death train

Chapter 273

Ye Cha directly reaches out his hand and grabs in the void. He pinches out three explosive arrows at a time and quickly puts them on the string.

The next moment, the bowstring of endless bow was pulled into a full moon by the leaf brake, and then as soon as the fingertips were released, three explosive arrows flew to Tyrannosaurus Rex at the same time.

Boom, boom, boom

The sound of continuous explosion rang out, the Tyrannosaurus Rex's body in front of a series of explosion fire regiment, the huge body to blast the staggering.

After one hit, ye Cha continued to run forward quickly.

Although hiding in the building house can prevent T-Rex from catching up, and being caught up in an open place is most likely to be food for the belly.

But it's not necessarily a good thing to enter the building. It's estimated that this factory can't stand the toss of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Sure enough, the explosion did not bring much trauma to T. rex. This guy was really rough and thick. After shaking his body, he ran straight forward.

The roof of the workshop could not stop the pace of T-Rex. With T-Rex advancing forward, the roof was constantly broken and collapsed, and countless boulders fell and turned into rubble.

Ye Cha was very lucky that he killed the previous man and got the ability of the son of the wind. Otherwise, he would not be able to escape. Now, ye Cha is barely able to avoid the collapsed stones.

A moment later, ye Cha rushed out of the factory building. Suddenly, he took a sliding step, opened the bow string, and shot another arrow at the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


When the explosion started again, yecha hit the T.Rex's forehead with an arrow, where a fire burst open. Moreover, it finally brought some trauma to the T.Rex, making the T.Rex's forehead split and bleeding continuously.


Ye Cha opened his mouth and Tut, but he was not very satisfied with the result. With that arrow, ye Cha aimed at his eyes. Only that position could bring heavy damage to Tyrannosaurus Rex.

One hit not, leaf brake also don't delay, directly turn around and run, and that Tyrannosaurus Rex is still in the pursuit of indomitable.

All of a sudden, the huge tail swept away, a car was swept away and smashed towards the leaf brake.

The leaf Cha immediately stops a pace, toward the top of the head virtual press.


With the press of the leaf brake, the invisible force rushed out, and the car was lifted. Then the leaf brake put his finger in his mouth and whistled quickly.

There was a sound of "boom, boom" on the ground, and then a crack opened, and the vine of the corpse flower suddenly came out. In front of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, it pulled out a street lamp on the side, straight and taut.

Tyrannosaurus Rex's ankle wrapped in the vine of corpse flower, and then the huge body fell forward.


Tyrannosaurus Rex's huge body fell down, just like the collapse of a hill. When it hit the ground, there was a spider web crack around it.

Yecha didn't hesitate to slide again, re stretching the bow and string. When the bow string was pulled to the full moon, an explosive arrow was imagined on the bow string.

This time, ye Cha did a little aiming.

Tyrannosaurus Rex's body is huge, to hit is extremely easy, do not need to aim, but to shoot eyes, it is not a simple thing.


In a moment, the blade brake released the bowstring, and the explosive arrow flew forward. This time, it was firmly nailed into the eyes of T. rex.

With a roar, the fire burst out, and the smoke was all around.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex roared crazily. He kept turning his body on the ground, struggling and bumping into the wall on one side. The wall, which was at least five meters high, was smashed under the attack of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

As the flame dissipated, ye Cha looked up and saw that the left eye of T-Rex was suddenly blasted out of a blood hole, constantly oozing blood.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex became more crazy, roaring angrily, swinging his body, and the tail behind him came back.

Ye Cha quickly lowered his head, and the tail almost swept over the top of Ye Cha's head. The strong wind made people feel like a strong wind whistling past.

When Tyrannosaurus Rex's tail passed by, a carp in yecha straightened up, rose from the ground, and then quickly ran to the side.

In the process of running, endless bow is raised again, and then ye Cha shows two ice arrows.

Poof, poof!

The arrow swept through the air and fell to the feet of T. rex at the moment when T. rex got up. Then a layer of frost quickly emerged and froze T. rex's feet.

However, the shackles of the ice were obviously useless. The Tyrannosaurus Rex roared and raised its leg fiercely, and the surrounding ice would make a "click, click" sound, and then break apart.

Ye Cha didn't care. He didn't think it was so easy to restrain the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The reason why Ye Cha did this was to delay time.

Procrastination, of course, is to be able to have time to aim again.

As Tyrannosaurus Rex struggles to crush the frost and climb up again, yecha has once again pulled the bowstring of endless bow into a full moon.A moment awn a way: "the eye that you drink a leaf light to do again!"


The arrow breaks through the air!

The explosive arrow flew forward again and hit the right eye of T. rex.

Boom, with the arrow explosion, Tyrannosaurus Rex's right eye was once again blasted into a blood hole, and the eyeballs were smashed and bleeding out.

Lost his eyes, the Tyrannosaurus rex was extremely violent, frantically moving around, crashing into the surrounding buildings and smashing them.

Feet on the ground, the ground inch crack.

Even, every roar can make people feel the vibration of heaven and earth.

Ye Shaxian is not in a hurry, carefully avoiding.

Tyrannosaurus Rex's tonnage and strength, just need a hit, can hit the leaf brake into a paralysis mud, a bite can turn the leaf brake's body into two parts.

This is the terror of Tyrannosaurus Rex. The destructive power of this ancient behemoth is amazing.

But that doesn't mean T. rex can't be killed.

The leaf Cha revolves the overlord dragon to swim Ge, suddenly blew a whistle.

The ground at the foot of T. rex suddenly split, and then several vines suddenly sprang out from the ground, quickly wrapped around the body of T. rex, and fixed the giant for a short time.

Ye Cha took down a red flame bomb. Without any hesitation, he opened it directly and threw it into the mouth of T. rex.


The leaf Cha lightly drinks a, the corpse flower's vine quickly recycles, but the leaf Cha also does not hesitate to turn head to run.

Boom, boom, boom

In a moment, the continuous explosion sound came from the body of T. rex, and then the body of T. rex suddenly split, countless flames poured out from the body of T. rex and swallowed it.

"You killed Tyrannosaurus Rex, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: random attack skill."

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