death train

Chapter 299

"You want to know what a superman is?" Ye Yue squinted and said, "do you know the development of brain regions?"

Ye Cha was stunned, then nodded: "the human brain has only been developed by 10% to 15%, and the rest is dormant. If we can develop these areas, we will stimulate the hidden potential of human beings. The so-called genius refers to the kind of people whose brain has been developed by more than 15%, but yes, isn't it a hoax?"

The idea of brain development has been around for a long time, but there is no scientific data to prove it. On the contrary, some scientists refute the idea of brain development with brain imaging technology.

According to brain imaging technology, it has been proved that the brain, like the muscles of the body, is mostly active 24 hours a day. Therefore, there is no possibility that the so-called human brain domain has only been developed by 10% to 15%.

Even if a small percentage is inactive, the basis for at least 10% to 15% is completely wrong.

"I don't know if it's a lie." Ye Yue said with a smile: "but in the process of human evolution, the brain has become more and more complex. In the period of Homo erectus, the human brain was only about 300 grams, but now the human brain is about 1400 grams."

Ye Cha nodded, and he had heard the same argument.

The brain weight of a newborn baby is usually less than 400 grams. When it is about three years old, it can reach about 600 grams. When it is between seven and ten years old, it will grow to about 1000 to 1100 grams. When it is between twelve and fifteen years old, it will gradually grow to 1300 grams. Finally, when it reaches puberty, the brain weight will remain at about 1400 grams and will not grow any more.

In the process of brain growth, it also corresponds to the growth of intelligence quotient, thinking ability and even psychology.

At first, we begin to establish speech, emotion and behavior. Then, with the gradual maturity of thinking, image thinking will begin to turn to logical thinking, and finally form individual personality, with independent thinking and will, so as to establish the three concepts.

In short, the brain domain does exist, but it is not as popular as it is. With undeveloped areas, the weight of the brain itself can largely determine all this.

Because the heavier the brain is, the more complex the brain structure is, and the stronger the brain domain is. In fact, the so-called undeveloped brain domain refers to the part of the brain that is more than that of normal people.

Ye Yue pointed to her head and said, "my brain weighs 1992 grams!"

Leaf Cha Ba Ji next mouth, good long just surprised way: "super genius?"

Ye Yue shook her head and said, "is Einstein a genius?"

"Of course." Ye Cha thought about it, and then said, "I know what you want to say, but this is a riddle that has not been solved for a hundred years, and there is no accurate answer at all."

There is a saying that Einstein's brain is only 1230 grams, even lower than the standard of normal people. However, the parietal lobe of Einstein's brain is about 15% wider than that of ordinary people. This part is the reason why Einstein has extraordinary intelligence.

Yecha said: "for example, Turgenev's brain weight is 2103 grams, and he is also recognized as a genius."

"The brain is the most mysterious part of the human body. Who can say it clearly?" Ye Yue shrugged and said, "but at least my brain weight has nothing to do with my IQ. My IQ is 136. It's excellent. It's close to genius, but it's not genius."

Leaf Cha peeps out the facial expression of doubt, be completely confused, since so, why should lift brain weight?

Ye Cha said: "what does that super human mean?"

Ye Yue said: "idiot, what I said at the beginning was brain domain development. The focus is development."

The expression of doubt on the leaf Cha face is more intense.

Ye Yue said, "don't you understand? The idea of brain development is wrong, but it's not entirely wrong. The meaning of brain weight lies in the upper limit of potential. Do you understand? "

The meaning of brake leaf suddenly showed a month's expression finally.

First of all, there is no resting area in brain domain, which is wrong, but brain domain development does exist, and the key point is brain weight.

Taking 1400g of normal people as the standard, this is the standard of normal human beings.

So what if a person has a brain weight of 1500 grams? The extra 100 grams is the exploitable brain area.

Ye Cha said: "so, your ability is innate?"

"How can it be? I'll be a monster before the end of the world. I'll be sliced for research." Ye Yue hummed: "you should know that some items can make your body change after use, right?"

Ye Cha nods, such as the golden potion, which has a certain probability to make the body change.

There is also Ge shujiu, who fought with Ye cha. His body is able to discharge electricity because of his abnormal ability, which makes his organs and nerves similar to electric eels.

"The key to brain weight is that I can get something through the death train to stimulate brain development, but if I only have normal brain weight, even if I get these things, I can't do brain development," ye saidThe leaf Cha once again peeps out suddenly facial expression, this time at last is thoroughly understand.

Ye Yue said: "my brain area has changed, which leads to the development of brain area. Then because of the development of brain area, my IQ, logical thinking and so on have a huge growth. Therefore, don't use body shape to measure my age."

"Lori's body, the old witch's heart?"

This words Leaf Cha also think in the heart, didn't dare to say export, afraid to be beaten.

Ye Yue continued: "in addition, I've got some abilities because of brain changes. For example, are you thinking that I just have a little girl's body, and I'm actually an old witch?"

Ye Cha was surprised and said, "mind reading skill?"

Ye Yue raised her fist on Ye Cha's head and said, "no, it's just that she has strong analytical ability. Normal people would think so in this case."

Ye Cha couldn't help laughing.

Ye Yue said: "of course, there are some strange brain abilities, such as this."


Ye Yue suddenly stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers. Then the two zombies on the side of the street suddenly stopped moving, as if they were fixed in the same place by something.


Ye Yue makes a ring finger again, and then the heads of the two zombies suddenly burst, and become a bloody look, scattered all over the ground.

Although Ye Yue had shown similar ability to deal with snow zombie dog before, ye Cha was very surprised to see it again.

This ability of killing zombies with a loud finger is completely invincible.

Who can beat Ye Yue?

No wonder in the death train, Gao Hongmin three people seem to be deliberately avoid Ye Yue, because of fear!

This kind of ability really has no way to let a person not be afraid!

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