death train

Chapter 382


Ye Cha cut the throat of the dragon warrior with a knife, then stopped his body with a sliding step.


Ye Cha's thunder cut two raptors in a row, which made the leader of the Raptors realize that it was not good. Ye Cha seems to be much better than the two men who ran away before, and they can't deal with it easily.

The leaf Cha is to sneer a way: "withdraw? Do I allow you to withdraw? "

Boom, boom!

The ground suddenly vibrated, and then cracked a huge crack, half of the body of corpse flower suddenly gushed out from the bottom of the ground.

Those Raptors can't help but be stunned, and then they look happy. Is this support coming?

You know, the base in this jungle mainly studies plant virus and corpse flower cultivation.

But at this moment, a vine suddenly stabbed forward. Before a raptor could react, his body was stabbed in the opposite direction, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and then his eyes fell to the ground slowly.

The other Raptors immediately understood that the corpse flower was not on their own side.

Ye Cha said: "stop them, none of them can run."

The vine of corpse flower immediately danced and opened to both sides, forming a circular wall that surrounded everyone.

The leader of the Raptors team whispered again, "come out with me."

The remaining three of the Raptors gathered together and rushed to the vine wall, intending to force a gap.

However, after the corpse flower enters the mature stage, with the growth, the vines are more and more, more and more robust. The vines that make the vine wall are not all the vines of corpse flower.

When the three Raptors rushed forward, two vines came out of the wall and swept away. The three Raptors were swept to the ground.

The next moment, corpse flower petals open, a green poison fog was spewed out.

Two Raptors rolled to the side to avoid the past, only the man in the middle was left. His reaction was a little slower, and he was immediately attacked by the poison.


When the venom fell on the Raptor soldier, the Raptor soldier immediately screamed loudly. His body kept twisting and rushing. Then at the speed visible to the naked eye, the flesh and blood of the Raptor soldier began to dissolve and soon became a pile of bones.

The remaining two Raptors gasped, but they didn't wait to respond. Ye Cha's voice came from behind and said, "be honest, you can die happily."

The two Raptors immediately turned around.

Snake bite!

The leaf Cha is also in this instant to probe hand but come out, directly a pinched a dragon warrior's neck, immediately fierce of a dint.


The sound of the crack of the bone sounded, and the head of the Raptor tilted to one side, and his body fell to the ground.

Ye Cha went to the last one: "you're the only one left. Do you want to resist?"

The Raptor stirred his throat, looked frightened, and kept retreating.

Also at this time, two corpse flower vines suddenly came out of the ground and entangled the ankles of the dragon warrior.


In the corpse flower with vines entangled each other's moment, leaf brake forward sword.

The blood Dragon Sword brought out a touch of blood light. After sweeping the opponent's throat, it left a blood line, and the Raptor fell to the ground.

The leaf Cha beat to ring a finger, a vine intimate of roam to come over to rub the cheek of leaf Cha, then corpse flower then sink into the ground again.

"Man, you are so good." At this time, a voice rang out behind the leaf brake and said, "I heard the movement and ran back to have a look. It's really right. Hey, how about forming a team?"

Leaf Cha Cu eyebrow, turn head to see go, unexpectedly is two people who ran away before ran back again.

Both of them were in their twenties. One of them came forward and said with a smile, "we are not as good as you, but we should not delay."

Ye Cha sighed, and then said, "you shouldn't have come back."

That person leng next way: "what?"

"I said, you shouldn't have come back." Poof, when the other party came to yecha, yecha suddenly put out his sword, pierced the other party's chest and said: "because, I don't want to stay alive!"

The man looked at the blood dragon sword on his chest, then roared, and smashed his fist at Ye Cha's head.

That person's fist is not ordinary, it seems to be ability or skill, a blow out, the wind roaring, the fist even with a seeming light.

However, ye Cha didn't give him a chance to hit him.

The shoulder of the leaf Cha left and right in a flash, then suddenly disappear, appear again of time, already arrived the other side's behind.


The Alaskan whaling fork thrust out, straight into the opponent's back neck, and then through the throat.The rest of them had a name for themselves. They fought with the Raptors for a long time. In the end, although they killed six people, they could only escape. Besides, they were still injured because they fought with the Raptors.

Looking at Ye Cha, we can easily solve the remaining six raptors. The strength of both sides is not at the same level. Originally, it was two to one, but ye Cha said that he would fight, and the thunder would kill one. How can we fight?

The man who ran away was very fast. He didn't know what skill or ability he used. He was not inferior to Ye Cha's son of wind. He surprised Ye cha.



The ground suddenly split, the vine of corpse flower suddenly appeared again, sneaked into each other from the bottom of the ground, directly stabbed into each other's legs, the man staggered and fell to the ground.

If you don't want to kill others, I won't go with you

Ye Cha repeated: "I said, you shouldn't have come back."

As ye Cha said, he raised the blood dragon sword and stabbed it directly into the other party's throat.

After confirming that the two were dead, ye Cha walked back to the body of a raptor.

Can flight attendants kill people in ordinary cars?

The answer to the death train is that it doesn't matter whether it can or can't. this one is not in the rules. It means that you can kill if you want to. You can't kill if you don't want to. Anyway, there are no sequelae after killing. Of course, there are no Apocalypse rewards.

Even if ye Cha killed two people, the mysterious voice did not appear.

Of course, killing Nan Junxian last time was a special case, because the death train was named to kill him.

Soon, ye Cha took off his clothes and equipment from the Raptors, and then changed them quickly.

This is why Ye Cha doesn't plan to leave any living. Ye Cha plans to pretend to be a dragon warrior. Of course, he doesn't want anyone to see it.

The two surviving humans from the death train may not be foolishly running to expose yecha, but as long as they are seen, there are sequelae.

For his own small life, the leaf brake does not allow any mistakes, even if there is the possibility of mistakes.

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