death train

Chapter 302

What appears in front of yecha and Yeyue is a variant zombie.

The shape is basically similar to that of a crawler. Although it's humanoid, it's like a beast landing on all fours. At the same time, it's much bigger than a normal human.

But if you look carefully, you can still see that the guy in front of you is not an ordinary climber.

In front of him, the body of this unusual climber was covered with frost, as if wearing a suit of Ice Armor.

In addition, there are growing spines on the elbow and knee of the mutant climber, which are frozen by the frost, just like four sharp ice skates. The outstretched tongue is bifurcated, and the edge is densely covered with small ice blades.

Although yecha had been to the ice and snow capital in his previous life, he did not encounter this kind of abnormal climber at that time. Therefore, yecha did not know about the abnormal climber, even the most basic level, advantages and disadvantages.

"In that case..." Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "try to blow your head first."

As ye Cha said, he raised his hand and raised his gun to shoot at the mutant crawler again.

Bang, bang, bang!

Continuous gunshots appeared, and the bullets flew towards the mutant crawler. But before hitting, the mutant crawler's tongue suddenly swung and opened all the bullets.

At this time, ye Cha also slightly bowed his body, and then, like a hunting leopard, rushed out towards the mutant climber.


Ye Cha raised the Alaska whaling fork and slashed hard toward the front. He collided with the tongue of the mutant crawler and made a sound of gold and iron.

There is an obvious evolution of the mutant crawler. Although the ordinary crawler also has scarlet tongue, it is still fleshy. Although it is terrible to attack, it can be easily cut off.

But it's not going to work against the creepers.

Ye Cha immediately and decisively abandons gun, draws blood dragon sword, cuts toward the head of abnormal change crawler.


The second clear cross sound sounded. The mutant climber raised his left arm, and the ice skate at the elbow collided with the blood dragon sword. Although the blood dragon sword cut open the outer ice, it was blocked by the bone spines wrapped in the ice.


After a sudden change crawler prevented the next blow, his huge head pushed forward, and he flew out of the leaf brake and hit the ground hard.

Ye Cha gnaws his teeth and says to Ye Yue, "I'll deal with it. You go to other carriages."

Ye Yue nods. The battle between Ye Cha and the abnormal climber may affect any position. Ye Yue is very clear that if she doesn't do it, it will obviously get in the way here. So she quickly steps back to the next carriage.

On the other side, after the mutant climber knocked the leaf brake to the ground, a tiger immediately jumped on the leaf brake, quickly jumped on the leaf brake, and opened his mouth to bite the leaf brake.

Ye Cha immediately raised his legs and stepped on the chest of the mutant climber, making it impossible for the mutant climber to bend down easily.

Sticky and smelly saliva continuously drips from the corner of the mutant crawler's mouth, which makes yecha's face full of saliva. The angry roar makes yecha's eardrum tremble.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth, and the power of the mutant crawler was extraordinary. Then he raised his hand and pressed it on the chest of the mutant crawler.


The invisible force was excited forward. With a bang, the abnormal climber was directly shocked out, first hit the roof, and then fell back to the ground.

Ye Cha also took advantage of the opportunity, a carp straightened, quickly turned over from the ground, and then raised the blood dragon sword to stab forward.


Blood is falling.

When the scattered blood fell to the ground, it was covered with frost.

Unfortunately, yecha failed to kill the mutant crawler.

Ye Cha's stab is naturally the head of the mutant crawler, but the speed of the mutant crawler is obviously faster than that of the ordinary crawler. It is very fast. When ye Cha wants to stab, he avoids it. The blood dragon sword only cuts on the shoulder of the mutant crawler.

At the same time, after avoiding a blow, the mutant climber also quickly counterattacked. His tongue hanging outside, like a whip, swept towards the leaf brake.


Stuffy sound appears, the body side of the leaf brake, the shield of six flowers quickly emerges, help the leaf brake to block the attack.

Ye Cha didn't hesitate to stab a sword back, and stabbed it hard into the neck of the mutant crawler. Then he wanted to cut off the head of the mutant crawler, but he found that the ice on the wound quickly blocked the blade of the blood dragon sword.

"Damn it

Ye Cha couldn't help cursing. He looked at the claws of the mutant crawler and immediately took out his sword. Then void pressed it forward again.

Dragon catching crane, two style crane!

With the push of Ye Cha's palm, the body of the mutant crawler was like being held down by a giant palm, and then pushed to the rear.

With a bang, the mutant climber hit the wall of the carriage, and the carriage was suddenly sunken, and the mutant climber's body was also deeply sunken.Ye Cha immediately rushed forward again. At the moment when the abnormal climber broke free, he raised the blood dragon sword and cut it forward continuously.

At the same time, the dragon pattern on the blood dragon sword is also slowly lit up.


The strange change crawler roared angrily, waving his arms, and the ice skate between his elbows waved towards yecha. But just at this time, the dragon pattern on the blood Dragon Sword completely radiated light.

The leaf Cha lightly drinks a, then again a sword cuts out.

Blood dance!

Sword out, sword shining!

With the blood Dragon Sword Cutting forward, three half moon arcs of Blood Sword swept forward.

When the first sword falls, the ice skate of the mutant climber is cut into several pieces.

The second sword fell, blood flying, the left arm of the mutant climber was directly cut by a sword, hit the roof, and fell back to the ground.

When the third sword falls, the mutant climber's chest is directly cut open, and his body is almost broken in two, even if he falls to the ground.

The three blood lights disappear, and the mutant crawler is almost abandoned.

Ye Cha didn't have any delay. He took the opportunity to raise his sword and stab it again. He thrust the blood dragon sword into the head of the mutant climber.

Poof, the blood Dragon Sword Pierced the head of the mutant crawler.

Under the body of the change crawler, there is constant blood flowing out slowly.

"You killed ice assassins, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: ice bone."

"You killed the assassins in the ice field, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward, cold poison bag."

"So this guy is called an ice sheet assassin? Should it be a variant of the crawler? "

Ye Cha murmured. He picked up the broken skate and wrapped it up. Then he put it into his backpack. The so-called ice bone should be the bone in the skate.

As for the cold poison sac, it's a little more troublesome. The body of the mutant crawler needs to be cut out from near the stomach.

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