death train

Chapter 314


The other side's speed was extremely fast. Ye Cha almost instinctively raised the blood dragon sword, and then the sound of metal cross sound sounded. Ye Cha felt his arm heavy, and the figure was also passing by with Ye cha.

After a blow, the leaf Cha quickly turns the body, immediately not from a Leng way: "is this a variation zombie?"? Can zombies mutate like this? "

The figure stood in front of the leaf brake, about five or six meters away, and the leaf brake finally saw the figure.

It's a half life size wooden doll. It's a woman in a long black dress. It's lifelike, but it's still easy to tell if it's a doll, not a human.

Because there is a gap in the position of the joint, and even if it is the same size as human beings, the facial features are carved vividly, and the material is wood, it is not human at first sight.

Obviously, it can't be a mutated zombie. No matter how the zombie mutates, it's still a creature. It's impossible to turn flesh into wood.

Ye Yue doubts: "the props on the death train?"

Ye Chadao: "Gao Hongmin, or Lu Yu?"

Ye Yue said: "I haven't seen them use similar things before. Maybe they are the surviving humans in other carriages?"

Ye Cha can't help looking around. This doll is definitely not a zombie or an ancient species. It should be a prop produced on the death train. Since it is a prop, there must be users.

However, ye Cha didn't see other human beings around him. In fact, ye Cha didn't need to look for them with his eyes. If someone was hiding, ye Yue could sense it.

At this time, the doll had moved again, and quickly attacked the leaf brake.

Ye Cha immediately backed away. There was a blade hidden under the doll's right forearm, which was completely close to his arm. It was very secret, but after a fight, ye Cha naturally noticed it.


The leaf Cha will blood dragon sword a horizontal, with the other side forward of arm bump together, sure enough, issued a metal impact will appear clear sound.

After a blow, yecha immediately pulled out the Alaska whaling fork from his waist and swept forward.

Hissing, the half sleeve of the doll was cut by the leaf brake.

Ye Yue said, "can I help you?"

Ye Cha said: "you look at it first. I think you can deal with it."

After the previous battle, ye Yue's brain area ability has been confirmed to be similar to what ye Cha speculated, that ability is strong, but it seems to have a strong burden on the brain.

Therefore, as ye Cha previously guessed, brain domain ability can not be used continuously, or use for a period of time, you need to rest for a period of time.

But ye Yue's ability has a wonderful effect at a critical time. Since ye Cha thinks he can deal with it, ye Yue's ability will be saved.

At this time, the doll attacked again.

This thing seems more zombie, some similar, no thinking, is to identify the target, began to attack madly.

Ye Cha didn't mean to block this time. Instead, he let the doll attack him. Then the shield of six flowers appeared and stood in front of Ye cha. Then the shield of six flowers broke.

At the moment when the shield of the six flowers broke, ye Cha stabbed the doll in the chest with a sword again, and stabbed the doll into a big hole.

However, this kind of big hole doesn't kill the doll very much. It's not a living thing, and it won't die when it penetrates the heart. To kill the doll, it must be destroyed.

How to destroy? Joints, of course!

This is the biggest weakness of dolls.

After one hit, ye Cha stretched out his hand and pushed forward before the doll attacked.

Dragon catching crane, two style crane!

As soon as ye Cha hit out, a force pushed forward and directly pushed the doll back. Then ye Cha quickly pointed his toes and swept the whole person forward.

High wind!

The leaf brake is as fast as lightning. In an instant, it catches up with the flying doll, and then it leans forward fiercely.


Ye Cha's fist hit the doll's shoulder, and the position of the doll's shoulder was broken. Without any hesitation, ye Cha launched a strong wind to chase the doll again. After flying the doll, he chased it up again.

This time, ye Cha straightened out the blood dragon sword, swept directly, hit the other arm of the doll, hit the gap of the joint position accurately, and cut off the doll's arm with one sword.

When the doll's arms were broken, the doll couldn't be used much, but after all, it wasn't broken. At the moment of landing, the doll's toe was a little bit, and suddenly flew to the leaf brake, and the toe three times, kicked the leaf brake's head.

The leaf Cha sneers a, again hand empty grip.

Catch the dragon and crane, catch the dragon in one form.

Ye Cha stretched out his palm, and then five fingers bent, a force of suction suddenly came out of his palm, and then one of the doll's arms flew to Ye Cha's palm and was firmly held by Ye cha.

Snake bite!

Ye Cha's left arm appeared the virtual shadow of the purple scale python, and then he grasped it hard, and the doll's right leg was crushed by Ye cha.With a plop and only one leg left, the doll finally lost its fighting power and fell to the ground.

With a sword, ye Cha cut off the doll's remaining leg.

Ye Yue came forward and looked at the big hole pierced in the doll's chest. "There are gears, machine springs and so on. They are all made of wood. It's so ancient."

Ye Cha said: "is it important that the craft of things on the death train is old? Cold weapons can be sharper than hydraulic cutters. "

"So it is." Ye Yue frowned, looked around and said, "but I still don't feel people. Is this thing really controlled?"

Ye Cha looked around and said, "maybe people are not nearby?"

Ye Cha's conclusion is based on the experience of manipulating the arbiter. When he gives an order to the arbiter, the arbiter will run to execute it by himself. Ye Cha doesn't need to be around the arbiter.

Maybe this doll can do the same?

Ye Yue nodded and then said, "it's not this thing that fights Gao Hongmin, is it? This thing can't beat them, let alone kill Hong Zhe. "

"Who knows."

Ye Cha shakes his head, this damned place is more and more suspicious, completely different from his previous life.

Ye Yue said, "what should we do now?"

"Why don't you go to see the magic leaves first?"

Ye Yue nodded and said, "it's OK."

Ye Cha said, "let me lead the way."

As ye Cha said, he continued to walk forward. When he passed a metal platform, he picked up two needle guns, put one into his backpack, and threw the other to Ye Yue.

Ye Yue said, "what is it?"

Ye Cha said: "it has nothing to do with the crew task. It's one of the tasks of the ice and snow city. New Z virus cells."

"Oh Ye Yue suddenly said, "it's not bad. If you don't take it white, you won't take it."

The new type of Z virus cell is a kind of cell refined and improved from snow devil's body. It doesn't need to go back to the death train to ask the landlady. Yecha also knows what to use. It's not a good thing. It has a certain probability to form zombie virus antibody.

However, it is limited to the zombie virus carried by ordinary zombies.

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