death train

Chapter 365

Ye Cha frowned, and the process seemed different from his own.

However, it's not very strange. It seems that I got the invitation after killing Li Xuanhe. There should be some compensation in it.

In any case, it seems that the assessment of flight attendants is not purely based on strength. In my previous life, I was a king level master, and I didn't receive the assessment invitation from flight attendants.

At the same time, ye Cha and ye Yue also talked in private. Ye Yue was invited to the stewardess examination very early, because she was a rare super human, but ye Yue was not strong at that time.

What's the reason Gan Lin was invited? How to seduce men?

Therefore, it seems that there is no qualitative analysis of the invitation to the steward assessment. It seems that everyone is invited for different reasons.

At this time, Gan Lin continued: "because of you, the No. 1 death car won, and I performed well. Of course, as you said, I found the star mold, which means I helped the whole car to complete the task and performed well, so I got the assessment opportunity."

Leaf Cha swept Gan Lin one eye way: "pour is to despise you."

Gan Lingtian said with a smile, "but I'm not a formal steward yet. It depends on the task of the steward. I have to rely on your help."

The leaf Cha disdains a way: "this kind of trick or take to seduce others, speaking of useless to me."

Gan Lin said: "it's not temptation. The crew's tasks are common. Shouldn't we help each other?"

Ye Cha left his mouth toward Jarvis and said, "you can find him. I'm not interested in working with you."

Gan Lin made a pitiful expression and said, "it's really heartless."

Leaf Cha peeps out the color of scorn, no longer take care of Gan Lin.

At the same time, the speed of the death train is gradually slowing down and has entered the platform.

A moment later, the door opened.

This is a very magical open-air platform, where you can see the towering tropical plants. The death train platform appears in the dense forest strangely, with no village in front and no shop behind.

Ye Cha put on his backpack and went out.

"Wait a minute." Ganlin called out yecha, then came up with Jarvis and said, "are you sure you want to do it?"

Ye Cha said, "I always do that, don't I?"

Jarvis said: "my friend, I've met a lot of vigilant people, so I understand that you like to act alone. However, we are crew members. Unlike other people, we should cooperate with each other to complete the task and return to the death train."

The leaf Cha way: "then?"

Jarvis was speechless, and he was also helpless about ye Cha's attitude.

Gan Lin said with a smile: "do you know the current situation of ghost jungle? Do you know where to find Dr. malhughes? "

Ye Cha said: "do you know?"

Gan Lin said with a smile: "talk while walking."

Ye Cha doesn't like Ganlin very much. If ye Cha is wary of everyone, then ye Cha is very wary of Ganlin.

Because ye Cha almost witnessed Gan Lin climbing up step by step. Every time we met, Gan Lin made great progress in all aspects. Even, this woman, like herself, wanted to become a steward.

Yecha is very clear that this woman is very dangerous.

However, don't like to return to don't like, if contribute to the task, ye Cha doesn't mind to listen to Gan Lin say what.

The three people walked out of the station side by side, just like before. The time they got off seemed to be staggered with other people. There was no other surviving human in the platform of the death train.

Leaving the platform of the death train and entering the jungle, Ganlin said as she walked, "Dr. Mathews is an employee of CommScope, but after the end, he betrayed CommScope."

Ye Cha said, "why?"

Gan Lin said: "deep in the jungle, CommScope built an experimental base. Before the end of the world, it was used to extract various plant elements and make health care products. After the end of the world, it mainly studied the source of plant virus and plant virus mutation."

Yecha shrugs his shoulders. It's not unusual. CommScope has been studying zombies.

Ganlin continued: "what Dr. malhughes wanted to study was the antidote, but the fact is that CommScope cheated him. The experiment was mainly about making plant zombies that can be controlled by human beings."

Ye Cha said: "what if you can control zombies?"

Ganlin said: "it will have a strong fighting power. If CommScope has the means to control the zombies, when the end of the world is over, they will be the overlord and the only dictator in the world."

Ye Cha said contemptuously: "do you think the end of the world can be ended?"

Gan Lin said, "why not? Although zombies are rampant, in addition to the death train, there are still many surviving human beings who have found a resting place all over the world. Moreover, the antidote has not been successfully made, but it can not be mass produced. Most of the antidotes are targeted and can not keep up with the speed of virus mutation, but it does not mean there is no hope. ""Cough!" Jarvis coughed softly: "let's get down to business."

Ganlin continued: "malhughes betrayed CommScope. He contacted a survivor human camp called new hope to meet him. He escaped from CommScope's experimental base and took the X virus antidote and the new plant virus antidote."

"Since CommScope wants to control and use plant zombies, it certainly does not allow the antidote of plant virus to spread, otherwise, as long as the antidote spreads, their research will be in vain," javis said

Yecha said: "so, CommScope is sending people to pursue him?"

"Yes, in fact, in CommScope's plan, the first goal is the new hope survivor human camp. They plan to attack and control the survivors to work for them. If the survivor human camp has antidotes, plant zombies are useless," Ganlin said

Javis said: "it's none of our business. What they study, what they want to do with their research results, fighting with each other, it's none of our business. We take things back to the death train is the key."

Yecha said: "well, our competitors are people from CommScope?"

Ganlin said: "it's not clear. The time line I can determine is that Dr. malhughes escaped from the experimental base. It's not clear whether he is being escorted back to the survivors' human camp or is being intercepted by the team of CommScope and escorted back to the experimental base."

Jarvis said, "so, we are actually a third party force, fighting not only with the human settlement of survivors, but also with CommScope?"

Gan Lin said, "it is true."

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