death train

Chapter 364

Three days later, Gan Lin took the lead to return to the death train, which was equivalent to announcing the battle of the carriage, with the victory of No. 1 death carriage as the end.

Then the members of the No. 1 death carriage returned to the death train one after another, and the loss was quite tragic. Only nine people were left. However, those who ye Cha was relatively familiar with were still alive.

However, with such a large number of people, I'm afraid we'll have to start the war of death again soon.

Meanwhile, the death train is about to start again.

"The death train will arrive in ghost jungle in three hours."

"Release task 1: collect three kinds of blood."

"Release task 2: collect heat zombie virus."

"Release mission 3: find CommScope's plane crash and find x antidote from it."

"In the three tasks, we must successfully get three kinds of blood before we can board the death train again."

"Two of the three tasks will receive special rewards."

"Three of the three tasks will be awarded special rewards and personal car use rights."

"Steward task 1: Rob and kill CommScope's escort team and get the new plant virus antidote."

"Crew task 2: kill CommScope's escort team and escort Dr. Adams malhughes to the death train."

"The cars entering the ghost jungle are: Car 31, car 32, car 111, car 113."

Mysterious voice sounded, announced the purpose of the next stop.

Ye Cha frowned a little. In the previous life, ye Cha had never arrived at the ghost jungle.

However, this is not a big problem. Even if he has never been to a place in his last life, yecha firmly believes that his strength is enough to cope with it, which is nothing more than the loss of some advantages.

Moreover, as a steward, ye Cha's current tasks are not the same as those of the first life. The advantages brought by the memory of the last life are not so obvious.

Therefore, the most important task is the steward task. The first task is to find a new type of plant virus antidote. Even if it is not the steward task, most of the tasks also need to find items, which is not surprising.

The second task is a little strange. Is it to escort people to the death train?

Ye Cha pondered for a while, then left the car and entered the dining car. He sat in front of the bar and said, "what does it mean to bring people back to the train of death?"

The landlady said with a smile: "literally."

Ye Cha said: "can we bring back the surviving humans of the non death train to the death train?"

The landlady said, "if you are allowed to board the car, of course you can. If you are not allowed to board the car, of course you can't. since you have a task, of course you belong to the rules."

Ye Cha said: "if the other party doesn't want to go with me?"

The landlady said with a smile, "I don't think this question is meaningful, is it?"

has the final say, and he really said a nonsense, would he be willing to go with him? That's not the other party's final say, but the one who has the final say, is the other party unwilling to take the person away?

The landlady continued: "besides, I don't think you should have so many questions. You've never done it before. You should be handy."

The leaf Cha Leng for a while, then return to taste to come a way: "that little girl now how?"

Speaking of bringing people back to the death train, ye Cha did bring back a little girl, who was known as "human hope".

The landlady said: "your task is over. It's not your business. Just do your own business well. The more you do, the stronger you will be. The longer you can live in this bad era. It's so simple."

As she said this, she took out her water pipe and took a deep breath.

"What if, I tell you, that little girl is dead?" The landlady said with a smile: "you would have given up the trial task and not brought her back?"

Ye Cha said: "no, life is very valuable, but the premise is your own life."

Landlady way: "person is alive, always involuntarily."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "I see. Goodbye."

Ye Cha left the dining car and took a rest in his own car. Three hours was not a long time. After a while of sleep, ye Cha saw that the time was almost up. He pushed the door open again and entered the empty independent car.

About five minutes later, a second steward appeared in the independent carriage, a tall, blonde foreigner.

"I'm Jarvis." The foreigner was more friendly. He was different from Gao Hongming, who had met before. He said with a smile, "it seems to be the first time we met. What do you call it?"

Ye Cha said, "Ye cha."

Ye Cha is very cold. He will not reduce his vigilance just because of the friendly attitude of the other party. Besides, whether he is friendly or not is not decided by his expression and words.

Even the closest brothers and lovers may betray in the end. Why can't this kind of friendly attitude be disguised?Jarvis said a few words to Ye Cha again, which car he came from, what he thought of the mission, etc. but this guy was not a fool. He soon saw that ye Cha was not interested in making a conversation at all, so he left his mouth in embarrassment and said no more.

About five minutes before arriving at the platform, the door opened again and a woman came in smiling.

The leaf Cha frowns a way: "how is you!"

Gan Lin said with a smile: "I'm also surprised to see you here. It turns out that you are not of the same level as us. You have become a steward."

The leaf Cha pondered for a while, then fierce stare big eyes way: "so it is!"

When arriving at the city of iron wall, ye Yue had analyzed with Ye Cha according to the bad conditions of the carriage campaign and the directivity of the task. It is very likely that someone has got the chance to become a steward, or is already conducting a steward assessment.

Ye Cha is noncommittal about this. He has been a steward for a short time and is not clear about some of the gateways.

But ye Yue is no doubt a veteran, so her analysis is very reliable, but the people they thought of at that time were Nan Junxian.

Now it seems that ye Cha and ye Yue are both wrong. It's Gan Lin who gets the chance to become a steward or is conducting the assessment of a steward.

Ye Cha said: "No.1 death carriage won the battle of carriage. You found the star mould, so you became a steward? Or, in fact, you have another crew assessment task, which is just related to the carriage campaign? "

Gan Lin said: "this is the assessment of flight attendants."

Ye Cha picked his eyebrows and said, "Oh?"

Gan Lin said: "if I win the carriage campaign and perform well, I will get the opportunity to participate in the assessment of the crew. After completing this task, I will officially pass the assessment and become a crew member."

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