death train

Chapter 274


The leaf Cha a buttock falls to sit on the ground, big mouth big mouth of wheezing.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is undoubtedly quite difficult to deal with, but the benefits of cleaning up this huge thing are also very obvious. Listening to the mysterious voice, ye Cha finally has a feeling of comfort when he still has to pay a little.

However, ye Cha can't get the random attack skill at present, so I'll get back to the death train.

On the other hand, yecha is pleased that Tyrannosaurus Rex belongs to the ancient species of platinum 5 star. Killing this guy is accumulated in the trial task of the twelve trials of immortality.

After a short rest, ye Cha tried to stand up as soon as he lifted his knee, but at this moment

Dong, Dong, Dong

The dull huge sound then appears again, the leaf Cha is stunned for a while, oneself won't be so unlucky?

Ye Cha is thinking, behind a factory building, two Triceratops slowly come out, shaking their heads, and quickly lock Ye cha.


At the same time, a huge roar rang out behind yecha. Yecha turned back fiercely. On the collapsed ruins behind him, I don't know when an Allosaurus was standing, shaking his body gently and breathing white from the tip of his nose.

"Damn it."

The leaf Cha can't help but low scold a, on the face peep out quite unlucky facial expression, then in that head different special dragon jump from the ruins top of the moment, the leaf Cha turns round to run.

Now he really doubts what CommScope is doing in this technology experimental base, where there are so many dinosaurs.

Dong, Dong, Dong

Leaf brake behind the continuous sound of footsteps, three dinosaurs running fast, towards the leaf brake crazy chase.

Ye Cha took out a crystal strip from the red flame bomb at his waist and threw it to the side. The strange dragon just rushed up and suddenly hit him.

With a roar, the fire burst, and the shape of the Allosaurus was not as good as that of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. After the impact of the explosion, it was immediately lifted to the side and rolled continuously on the ground.

However, at the moment when ye Cha blew up the alien dragon, the two Triceratops approached from behind at high speed.

Ye Cha quickly hugs his head, and the whole person lies on the ground. Then the Triangle dragon jumps over Ye Cha and runs to the front. Then he swings his body and slowly turns his body around.

"I'll do it!"

Ye Cha couldn't help scolding again. Even if one of these ancient lizards appears, it's hard enough to deal with them. Besides, three lizards appear at a time, which is definitely a big trouble.

Looking at the two Triceratops rushing towards themselves again, ye Cha quickly raised the endless bow, opened the bowstring, and the two explosive arrows flew out towards the front.

Boom, boom!

The explosive arrow fell in front of the two Triceratops and immediately exploded the firing group, which made the two Triceratops stagger.

But at this time, the strange dragon was so fast that he didn't know when he ran to the back of yecha. Without hesitation, he swung his body and pulled his tail like a whip towards yecha.

Bang of a, the body of leaf Cha then rushed forward to go out, smashed to fall on the ground not far away.

Yitelong's legs kick, jump forward, and come to the leaf brake, then open his mouth and bite it down.

Leaf brake pupil a shrink, fiercely will the left hand stick out.

Snake bite!

With his left arm protruding forward, the virtual shadow of a purple scale Python quickly wrapped around yecha's arm. The next moment, yecha firmly grasped yitelong's lower jaw, and then suddenly started to work.


At least two tons of yitelong was thrown to the ground by yecha. Then, yecha stood up quickly, but it happened to meet the Triceratops. Yecha was also scared, and rushed to the side to avoid dodging.

"Here, here..."

At this time, the cry suddenly sounded, ye Cha looked for a sound, not far away, the ground was turned up a piece, a long hair man from the bottom of the ground out of the head, toward Ye Cha shouting, at the same time toward Ye Cha constantly waving.

Ye Cha immediately jumped forward and ran towards the other side.

Behind the three dinosaurs persevere, still chasing the leaf brake.

Fifty meters!

Thirty meters!

Ten meters!

Ye Cha was very clear that the footsteps were approaching, but all he could do now was to clench his teeth and run forward.

"Get out of the way!"

The leaf Cha suddenly called a, then the whole person then ran forward to go out, directly stick to the ground slide.

As soon as the man with long hair saw the leaf brake sliding over, he quickly shrunk his head.

The next moment, the leaf brake slides to the place where the other party drilled out before, and then feels empty, and the whole person falls down.

At the same time, the metal cover that the ground was pushed open was also "bang" and closed again.

At the same time, ye Cha's eyes were dark. A moment later, with a bang, he felt that he had hit something.Ye Cha's expression twisted for a while, and then stood up in pain. At this time, not far in front of Ye Cha's body, there was a light, but the man with long hair turned on the flashlight in his hand.

"Hello, my name is Zhongqi. I'm from car 55. Are you hurt? Those damned lizards are so scary. I..."

Zhong Qi slowly approaches Ye Cha, then shakes his hand and almost throws out his flashlight.

Ye Cha glances at Zhong Qi, and you can see that the other person's eyes are obviously full of fear, uneasiness, and a faint


Ye Cha knew why he was behaving like this. Before, he was far away. The light of the flashlight was weak. Zhong Qi didn't see ye Cha's face clearly, but when he got within two meters, he naturally saw it.

Now that you have seen the appearance of Ye Cha, you will know who ye Cha is. Anxiety and fear are understandable. As for greed

It's also understandable. After all, killing the leaf brake will get the survival quota of the death carriage war.

Zhongchaye was afraid to go back

"Ah?" Zhong Qi stirred his throat, then said dryly, "no, No

The leaf Cha way: "that you shake what?"

"Ah, I No, that... " Zhong Qixian was incoherent. After a moment, he slowly calmed down and said, "I don't have any malice. I just want to hide. Maybe I can get the survival quota. I'm very satisfied."

Ye Cha said, "you just saved me, didn't you?"

"Ah?" Zhong Qi was stunned again, and then said with a dry smile, "is that right?"

Ye Cha patted Zhong Qi on the shoulder and said, "for the sake of saving me, congratulations. Your life has been saved."

After ye chasuo finished, he took a flashlight from Zhong Qi and walked forward, illuminating the surroundings.

Zhong Qi is stunned again, and then catches up with Ye cha in a hurry.

Ye Cha said, "where is this place?"

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