death train

Chapter 325

Ye Yue's purpose is to give the gun, even if the Qing Dynasty is finished, this is the end, see ye Cha don't want to talk more, naturally go very simply.

Ye Cha sat back on the sofa and pondered for a while, feeling a little confused.

After becoming a steward, I left the death train for the first time. It was a bit of a bad start, and I almost caught my own life.

Secondly, there are many doubts.

What the steward needs to look for in the mission seems to be in line with Ye Yue's conjecture. It seems to be collecting things for the dead train. Moreover, from the attitude of the landlady, it seems that this thing can't be spread.

Otherwise, Nan Junxian won't kill him just because he got the backup data.

As for what the landlady said, ye Cha gave a cold hum when she was qualified to participate in the steward assessment.

If Nan Junxian died in the assessment of flight attendants, it would be in vain.

If Nan Junxian becomes a steward, the data backup is not equal to the hands of the dead train. As long as the landlady asks Nan Junxian not to leak things, as a steward, is it possible to refuse?

Of course, ye Cha doesn't care about it. He guarantees that Nan Junxian won't live to the next stop, and the account of his last life should be settled.

What ye Cha doubts is the attitude of the landlady, or that of the death train, or that of the conductor. Is there anything special about those things? No leakage is allowed.

Frankly speaking, yecha thinks that it's useless for most people to get this kind of research sample, because they can't understand it.

Apart from the steward's task, the Apostle's walk is another doubt.

Who are the apostles?

Why does the landlady say that the other party is the enemy?

This is something Ye Cha had never touched in his previous life. It is impossible that there is no curiosity.

"Too little information." For a long time, ye Cha pinched his nose and said, "I suddenly feel that things have become interesting."

Ye Cha doesn't think about these things any more. He knows too little. He can't think of a clue.

Suddenly, ye Cha thought of something and turned to look at the arbitrator.

The arbiter looks a bit shabby at the moment, similar to what he saw at the CommScope base.

The mechanical parts are exposed, and the whole body is full of rotten meat. Rotten meat in many places bulges like balloons, forming a fist sized meat bag.

No matter how it looks, it seems that he has been broken, but it is a fact that the arbitrator appears and directly abolishes Gao Hongmin. From this point of view, the arbitrator is stronger than before. If he is broken, yecha really hopes that the arbitrator will be broken several times.

In a word, ye Cha is not sure what the current state of the arbiter is. He simply opens his personal information and checks it directly.

Ye cha (human) (male) (23 years old)

rank: Star Diamond 1 star

privilege: death car member, person information query, personal car use right, steward's right of way

position: steward

strength: 170

physical ability: 135

Agility: 140

mental power: 121

number of skeletons: 3 gold 216 SILVER 9 copper

carry weapons Weapon: endless bow (number of arrows: unlimited), cutting-edge tactics - Alaska whaling fork, survival knife, msg90 automatic sniper rifle, black star, blood dragon sword, void snake gun

carrying equipment: star shining goggles, radio wave exploration device, water purification device

carrying props: stab proof vest, tactical gloves, tactical belt, red flame bomb, colorful clouds, shining stars, Antidote, shield of six flowers, parasitic cells, Eagle pupil, shining sword, zombie chip, jadeite potion

carrying puppet: corpse flower (mature stage) (space flowerpot planting) arbiter (biochemical human) (mutant) (alien plant gene and plant virus carrier)

mastering skills: intermediate comprehensive combat proficient, master Archer proficient, primary automobile structure proficient Mastery: Twelve trials of immortality (hard armor), virus phagocytosis (small probability), martial arts supremacy

warehouse: bow of night hidden, AVI Z-type metal blade (unable to use), new z-virus cells, Anti virus cell

Ye Cha's personal information has not changed much. It is nothing more than the virtual snake gun and the supreme martial arts ability.

Of course, ye Cha knew that he didn't get much in the ice and snow capital. Most of them were "scrap metal" and other things. After being despised by the boss last time, ye Cha simply dealt with it by himself and threw it directly into the workshop.

The only ones that can be used are the new Z virus cells and snow devil's antiviral cells, but yecha doesn't really use them.

The main reason for ye Cha to view personal information is to view the information of the arbitrator.

Sure enough, the arbitrator's message has changed a lot.Originally, the arbiter's summary was very simple, only biochemical human.

However, now there are two more, namely mutants, alien plant genes and plant virus carriers.

First of all, the four words of mutant clearly represent that the arbiter has really completed the evolution.

Biochemical human does not represent biology. The core driving part of the arbiter belongs to the mechanical part. Therefore, the arbiter can be understood as a modified corpse driven by machinery.

Of course, since it's a biochemical human, the body has also been biochemical transformed.

But now the arbiter is not only a biochemical person, but also a variety of biological introduction, which means that the arbiter is not a dead thing, but a new species, an organism.

As for alien plant genes and plant virus carriers, this is mostly due to the integration into the corpse flower cells.

Ye Cha pondered for a while and saw that the arbitrator's information had changed. He could basically confirm several things.

First, the power of the arbiter has indeed been greatly improved, because evolution has been completed.

Second, it's not necessarily a good thing for an arbitrator to become a brand new biological species. Biological species will gradually form their own thinking and also have their own thinking, which means that the loyalty of an arbitrator may decline.

Of course, the issue of loyalty is only a hypothesis and a guess, which does not mean that the arbiter will be unfaithful. However, compared with the fighting machine that only follows orders, this change is not a good thing.

Third, the current situation of the arbiter will be very awkward. The core of the arbiter is the mechanical part and the chip. Yecha is also surprised that the mechanical part has not been trampled in the zombie tide.

As for the body part, as long as the chip is not broken, it's just a body. As long as you master the nerve connection technology, yecha can find a body and make an arbitrator.

But the key is that the body part of the arbiter has evolved!

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