death train

Chapter 301

"That's not clear." Ye Yue said: "if you can complete the task and get something, you can try to study it. Maybe there is something special about these things."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "what's another kind of speculation?"

Ye Yue said: "evolution is the same. I think the surviving human beings who can become flight attendants are those who are recognized by the death train and have evolutionary value. In other words, they are those who prove that they have evolutionary value."

This point, do not need Ye Yue to explain, ye Cha can almost understand.

The existence of assessment tasks shows some problems, not everyone can become a steward, and the landlady has repeatedly mentioned the selected person.

Secondly, the people who have access to the contents of the crew and pass the examination may not be the best in a certain carriage, but they are undeniably excellent.

So, ye Yue's conjecture is indeed possible.

Of course, the premise is that the idea of evolution is right.

It has to be said that ye Cha thinks that he has made a correct decision, and it's good to bring ye Yue with him. These contents originally need Ye Cha to explore and speculate.

But now you can tell directly from ye Yue's mouth.

After all, even if you have the memory of your last life, yecha just has an advantage, not omniscient, at least this part of the content is not known by yecha.

"That's all I know." Ye Yue said and looked around: "it's a pity that there are so few zombies in this place."

Ye Cha said: "it's true that the bad environment of the ice and snow capital leads to a small number of zombies, but it's not invisible. The reason you don't find is not that there are no zombies, but that they are all killed."

The leaf month Leng for a while, immediately the mind a Lin.

Ye Cha took the corner of his mouth and laughed.

Both of them are smart people. Ye Yue immediately understands the meaning of Ye cha. Ye Cha is deterring himself and tells himself that he has a back hand.

Ye Yue said: "you are so defensive against a child, really good?"

Ye Cha said, "I don't think you are a child."

Ye Yue said with disdain: "isn't this the only reason? You are on guard when you are in the car. But if you are willing to talk to me, you can also talk to me normally, which means that you are not isolated. Therefore, you just don't trust others. "

Ye Cha did not answer, but continued to walk forward.

Ye Yue continued: "let me guess why you don't trust others. It's true that in the end of life, people who stutter can fight each other and it's difficult to build trust, but they won't be so alert without any contact. The only reason is that you have been betrayed."

The leaf Cha way: "say enough?"

Ye Yue said: "no, if that's all, you will not only guard against others, but also instinctively have hostility towards others, but there is no hostility in your emotions. Therefore, you are an extremely rational person. You guard against and don't trust others, but don't deny the existence of trust. You still recognize the existence of friendship, love, family and other emotions. What's the reason for your guard Because it's just to stop being betrayed again. It's a good practice. Since we can't distinguish other people's feelings, we simply don't accept it from the beginning. "

Ye Cha said: "do you know that a beautiful woman usually likes to find an ugly woman to be her best friend?"

Ye Yue said with a smile: "therefore, a smart person does not like to be friends with another smart person."

Ye Cha said, "so don't let me hate you."

"Well, don't mention anything that makes you unhappy." Ye Yue said, "where is our destination now?"

"The base of CommScope," yecha said

Ye Yue nodded and said, "it's a good idea. We should get a map first, but it doesn't necessarily indicate the location of CommScope's base. If only there was network here."

"No Ye Cha said, "we have arrived at the place."

Ye Cha said, pointing to the front.

Ye Yue Leng next way: "platform?"

Right in front of them is a train platform, but it's not a death train platform, but an ordinary train platform. The scale is not big, even the old-fashioned open-air platform with only two tracks.

Yecha said: "there is a sightseeing train here, which will lead to the observatory built on the snow mountain. When you get there, you can change to another train to enter the deep snow mountain. The base of CommScope is built there."

Ye Yue said strangely, "how do you know that?"

Ye Cha said: "I can predict everything, do you believe it?"

Ye Yue rolled her eyes and said, "you'd better not tell me."

The leaf brake laughed, then walked on a train, manipulated a way: "the train can still move, let's go."

As ye Cha said, he took out the PDA and gave the order to the arbitrator. About five minutes later, the arbitrator appeared in the platform, stepped on the front of the train and began to try to drive the train.

Ye Yue said: "this is your backhand? Is this a zombie? It's not very similar. It can't be an ancient species, can itYe Cha said with a smile: "you can guess slowly, and by the way, guess if I have any other backhand."

Speaking, under the control of the arbiter, the train has been running, slowly moving forward along the track.

Ye Cha came to the carriage and sat down and said, "have a rest. It will take some time to get to the observatory."

"Good..." Ye Yuegang was about to sit down. Suddenly she said, "there is something on the roof. It's not this car, but it's approaching at high speed."

Ye Cha immediately got up. Although Ye Yue didn't explain it in detail, perception must be one of her abilities after her brain region changed.

He drew out the black star pistol and Alaskan whaling fork at the same time, looking at the top of the car.

Sure enough, ye Yue was right. Soon, the sound of "bang, bang" came from the top of the car. It seemed that something was moving on the top of the car.

Ye Cha listened, quickly identified each other's position, and then shot at the top of the car without hesitation.

Bang, bang, Bang

The black star pistol fired continuously, the roof of the car was pierced continuously, and then the sound disappeared suddenly.

However, ye Cha and ye Yue are not naive enough to think that each other has been killed. Judging from the movement, the things on the roof are not like ordinary zombies.

In fact, there was no blood dripping from the bullet hole on the roof, which means that not only did they not kill each other, but they probably did not even hurt each other.

Suddenly, with a crash, the side window was smashed. A figure suddenly ran into the car, opened his mouth and roared at Ye Cha and ye Yue.

"Crawler?" Ye Cha frowned and said, "no, no, it's evolved."

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