoo..." Prince Reinhardt gasped: "it's a pity that there are so many experimental bodies. Fortunately, there is one left."

"Do you mean me?"

At this time, the sound of the leaf brake suddenly sounded.

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