death train

Chapter 385

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up and said, "give it to me."

"Sorry." Ye Cha immediately covered the potion and said, "I have contacted the headquarters, and they asked me to give things to the top person in charge of the base."

The middle-aged man frowned, hesitated for a moment and said, "come in with me."

After entering the base, those Tianlong soldiers did not disperse, but always followed and watched out.

Yecha didn't know how many armed forces there were in the base. He didn't pay attention to the first team of Tianlong soldiers, but if there were too many, yecha couldn't stand it.

What's more, there should be high-tech defensive measures in the base. Yecha still hopes to muddle through first.

The middle-aged man took the leaf brake to enter a building, and soon took the leaf brake into an independent office. The furnishings were very simple, with tables, chairs and a row of cabinets.

Behind the table sat an old man about sixty years old, but the years did not make him weak.

On the contrary, the old man looks very tough.

One eye, with a black eye mask, about 180 tall, very strong, with obvious muscle contour, the momentum of the body is extraordinary, there is a kind of killing bloody feeling.

Yecha understands this feeling. Everyone on the train of death has this feeling.

This is the feeling that people who have killed people, or even killed a lot of people, and wandered in front of the gate of death can have.

But is such a person in charge of the base?

The color of doubt flashed in Ye Cha's head, but he soon understood that the person in charge was managing the operation of the base, and he didn't have to be a researcher.

The middle-aged man said, "Mr. Redmond, a member of the Raptors team, he has something important to see you."

The old man raised his head and looked at Ye cha.

Ye Cha immediately sent the medicine to the past, and then said the previous words again.

Redmond pondered for a moment, handed the test tube to the middle-aged man, and said, "immediately arrange for people to analyze the ingredients and figure out the effect of the medicine."

The middle-aged man nodded his head and immediately left with the medicine. It can be seen that he was mainly responsible for the base research and had obvious curiosity about the medicine.

Redmond then looked at Ye Cha and said: "I am deeply sorry for the death of your team. Now that I have returned to the base, I don't want to enter the jungle any more. Let's have a rest."

Ye Cha immediately said, "thank you very much."

Redmond nodded and said to the dragon warrior, "find a spare room and take him to rest."

Those Tianlong soldiers take orders and leave with Ye cha.

After ye Cha left, Redmond picked up the phone on the desk and dialed, and then said, "help me check if there are Asian members in the Dragon Team numbered 00892. No, you can send me all the members."

Ye Cha was taken to a room by the dragon warrior. It was very small and only had a bed.

A dragon warrior said: "turn left at the end of the corridor, and then turn right at the end to find the canteen. If you are hungry, go there and find something to eat."

Ye Cha said with a smile, "OK, thank you."

Those Tianlong soldiers left quickly, and ye Cha lay directly on the bed.

What's the reason for ye Cha to mix into CommScope's base?

Of course, it's for the corpse flower, not the one cultivated by ourselves, but the corpse flower cultivated in CommScope's base.

According to Ye Cha's information, CommScope wants to use the corpse flower to deal with Gao Fei. In this case, why can't it be used by itself?

From the perspective of yesha, it is absolutely a good thing for yesha that the survivors' human camp has to pinch each other with CommScope.

However, no matter who wins, it's not a good thing for yecha. The best result is to lose both sides.

But now it's clear that the survivor human camp is dominant.

On the one hand, Dr. malhughes has fallen into the human camp of the survivors; on the other hand, although there are many people, CommScope can't deal with Gao Fei, because Dr. malhughes has sealed the killer corpse flower.

Ye Cha didn't want to see this situation. Neither the Tianlong team nor the Raptors team directly attacked the survivors' human camp. The reason is obvious, because they couldn't fight Gao Fei.

How can ye Cha fish in troubled waters without fighting on both sides?

Therefore, this situation must be broken. Yecha's purpose is to make the corpse flowers in the base active. But yecha doesn't want to help CommScope. Yecha wants to make the corpse flowers in the base for his own use.

In this way, they have the capital to fight against goofy, and at the same time, they kick CommScope out of the game. Without the corpse, there are only raptors and Tianlong teams left, and CommScope will not be able to fight unless they can take out more powerful weapons.

There is another reason.

If the corpse flower in CommScope's base can deal with Gao Fei, it means that the corpse flower has been cultivated to a certain extent. Yecha even dares to guarantee that it is absolutely the whole corpse flower.

If the lower level of mature corpse flower, the corpse flower in Ye Cha's hand is, it can't compete with Gao Fei at all.Therefore, for ye Cha, this is not only to complete the task, but also a good opportunity to make his corpse flower stronger.

You know, corpse flower has the ability to swallow.

The growth of corpse flower depends entirely on swallowing other species to get nutrients, just like yecha used ancient corpses to feed corpse flower.

So, if there is no feeding of the leaf brake? Corpse flower itself will hunt, then swallow, grow, and corpse flower is really not pick, what kind of things can become its nutrients, just to provide more or less nutrients.

This includes the same kind.

On the surface, it seems a bit whimsical for ye Cha to let a mature corpse flower devour all the corpse flowers. It's not bad if it doesn't become the nutrient of each other.

However, the corpse was not sealed by Dr. malhughes. This is a great opportunity for yecha.

However, everything has to be tried before we know.

Second, we have to wait until night.

At present, there are people walking around in the Research Institute, which is not convenient for the leaf brake.

But ye Cha didn't need to wait too long. When he arrived at the base, it was evening, and it wasn't long before night.

After a short rest, ye Cha went to the canteen to find something to eat. At the same time, ye Cha also made some inquiries.

My current building seems to be for research and office use.

On the side of the building is a weapons warehouse, where weapons are stacked. On the other side is a material warehouse. The whole building is a huge cold storage, which is filled with frozen food for long-term preservation.

In this way, there are only two buildings left.

One of the buildings is very small, about the size of a basketball court and a half. Although I don't know what it is for, it should not hold the corpse flowers.

That leaves the last building.

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