death train

Chapter 386

At night, the wind is cool.

Ye Cha calculated the time. At about 3 or 4 o'clock in the middle of the night, ye Cha suddenly turned over from the bed, then left the room and sneaked out of the building.

It's not a random time period. 3 or 4 o'clock is the most sleepy time for people. People who stay up late know that this time period is the most tired. On the contrary, when they spend this time, they will feel more energetic when they stay up to 5 or 6 o'clock.

Therefore, people in this period sleep the most, and it is also the best time for ye Cha to act.

There are still people standing guard and patrolling in the base, but the number is not very large. In fact, if it is not an extraordinary period, no one is needed to stand guard and patrol in the base.

As long as the zombie virus does not break out inside the base, ordinary animal zombies will not be able to break through the wall of the base. Although the scale of the base is small, the wall is nine meters high, made of armored alloy, and powered on. Unless it is a zombie tide, the number of zombies will have to die.

The leaf brake moves slowly close to the outer wall of the building. There is no place to install cameras outside the building. It can mainly avoid the aerial reconnaissance of sentries and unmanned remote control aircraft.

It has to be said that thanks to the eagle pattern pupil, ye Cha's eyesight is very terrible now.

The vision accuracy enables the brake to accurately capture the target at night, followed by the reduction of cone cells, which can greatly improve the light and dark contrast of things within the visual field of the brake.

If you can accurately grasp the location of the UAV and the sentry, including the movement of the patrol team, ye Cha can easily avoid it.

Most of all, it's windy tonight.

If you don't consider the sound, ye Cha even has the confidence to run from the position not close to three meters in front of the opponent, and the opponent can't see him.

Slowly, ye Cha felt into the building he had set as his goal, and then slipped in quietly.

This surprised yecha, because the gate was a pure physical lock, and there was no high-end authentication and so on.

"Did you guess wrong?"

Ye Cha can't help feeling his head, and then immediately determined that he was right.

This is where the corpse flowers are, because he has seen them.

The building looks like a warehouse, about three or four stories high, but the interior is empty, just like a warehouse.

After entering, ye Cha saw a huge corpse flower.

This corpse flower occupies about three-quarters of the space in the building. It looks like a huge pea vine, with about a dozen branches crisscrossed together.

Moreover, this is not the real size of the corpse flower.

After the corpse flower grows up, it will not completely expose its body to the earth's surface. Generally, it is only half of its body, or even only one third of its body is outside the earth's surface.

If you think about it, how huge should this corpse flower be?

At least it's three or four times bigger than the one ye Cha cultivated himself!

At the same time, at the top of the flower, there are three smaller vines, which are about the thickness of a normal male thigh. On the three vines, there are three corpse flowers.

Of course, those three corpse flowers are not all. Ye Cha's corpse flowers are more than three. There are about dozens of corpse flowers on the giant vine of this corpse flower.

But there's nothing special about those corpse flowers, it's not worth mentioning.

Only the three on the vine, the first one is bright red, like the color of blood, hanging below like a pitcher cage, very huge, about three people tall.

The second one is pure white corpse flower. It looks like lily of the valley. It can smell some fragrance.

As for the third one, ye Cha couldn't tell what kind of flower it was.

The diameter of the corpse flower reached five meters. There were three or six layers of petals. There were about hundreds of petals. The edge was pure black, followed by purple and gold. Finally, near the stamens, it turned dark green.

At the same time, there is a circle of big holes in the center of the stamen, the edge is fine, like teeth, and there is a tongue in the center, which is blood red, but not flesh, and some feel like resin.

"Is it..." Ye Cha suddenly eyes a bright way: "this is a variety of plants and plant virus hybrid out of the corpse flower?"

Ye Cha himself is cultivating corpse flower, and he knows about corpse flower quite well. Now he is very happy.

To cultivate a powerful corpse flower, the first way is to start with blood lineage, which yecha does. If you can awaken the blood lineage of ancient plants, corpse flower will become extremely powerful.

The second is hybridization. The corpse flowers created by the mixed virus are relatively powerful, and then they can completely burst out the power of the virus after integrating into various plants.

This point can be seen from the meat tree. That guy is a powerful mutant zombie created by a typical mixed virus.

However, both methods have shortcomings.

The first one is difficult to cultivate, especially in the early stage, we must find the ancient species to feed their blood and flesh to ensure the purity of their blood. But how can the ancient species be so easy to find? In the later stage, even if they are swallowed, they must be powerful mutant zombies.Therefore, if ye Cha took everything to feed the corpse flower, his corpse flower would have grown to full body, how could it still be mature?

As for the second method, the survival rate is low. Mixed virus is very dangerous. If hybridization fails, it will die. A large number of experimental bodies are needed to pile up.

Thinking of the corpse flower in front of me, it is very likely that it is a complete corpse flower from hybridization. Ye Cha hesitated and was excited. He snapped his fingers directly, and the ground cracked, and the vine of corpse flower appeared.

"Go Ye Cha waved his hand and said, "try to swallow this guy."

The corpse flower didn't move, just like it was dead. Ye Cha dared to let his corpse flower swallow it, otherwise he couldn't tell who would swallow it.

And the leaf Cha also estimates, after swallowing this corpse flower, own corpse flower should be able to grow to complete body.

The corpse flower of yecha rolled the vine forward, fell on the other side's vine, and then began to secrete green liquid, and the vine began to slowly dissolve.

Ye Cha was watching, but at this time

"I didn't expect that other people also cultivated corpse flowers." Suddenly, a voice came from behind the leaf brake and said, "are you a survivor of the human camp?"

Ye suddenly turned his head and his pupils suddenly shrank.

At the door, an old man leaned against the wall and was looking at himself jokingly.


The tough looking old man, the person in charge of this base.

Ye Cha's face soon recovered to calm, and then said: "although I didn't think I could hide it for long, I didn't expect that I would be seen through so soon. I should have known that long ago, depending on your appearance?"

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