death train

Chapter 326

The body part of the arbiter has completed the evolution, and it is not impossible to replace, but the replacement represents the white evolution, and it is also an ordinary arbiter that can be produced.

Secondly, this is not worth the loss. If the arbiter is completely broken, ye Shaxing will study how to make a new arbiter.

But the fact is that the arbiter contains a lot of high-end technology. Even if there is a studio for personal cars and Yiying manufacturing equipment, the leaf brake does not guarantee 100% success.

Therefore, it is not wise to do so without the complete damage of the arbiter.

However, the current state of the arbiter is obviously in a semi damaged state. Although it can be used, and it is stronger, let alone the rest, the bare mechanical part is a very obvious weakness.

Gao Hongmin didn't find out when he was fighting with the arbiter, which doesn't mean that other people can't find out. In fact, if Gao Hongmin found out the weakness of the arbiter, it's hard to say who would do it.

As a result, ye Cha found that he could not face a dilemma.

Repair? There's no way to repair it. If it's disassembled and remade, the leaf brake won't do it. But if it's not, you can't get some meat to stick on the arbitrator.

If you don't fix it, the arbiter is half damaged. Although he has completed the evolution, his attack power has been greatly improved, but his defense power has been greatly reduced.

Ye Cha suddenly felt a headache.

Fortunately, the leaf brake does not have to have a headache for too long, because the death train has arrived.

Ye Cha didn't know how long he had been sleeping in the car. It should be a long time. Although the medicine can cure the physical injury, he can't heal the syncope or mental injury instantly.

Therefore, the leaf brake did not rest long, then ushered in the next stop.

"The death train will arrive at the city of iron wall in two hours."

"Release task 1: find variable platelet samples."

"Release Mission 2: kill warden kemperth."

"Release mission 3: find the modified zombie research records produced by CommScope using prisoners."

"In the three tasks, we must successfully get the platelet samples before we can board the death train again."

"Two of the three tasks will receive special rewards."

"If you complete three of the three tasks, you will get special rewards and designated weapons (eight random weapons designated)

"Steward task 1: get the warden's letter, which can be used to exchange a random skill."

"Steward task 2: kill Nan Junxian, take back the ancient gene samples that activate the resurrection of ice devil, which can be used to exchange a random ability."

"The cars entering the ice and snow capital this time are: No.1 death car, No.2 death car, No.28 car, No.77 car."

Accompanied by the mysterious sound, ye Cha Baji next mouth, did not expect to go to this place.

The city of iron wall is also called the city of prison.

This is not to say that before the end of the world, this city was a prison, but there were a lot of prisons in this city. There were four prisons in a city, and there was a prison named Jiancheng, which was known as the most difficult prison to escape in history.

Therefore, there is the name of the city of iron wall and the city of prison.

In fact, before the end of time, the city of iron wall was one of the best cities in the world.

Of course, there is no such thing as justice now.

As for what CommScope has done in Tiebi City, yecha knows.

Although Tiebi city is not the headquarters of CommScope, it is also one of the cities where CommScope focuses on establishing branches.

At the end of the world, CommScope actively cooperated to help eliminate the zombies and carry out the human transfer. The target of the transfer is an artificial island about two kilometers away from the city of iron wall.

The man-made island is where the famous Jiancheng prison is located.

After the completion of the transfer plan, about 40000 or 50000 people concentrated on the artificial island and got the habitat. But this time, CommScope did not do a good job, and at the same time, it messed up.

CommScope captured some zombies and occupied the prison to study how zombies were formed. For this reason, it sent the prisoners in the prison to let the zombies bite human beings, and then observed the changes of the bitten human beings for research.

Although it's an inhumane research, there's no big problem so far. What's more, the human beings used by CommScope for living experiments are all prisoners.

Life in the last days is not worth money, and no one will pay attention to the lives of prisoners.

The problem is that CommScope messed up again. In the process of research, a zombie escaped, leading to the leakage of zombie virus, which not only infected everyone in the prison, but also leaked out of the prison.

As a result, the last piece of comfort in the city of iron wall is gone, and zombies are rampant.

However, at that time, some researchers survived. Although they did not find out how zombies were formed, they somehow developed some methods to transform zombies.The warden, Ken pace, is a reformed zombie.

For the time being, the most important task is the steward's task.

There is nothing to say about Nan Junxian. No matter whether there is a task or not, Nan Junxian's name is on Ye Cha's death list.

As for the warden's letter, ye Cha has never seen it, but if you want to find the warden, it should not be difficult to find it.

Yecha had also been to the city of iron wall in his previous life. He was familiar with the terrain of Jiancheng prison. It was not difficult to find the location of warden kenpace, and he was quite confident in completing this task.

Two hours passed quickly. When the death train was about to enter the station, ye Cha walked out of the individual car and directly entered the empty car.

It seems that this carriage is specially used for leaving the station for the crew.

When ye Cha entered, ye Yue had arrived.

Ye Yue said: "generally, the number of crew members is between 3 and 8. However, this time, because it is the finishing work, we are the only two."

Ye Cha nodded. For ye Cha, it's better to have few people. He's not interested in cooperating with other people, even ye Yue. But after all, they had an experience of forming a team, and they can barely accept it.

Two people in the car waiting for a moment, the death of the train slowly into the station, then the door to both sides open.

When ye Cha and ye Yue walk into the platform, ye Cha also doesn't see the surviving human beings in other carriages. Ye Cha's conjecture is indeed the same as his conjecture in the city of ice and snow. The arrival time of the crew and human beings in other carriages should not be deliberately staggered.

Looked up at the sky, overcast, iron city platform is an open platform, you can directly see the distant high-rise buildings.

Excluding many characteristics of prison, the city of iron wall is actually a prosperous metropolis of considerable scale.

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