death train

Chapter 297

Ye Cha knows about the ice and snow capital.

This is a hidden base for CommScope.

According to the memory of the last life, yecha knew that after the end of the world, CommScope found an ancient corpse buried for many years at the bottom of the glacier. CommScope named it snow devil.

Snow devil is actually a huge ancient chimpanzee. After the end of the world, it was infected with zombie virus, but it is quite strange that it did not revive.

CommScope extracted genes from its body for research, and concluded that snow devil's body genes may naturally contain virus antibodies.

Therefore, refining the gene research of snow devil will make it possible to produce antidotes, even anti zombie virus vaccines, and even anti-virus sources, so as to completely dissolve the spread of zombie virus.

It has to be said that CommScope has rarely done some meaningful experiments. The research on snow devil is really carried out in order to get rid of the doomsday.

The problem is, CommScope messed up.

Any anti zombie virus things are not done, the results in the experiment, snow devil wake up.

The awakened snow devil is undoubtedly terrible. As a result, all the people in CommScope's base are destroyed. Snow devil killed many people, but the more troublesome part is the zombie virus leakage.

The original closed experimental base was the only place in the ice and snow that was not infected with zombie virus. As a result, zombies became rampant overnight.

The three tasks of the ice and snow capital are to find new Z virus cells and kill the zombies of three ancient species of ice land and snow devil.

Three of them can be ignored. This task is just like hunting ancient species in the desert. It depends entirely on fate. It depends entirely on luck that ancient species are not sure where they will appear, whether they can meet them or what intensity they will meet.

The new Z virus cells and snow devil need to go to the base of CommScope.

In this way, the leaf brake can give the destination.

To complete the task, people in other carriages must go to the base of CommScope, including Nan Junxian.

As for the crew task, ye Cha ignored it. Anyway, even without himself, the other four people would try their best to complete the task. If they were not sure, ye Cha would try again.

At present, there is only one goal of the leaf brake, let the damned people die.

"Hey, hold me."

Ye Cha is thinking, suddenly crisp sound suddenly rang out, the Ye Cha to frighten a jump, side face a look, ye Yue unexpectedly don't know when, appeared in Ye Cha's side.

Ye Cha was surprised and said, "what are you doing with me?"

Ye Yue patted her chest and said, "I'm not saying that. For the sake of our same surname, I'll protect you."

Ye Cha pulled out the corner of his eye and said, "I don't need it."

"I think you need it," she said, waving her hand

Ye Cha said, "I think you should go with them. I'm not interested in finishing the task of flight attendant, and you and I have no meaning."

"The three of them are dead." Ye Yue said, "by the way, how do you see that they want to be bad for you?"

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Ye Yue tilts her head and blinks her eyes.

Ye Cha said, "they want to be bad for me?"

Ye Yue said: "yes, the one with short hair is Hong Zhe. He's not bad. The one who is silent is Lu Yu. He has a black hand. The guy who almost fought with you is Gao Hongmin. The guy's favorite thing is to use new people as cannon fodder. Sometimes he has a black hand to kill and search things."

"Is it?"

Ye Cha was not surprised. After all, he had guessed this situation after the landlady explained it a little.

Ye Cha said: "I don't see that they want to be bad for me, but I really don't plan to do the assessment task, I want to kill a person."

Ye Yue blinked and said, "I thought you were fooling them. Why kill people? Oh, I see. There's your enemy in the ordinary car. "

Ye Cha said: "in a word, don't follow me."

Ye Yue said: "you kill your people. I'll follow them around. I think you are more interesting than them. Besides, if you are in danger, I can help you."

Ye Cha said: "I don't need help. I can handle my own affairs."

Ye Yue said: "well, call me when you need help. Hey, carry me quickly. I hate this place. It's hard to walk."

But the height of the leaves is too low, and they are about to step on their knees.

Ye Cha pats his forehead, and doesn't know how to respond. After pondering for a while, ye Cha holds Ye Yue and puts her on his shoulder.

Frankly speaking, ye Cha is also very curious about ye Yue, and can't figure out how a girl lived to the present.

Secondly, ye Cha finds that it's good to go with Ye Yue. He can take the opportunity to ask about the stewardess. Compared with whether ye Yue can help fight, it's not very important. It's more important to get some news from ye Yue.Ye Cha said as he walked: "are you also a steward? Is it strong? "

Ye Yue patted her chest and said, "of course."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "but..."

Ye Yue holds Ye Cha's head, sits on Ye Cha's shoulder, shakes her feet and says, "I'm a super human."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Ye Yue said: "before you have time to ask these questions, you might as well think about it first. Do you want me to help you?"

The leaf Cha doubts a way again: "eh?"

Ye Yue stretched out her hand and pointed forward: "47 meters, in that alley, you are in trouble."

At the moment when ye Yueyan fell, the alley suddenly gave out a low roar like a wild animal, and then three zombies wandered around and slowly came out of the alley.

Ye Cha habitually narrowed his eyes.

Three zombies, two no problem, just ordinary zombies, just produced evolution, the body produced cold resistant antibodies, can also survive in the ice and snow city.

The appearance of zombies is not much different from that of ordinary zombies, but their skin is more white and covered with frost.

The problem is the third zombie.

It's an Alaskan dog. It's huge. It's almost 1.8 meters high. There's a crack on its back. There are three complete spines on the left and right. The dog's hair has completely fallen off and there are rotten cracks everywhere.

At the same time, a fishy red tongue drags on the outside of the mouth, but it has a cylindrical shape. There is a crack at the top, and there are fine teeth on both sides of the crack.

"Snow dog." Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "it's really a troublesome guy, but I can deal with it."

Ye Yue said: "more than one head."

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