death train

Chapter 315

Generally speaking, it's something better than nothing. The main value of this thing is that it can be brought back to the death train after it is obtained. There are still many in the base.

After taking things, the leaf brake leads through the experimental area and continues to move forward.

Ye Yue in a side good strange way: "snow devil in what position."

Ye Cha said: "the third floor is located in the center of the mountain. There is a large open area. The snow devil is there. He is nailed with a metal frame and completely locked. He is connected with the mountain."

Ye Yue said: "don't you mean snow devil killed most of the people in the base? Why is it still locked? "

Ye Cha said: "it's mainly the death caused by zombie virus transmission. Not many people are killed directly by snow devil."

Ye Yue said: "is the snow devil an ancient species or a corpse of ancient species?"

Ye Cha said: "it's an ancient species, but snow devil has zombie virus in its body, but zombie virus doesn't take effect. This is what CommScope plans to study. However, because zombie virus itself exists, it will still be infected if it is injured by snow devil."

As they spoke, they walked forward.

There are not many zombies in this place, or none at all. It seems that all the zombies have gone to the first floor. Both yecha and Yeyue feel very strange. What is the reason that all the zombies in the base have gone to the first floor, forming a zombie tide?

But anyway, it's convenient for ye Cha and ye Yue to move in and out of here at will. There's no need to worry about the zombie attack. Occasionally, I see a few scattered zombies, and I don't see the rather difficult variant zombies.

After walking for about 30 minutes, I was about to reach the entrance of the third floor.



There was a huge noise. They didn't know where it came from, and then they both felt the ceiling trembling.

Ye Cha raised his head to see an eye, immediately surprised a way: "snow devil is fighting?"

Ye Yue said, "how do you know that?"

Ye Cha can't answer this. He can't say that in the last life, when he was fighting with snow devil, snow devil could make similar movements, so he knows.

Ye Cha could only point to the ceiling and said, "according to our current position, it's almost the area where the snow devil is. The error is no more than 200 meters."

Ye Yue frowned and said, "hurry up."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "follow me, I know the shortcut."

The leaf brake directly picked up Ye Yue, and then quickly ran up. After passing through the passage, the leaf brake didn't go through the normal passage, but turned into the special passage for maintenance. Here are several special elevators for maintenance.

On the third floor, the blade brake took Ye Yue into the maintenance channel. A moment later, several huge fans appeared in front of them, seven or eight meters high.

Ye Cha said: "this place is open to the outside. The air in the mountainside is thin, so it is covered by the air circulation system everywhere. This fan is used to ventilate outside. You can go directly to the snow devil's place from here."

Leaf brake said, while passing through the fan interval, and then ran out of the maintenance channel with Ye Yue.

But at this time, ye Yue's look suddenly changed and said, "there are people in front of you!"

Ye Cha immediately put down Ye Yue, took the bleeding dragon sword and Alaska whaling fork, and pushed forward carefully.

A moment later, after passing the corner of the passage, they saw a man sitting in the passage, leaning against the wall, covered with blood.

Ye Yue picked the tip of her eyebrows and said, "it's Lu Yu."

As they approached quickly, Lu Yu's body was full of injuries and half of his body was stained red with blood. It seemed that he had gone through a fierce battle.

Ye Cha stretched out his hand to explore Lu Yu's breath and said, "still alive, not dead."

Lu Yu's breath is very weak, but since he is breathing, he must still be alive. At least he is still breathing.

Ye Yue quickly reaches out her hand and gives Lu Yu a treatment.

A moment later, ye Yue said, "I can't wake up without a move."

Ye Cha thinks about it, takes a bottle of mineral water from his backpack and drizzles it directly on Lu Yu's head. Lu Yu opens his eyes.

The leaf month speechless saw a leaf Cha one eye, this method pour is direct.

After Lu Yu opened his eyes and saw Ye Yue, he immediately insisted: "help me."

Ye Yue said, "who hurt you like this?"

"Those guys are coming." Lu Yu gritted his teeth and said, "the apostles walk."

Ye Yue was surprised and said, "is it coming again?"

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "what disorderly, what are you talking about?"

"The apostles walk." Ye Yueyi patted the brains and said, "by the way, you're new. I don't know."

Ye Cha didn't speak, but waited for ye Yue to explain.

Ye Yue thought about it and said, "in fact, I don't know how to say it. Occasionally when performing the task of flight attendant, I will meet some people. Most of them wear black robes, red scarves on their wrists and masks on their faces. Their goals overlap with us."Ye Cha said: "that is to say, what do we look for, what do they look for?"

Ye Yue nodded and said, "yes."

Ye Cha said: "I don't know the origin at all?"

Ye Yue said: "I don't know. I once went back to the death train and asked. I only got one name, that is, the Apostle walking. Other people also asked and got this answer. The others didn't know at all."

Ye Cha said: "human?"

Ye Yue said: "it's definitely human, and it's very strong and very difficult to deal with."

Ye Cha pondered that it was not that there were no other human beings in the world to survive in the last world except those who survived on the train of death.

For example, the one eyed old man in the desert wasteland, the surviving human, and the human in the concentration camp.

They didn't get on the train of death, but they also found a happy land to survive in the end of life.

However, apart from the death train, there are other surviving human beings, this yecha believes.

But if we say that these surviving human beings can fight with the steward, no, let alone fight with the steward, let alone fight with the surviving human beings on the ordinary death train, it is totally impossible to win.

In that case, it's very difficult to deal with. How did a few words come from?

At this time, Lu Yu became weaker and weaker. He whispered, "help me."

"How do you want me to save you?" Ye Yue said: "I've cured you. It's up to you whether you can survive. Now I'm going to find snow devil. If you can get something, you can go back to the death train. If you can't hold it, it's your business."

Although Ye Yue doesn't care whether she can save Lu Yu, she can't, and they can't go back to the death train without getting something. The general medicine purchased from the death train, based on Lu Yu's injury, has little effect, which is not much different from ye Yue's therapeutic ability.

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