death train

Chapter 298


At the moment when ye Yueyan fell, a cry like a dog or a wolf suddenly rang out.

Then, on the side of a building, the glass window broke, countless broken glass fell from the sky, and then the second snow dog suddenly jumped out from behind the glass window and fell to the ground, splashing a large snowflake with a bang.

Snow zombie dog's level is platinum 5 stars, one of the words, the problem is not big, but two appear at the same time, ye Cha can't help but frown, but also not completely unable to deal with the situation.

After all, yecha had been to the ice and snow capital before, and fought with the snow dog. Yecha was very clear about the shortcomings of the snow dog.


Ye Cha said: "to be fair, I don't need your help, and I don't want to help you deal with the trouble. How about one person and one head?"

Ye Yue jumped down from ye Cha's shoulder with a smile and said, "good."

"So..." The leaf Cha slowly bows the body way: "kill."

At the moment when ye Cha's words fell, he quickly ran out to the side, reached out to the void, and the endless bow appeared in Ye Cha's palm.

Almost at the moment of Ye Cha's action, Xue Xingshi dog suddenly moved. Two of the zombies were directly knocked down by Xue Xingshi dog, and then their heads were crushed by Shengsheng.

The next moment, snow zombie dog fast running, the thick snow seems to snow zombie dog, there is no obstruction, about 50 meters distance, almost fleeting.

Ye Cha looked at the sudden jump of snow walking corpse dog. Without any hesitation, he directly raised his hand to open the bowstring of endless bow.

An explosive arrow is shown by a rapid fantasy, and then the bow string is released, and it hits the head of the snow dog.


The explosion suddenly sounded, and a huge fire appeared in front of the dog. The impact of the explosion directly lifted the dog out.

The snow dog was rolling in the snow, shaking open a snowflake, and then stood up again.

But, in this instant, the leaf brake has already jumped forward abruptly.


Ye Cha took out the Alaska whaling fork, stabbed the snow dog's tongue, nailed the tongue to the ground, then pulled out the bleeding dragon sword and jumped onto the snow dog's back.

Snow zombie dog is very difficult to deal with, strong body, very fast, that changed tongue, with a variety of bacteria and viruses.

At the same time, although the weakness of most zombies is the head, ye Cha knows very well that the head is not the head of snow walking corpse dog.

Or rather, it's not what it looks like.

Snow walking dog actually has a second head, which is the control center of snow walking dog, and that head is in the crack behind snow walking dog.


After jumping on the back of the snow walking dog, before the snow walking dog reacts, ye Cha raises the blood dragon sword and stabs it down. A bloody flower with a strong smell splashes out and scatters all over Ye cha.

"Damn it Leaf Cha low scold a way: "stab crooked."

The snow dog under the leaf brake struggled fiercely, kept beating left and right, threw the leaf brake out, and then raised his paw and slapped it down.

The leaf brake quickly rolled towards the side. With a bang, the paw fell to the ground and made a loud noise. At the same time, the snow on the ground was shot and a snow column was blasted.


Snow corpse dog howled, looked at the leaf brake from the ground, immediately ran up, the huge head, then straight hit the middle brake chest.

The shield of six flowers appeared in front of Ye Cha, standing in front of Xue Xingshi dog.

With the impact, the shield of six flowers was directly hit by the snow walking corpse dog, which broke two sides, but finally helped Ye Cha to block the attack.

The next moment, the leaf brake quickly raised his hand, toward the snow corpse dog virtual press.


Bang of a, the palm of leaf Cha pushes out invisible strength, mercilessly blast on the body of snow walking corpse dog.

The body of snow walking dog is huge, and its tonnage is not light. The impact of shock wave can't lift the snow walking dog out directly, but push the snow walking dog backward and drag four marks on the ground.

Ye Cha also jumped forward at this time. After catching up with Xue Xingshi dog, the blood Dragon Sword swept across the side of Xue Xingshi dog.


Blood Dragon Sword across the snow dog's body, red blood constantly dripping from the snow dog's body, the snow on the ground to dye red.

And in the moment of cutting open the body of the snow walking corpse dog, ye Cha also reached forward fiercely.

Snake bite!

Ye Cha's left arm twined the virtual shadow of the purple scale python. Then, ye Cha went in directly from the wound on the snow walking corpse dog and stretched into the snow walking corpse dog's body.

"I found you at last."

Ye Cha felt what he was holding in his palm, and then he pulled hard.

It was a head only the size of a fist, with only vague facial features. The outer layer was covered with a layer of transparent meat film, and there was continuous dripping of viscous liquid. After being dragged outside the body by yecha, it still kept roaring at yecha, making a cry like a baby's cry.Ye Cha immediately raises the blood dragon sword, hands up and down!

The blood dragon sword fell down and directly cut the parasitic head of the snow walking corpse dog into two parts. Then with the blood splashing, the huge body of the snow walking corpse dog fell down.

"You killed snow zombie dog, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: sharp canine teeth."


With the mysterious sound, ye Cha exhaled white air, and then showed a puzzled expression.

My fight is over.

But what about ye Yue's battle?

It seems that from beginning to end, ye Cha didn't hear the sound of fighting coming from ye Yue.

Ye Cha thinks like this, then turns his head, and then shows a gaping expression.

The rest of the snow dog, even dull in place, never moved, but from the snow dog look, obviously very painful, obviously unable to move is not the snow dog's intention.

"Have you finished?" Ye Yue said with a smile, "then I'll end it, too."


The little finger stretched out and hit out.

Poof, the snow dog's body suddenly exploded, split from the position of the abdomen, and exploded into two pieces. Naturally, the head hidden in the abdomen was also blown to pieces.

The pupil of the leaf Cha can't help but suddenly shrink. If you just guessed before, that leaf Cha can be sure now. The little girl in front of you is really strong.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ye Yue yelled, "keep carrying me."

Ye Cha returns to his senses, and then walks over to pick Ye Yue up. It's impossible to carry her back. She needs to use her hands. In case of a sudden attack, it will be very troublesome. Therefore, ye Cha chooses to put Ye Yue back on her shoulder.

"No shoulders." Ye Yue said, "it's too narrow. I ride my neck."

It doesn't matter that ye Cha falls, let Ye Yue ride on his neck directly, walk forward and say: "can you continue the topic just now?"

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