death train

Chapter 383

Ye chalisuo changed his clothes and equipment. Except for his backpack, ye chalisuo now looks no different from the general raptors.

In fact, it's more convenient for yecha to pretend to be a raptor. It's the medicine extracted from zombie virus. The basic change is strength. Yecha's current strength is much greater than that of other raptors.

Quickly through the jungle, leaf brake with memory began to go, about an hour's walk.


Suddenly, a shout rang out, and then two figures stood up in the Bush and pointed the gun at the leaf brake.

The other side had a camouflage suit on his body and painted oil on his face. He couldn't see clearly, but ye Cha could be sure that he was a dragon warrior.

The metal backpack of the dragon warrior is really easy to recognize, although the other side has painted the metal backpack in camouflage color.

"My own people." Ye Cha quickly raised his hand, indicating that he had no weapon in his hand, and then said, "I'm from other teams."

A Tianlong soldier came out of the Bush and wondered, "are the people of Xiaolong also in the war?"

Ye Cha said: "I'm from the Raptors team."

The other side immediately showed the color of vigilance and pointed the muzzle of the gun at Ye Cha again, saying: "where does the Raptor come from?"

Ye Cha said: "three generations of immigrants, I'm really a member of the dragon team."

As ye Cha said this, he went to a tree and pinched it directly. The tree was crushed by Ye cha. Even with Ye Cha's constant exertion, the tree even turned into powder.

With the help of the personal quality of the Raptors, the only thing the Raptors can do is not let the other side off guard.

But the other side is still vigilant: "your team number?"

Ye Cha said: "No. 00892, the seventh team and the fifth team of Luoshan base."

The other side says again: "certificate?"

Ye Cha shook his head and said, "I fell into the river during the battle. Our team was completely destroyed. Only I survived."

Ye Cha had obviously done some Kung Fu. He had checked the documents of the corpses and some characteristics of the Raptors, and he had already thought about his words.

Obviously, the other side still had doubts. Yecha said again, "if you don't believe me, I'll take you to the fighting place, and the body is still there."

The other side didn't answer, but first let his companion check to make sure whether the number reported by Ye Cha took part in the war. After getting a definite reply, he put down the gun.

"I'm laketo, 19887, the leader of the first and second team of TX base." The other side came to yecha and said, "who are you fighting with? Are survivors human camps

Ye Cha said: "I'm not sure. It's not like the survivors' human camp. It seems that there has been a mutation in their bodies. One is extremely fast, one has a fist that can release light, and the other has a dogleg knife with great power."

Ye Cha said as he took down a small instrument from his waist.

Ye Cha said: "this is my recorder, you can see for yourself."

Recorders are essential items for recording battles, so that when other people find bodies, they can determine the situation through recorded videos.

Of course, the recorder must not belong to yecha, but it was picked off from the corpse. But the corpse has been disposed of by yecha. Even if you go to the scene to look for it, the corpse and the recorder can be matched.

Lector turned on the recorder, looked at it, nodded and said, "I'll report to my superiors. You can follow us for a while."

Ye Cha said: "I'm sorry, I have to go to the base immediately. I found a very precious item on the other party. I need to go back to the base immediately and give it to the researcher for verification."

The leaf Cha side says, the side takes out a test tube from the bosom, inside flowing green liquid.

The test tube is genuine, and the contents are also genuine, but it has nothing to do with CommScope. It's anti-virus cells, just the booty of yecha.

Lector was stunned, and then said, "I'll send two people back with you."

Ye Cha almost vomited blood. Do you want to be so enthusiastic?

Lector immediately called for the two men, then thought about it, and said directly: "next, under the command of Seth, I'll go back to the base."

Ye Cha is more speechless. Is this guy still fighting in person?

"All right." A fierce color flashed in Ye Cha's eyes, and he said in his heart, "if you want to die yourself, don't blame me for being cruel."

Leiketuo seems to be very organized. First, he sent two people to the place yecha said to collect the corpse. On the one hand, he verified whether yecha's words were true, and on the other hand, he recycled the equipment.

Finally, in laketo's view, the three surviving human beings who died from the death train, even if they become corpses, have research value.

Then raiktor arranged for others to continue to lurk in the jungle, and escorted yecha to the base with two Tianlong soldiers."Did you call air support?" lector said as he walked

Ye Cha said, "I called, but I didn't respond."

Lector nodded, picked up the walkie talkie and called for a helicopter to take them back to the base, but there was no response from the walkie talkie.

Yecha was relieved that a lie could never be 100% perfect. Fortunately, he was lucky. If ractor called the helicopter, he would be suspicious again.

After putting down his walkie talkie, lector said helplessly, "it seems that we can only walk. The signal in the jungle is too bad."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "my physical strength is OK."

Lector said with a smile: "everyone knows that you Raptors are strong. Let's go and speed up."

As he spoke, he motioned to the other two dragon warriors. The three men pulled out the metal tube from the metal backpack, lifted their hair and inserted it into their back heads.

"After all, you've just been through a fight. If you can't keep up or feel tired, just tell me that you don't need strong support," said lector

Ye Cha nodded.

At the same time, the speed of the three rickettos after connecting with the power core has more than doubled obviously. However, the ability of the blade brake to be the son of the wind can easily keep up with it.

It's about three or four days' journey from where they are to the base of CommScope.

But this journey is the normal time to go. At their speed, they can arrive in two days.

At the same time, another advantage is that lector can call other teams around to help clear the zombies in the way, so that the speed is improved.

Yecha wanted to solve the problem immediately, but he was not in a hurry now. Moreover, he was a fake, but he was a real one. He could still rely on him to pass smoothly when he met with the interrogation on the road.

Until they get closer to CommScope's base.

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